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General Education Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the general education program, a student will be able to:

  1. Articulate writing strategies, produce written texts, and engage diverse audiences, so as to participate creatively, collaboratively, and critically in their local communities.

  2. Effectively develop and deliver informative and persuasive oral communications, engaging in dialogue and discussions to support the conveyance of meaning and connection with the audience.

  3. Analyze, interpret, and communicate quantitative data using number sense to drive decision making.

  4. Examine and evaluate diverse evidence, concepts, assumptions, and viewpoints.

  5. Define, identify, locate, evaluate, synthesize, and present or demonstrate relevant information.

  6. Apply Marianist values and integrate a global awareness through a project-based learning approach.


Students may take their General Education Capstone once they have completed at least 38 credits of their General Education requirements and have achieved senior standing.