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Mandated Leave Policy


One of Chaminade University’s primary responsibilities is to provide and promote a healthy and safe academic environment for all members of the university community. When a student’s behavior indicates that he or she may endanger the safety of self, others, or the academic environment, the university must take action. In order to assist students in maintaining their health and welfare, the university provides a number of services, including the Counseling Center, Campus Ministry, and Campus Security. The use of these services by students is encouraged so that they may remain healthy and safe. Whenever it becomes clear that a student is behaving in a manner that is not consistent with their emotional or physical well-being, it may become necessary for the university to take action.

Chaminade University takes seriously all threats or behaviors that:

1.      Pose a significant risk to the health, well-being and safety of self or others, or would cause significant property damage, or directly and significantly impede the lawful activities of others, regardless of the degree of lethal means involved or threatened; or

2.      Disturb the educational or residential environment.

In situations where students are in danger, the university’s primary concern is the prevention of harm. When such situations arise, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or designee will immediately evaluate such situations and determine a course of action. As such, if the behavior of a student is judged to be endangering self, another person, and/or property, the university will take steps necessary to prevent this. This may entail removing the student from the university environment through suspension and/or removal from university-managed housing and/or transfer to a different setting, including, where appropriate, the supervision of parents/guardians or the supervision of a hospital.

Behaviors that may require immediate removal or resolutions: threat to self, threat to others, disturbance of the community, alcohol use, drug use, destruction of property, disturbing or bizarre behaviors that disrupt the environment, disturbance of the educational environment, criminal activity, possession of weapons, or other activities so determined by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students.

When the parents or guardians themselves are unable to come to campus within a specific period, they must make arrangements for the student to leave campus within a specific timeframe that provides for the safety of the student between the time she or he leaves campus and reaches an off-campus, agreed-upon location for the student to stay while on leave.


When the university takes action under this policy, the student will be notified in writing of the inappropriate behavior. The student will be temporarily withdrawn from the university and/or campus immediately. The withdrawal will remain effective until the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students and the appropriate university officials reach a final decision regarding the student’s future status with respect to the university. At any time, the student may terminate the process by withdrawing from the university voluntarily. During the evaluation process, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students may require that an assessment be performed by an appropriate professional to determine the student’s mental status and appropriateness for the student to return to the university. Once a student has been removed from the university through the above procedures, it is the student’s financial responsibility to secure safe transportation to their destination.


If a student is removed from campus voluntarily or involuntarily, his or her return will be determined based upon the information available. In order to better assess his or her state, the following may be required:

·       An evaluation and assessment by an appropriately trained and licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or physician. The university may request to speak with the professional conducting the evaluation and/or assessment.

·       A treatment program having been followed and documented by an appropriately trained and licensed health professional.

·       An evaluation that clearly indicates that a student is able to return to an academic environment safely.

·       An evaluation that clearly indicates that a student is able to live in an academic community building.

·       Mandated check-ins with designated university staff.

In order to determine the student’s eligibility to return, it will be necessary for the student to submit the required assessments to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students. The assessments will be shared with and reviewed by the appropriate university official(s).

If it is determined that a student may return to campus, doing so will be contingent upon agreeing to and complying with any stipulations by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students. In addition, return will be contingent upon agreeing to and adhering to any treatment regimen prescribed by a health professional.

Failure to strictly adhere to the required stipulations may result in:

·       Removal from university housing,

·       Suspension from the university,

·       Restriction from the university campus, or

·       Expulsion from the university.


Refunds will be determined by the University refund policy contained in this handbook.