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Program Advisors: Dr. Mitch Yamasaki and Dr. Frank Bailey

Historical and Political Studies Mission Statement

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Historical and Political Studies is designed to educate the whole person in the Marianist tradition and to prepare them for careers in law, government and education.

History employs chronology to understand change and continuity, as well as cause and effect, in human communities. Political Science studies the ways people create and use government. Historical and Political Studies prepares students for careers in law, government and education. The program promotes intellectual, social and personal growth in the liberal arts tradition. It is also committed to the civic and moral development of students in the Marianist tradition. The program pays special attention to multi-cultural perspectives of Pacific and Asian communities, as well as those of minority groups within the United States.


Individual Course Assessment

Individual progress through a course is assessed by at least two processes. First, faculty may use a pre-test during the first class session and a post-test during the last class session, or they may embed their assessment activities within the class activities and exams. Questions are constructed to cover the areas listed in the course syllabus for which the student should be able to demonstrate competence. The second mechanism of testing is more traditional, with regular quizzes and a final examination and/or final major paper. A variety of formats for written exams may be used including both objective and essay exams.

Program Assessment (Cumulative)

Program student learning outcomes are assessed individually in specific course work (student course learning outcomes) and cumulatively in the capstone course HI/POL 494 Research Seminar.

Course Description of HI/POL 494 Research Seminar (Capstone Course)

This is a capstone course that explores the core principles and methodologies of historical and political studies. It also monitors the students’ career preparation. In this course, the student will conduct research in history or political science (learning outcome 4). Utilizing this research, the student will write a research paper and present it in class (learning outcome 4). The research paper written by the student will incorporate the following principles and methodologies: understanding change, continuity and causality (learning outcome 1), comprehension of the workings of politics and governance (learning outcome) 2) awareness of perspectives and interpretations (learning outcome 3). During the course, the instructor will review the progress of each student in preparing for his or her career (learning outcome 5).