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Course Descriptions


GE 102 World Regional Geography (3)

The purpose of this course is to provide a spatial approach to understanding the complexities of the contemporary human experience around the world. The course examines how social and physical factors that have led to contemporary regional patterns. This course meets the Behavioral Science student learning outcomes: 1) the scientific method and its application; 2) human and cultural diversity; 3) social and individual dynamics; 4) the relationship between the self and the group.

GE 103 Human Geography (3)

This course is designed to provide a basic background in the study of human geography, or the relationship between people and the physical landscape. Geography is the study of space, while human geography is the study of people in physical space. Topics include: changing patterns of land use, migration and interaction; and the cultural logic in environmental degradation.

GE 204 Landscapes of Hawaii (3)

This course is designed to provide a basic introduction into the human and physical environments found in Hawaii. We will examine both past, present and future landscapes in Hawaii with a major emphasis on the interaction between the human and physical conditions. Topics will include; the unique nature of the ecosystems in Hawaii, their fragility and the implications for planning and social change here in Hawaii; spatial aspects of development, tourism and urbanization; and the environmental implications of development.

GE 324 Geography of Tourism (3)

Tourism has grown into one of the major economic and social activities within the last 100 years. In Hawaii more than 8.2 million tourists visited Hawaii in 2013, spending approximately 14.5 billion U.S. dollars. This averaged out to 1 out of 8 people in Hawaii on any day being a tourist (HTA 2014). Tourism geography examines the complex relationship between the stereotype of the tourist destination(s), the tourist as consumer and the impacts of tourism both physically and socially. A portion of the course will be an examination of tourism in Hawaii both with the traditional short-term tourist and evolving forms of the “part-time resident”.
Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101

GE 335 Socio-Cultural Aspects of Design (3)

This course is designed to provide students with a background in cross-cultural aspects of both exterior and interior design. The main emphasis is on the use of space and symbolism as both conscious and subliminal forms of communication within a cultural and ritual context. Topics include: symbolic and cultural templates on the image of the home; geomantic/fend shui logic in exterior and interior layout in different cultures; analysis of how pervasive cultural aspects of design, especially spatial and symbolic, are in all societies; the power and significance of symbols and icons in human habitation. The major areas from which course material is drawn include the Americas (both pre-contact and Euro American), East Asia and the Pacific.
Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101