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Army R.O.T.C. Overview

Military Science Army Reserve Officer Training Corps

A partnership agreement with the University of Hawaii (UH) makes it possible for interested and qualified students at Chaminade to participate in the Military Science Program (Army R.O.T.C.) at the UH-Manoa campus. Credit in this program is granted by Chaminade University and included in the computation of grade point average.

The Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (R.O.T.C.) Program provides college-trained officers with commissions as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army, Hawaii Army National Guard, or U.S. Army Reserve. Officers have an option of being commissioned in a reserve component and pursuing their civilian careers; going on active duty; or receiving an educational delay and earning a graduate or professional degree. Four-year, three-year, and two-year program options are available.

Scholarships of two, three, and four years are available. They provide for 100 percent of tuition and fees, books, laboratory expenses, travel, and 300 dollars to 500 dollars per month for the period of the scholarship. Information and counseling on the R.O.T.C. program are available at the offices of the Military Science Program at the University of Hawaii. They can be reached at the following phone numbers: (808)-956-7766 or (808)-956-7744.

The four-year program is divided into a two-year basic course and a two-year advanced course. For students who enter R.O.T.C. at the beginning of or during their freshman year, this is the traditional program which offers a moderately paced course of military and academic training resulting in completion of R.O.T.C. and award of a commission on graduation day. All basic courses are electives and no military obligations are incurred.

The two-year advanced program can be taken, without taking the basic courses, by attending and completing a four-week summer camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, for which the student receives approximately 600 dollars. Likewise, veterans of all services, three year J.R.O.T.C. graduates, and national guardsmen and reservists may be exempt from the basic course. Should an individual qualify, select, and complete this option, he/she may receive an early commission by the end of the junior year. Students must have four semesters of college work remaining after finishing the basic summer camp or qualify for the exemptions mentioned earlier.

The advanced course includes a four-week summer camp between the junior and senior years at a Mainland military installation. Pay for the advanced course is 650 dollars to 700 dollars per month during the school year and approximately 650 dollars per month at camp. To be eligible for the advanced course, a student must:
1. be a citizen of the United States
2. successfully complete the basic course or its equivalent
3. meet other statutory and regulatory requirements

In addition to the courses outlined above, and summarized in the course descriptions, cadets will be required to meet professional military education requirements prior to graduation and commissioning. These requirements consist of courses in written communication skills, military history, and computer literacy.

The simultaneous membership program allows cadets to participate with, and receive drill pay from, Army Reserve or Hawaii National Guard units as an officer trainee while they complete the Army R.O.T.C. advanced course. This is in addition to the monthly R.O.T.C. living allowance and any GI Bill® educational benefits to which the individual may be entitled.

All students have the opportunity to attend airborne, air assault, and other schools. Women are eligible for the program and comprise 30 percent of the R.O.T.C. corps.