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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Interdisciplinary Studies Requirements

Program Requirements:

Together, the student and advisor outline a program of studies according to the student’s individual interests and objectives. Through this degree program, a student may pursue, for example, a concentration in American Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Hawaiian Studies, Pacific Island Studies, or Education. They may develop a thematic course of study dealing with issues and ideas such as justice, development or human rights, or look at the contribution of the arts to society and notions of culture.

Students, with the consultation of their advisor, must submit a degree plan consistent with the program learning outcomes for approval to the Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts. Faculty who agree to direct the student’s program of study are required to submit an assessment plan for the program of study and provide data to the program advisors so that program assessment can be completed.

Pre-Major Requirements (33 credits):

All majors must complete the following pre-major requirements:

  • English Literature (3 credits): EN 200-level

  • History (6 credits): Any 100 to 200 level course

  • Fine and Performing Arts (6 credits): AR 201 or 202; and PAR 100 to 200 level

  • Philosophy (3 credits): PH 100, 103, or 105

  • Religion (3 credits): RE 103, 205, or 211

  • Behavioral Sciences (6 credits): choose two courses from SO 200, AN 200, and PSY 101

  • Environmental Studies (3 credits): ENV 100

  • Political Science (3 credits): POL 111

Note: Students will concurrently complete 21 credits of General Education.

Major Requirements:

The student is required to complete a minimum of 36 credits of upper division courses in disciplines related to the area of concentration, to include three semester hours of directed research in a topic chosen in consultation with the program advisor.

The program shall include:

  • A minimum of 12 credit hours of study in a single discipline organized around a specific theme or concentration articulated in the student’s degree plan.

  • A minimum of 18 credit hours of study in other disciplines that support development of research and knowledge of the specific theme or concentration.

  • A minimum of six credit hours of senior research and completion of a senior thesis (see HU 494 and HU 498 below) on a related topic in consultation with the student’s research advisor. The senior thesis will be read by the research advisor and one other faculty member.

A program in Asian Studies, for example, might include language studies, anthropology courses examining Asian cultures  and behavior (12 credits), courses in Asian history, philosophy and religions, sociology courses examining race and ethnic relations and Asian cultures in the United States (totaling 18 credits), directed research (3 credits), and senior thesis writing (3 credits).

Major Requirements for the Education Emphasis

The student is required to complete a minimum of 36 credits of upper division courses in disciplines related to the area of concentration, to include three semester hours of directed research in a topic chosen in consultation with the program advisor.

This program area of concentration shall include:

  • A minimum of 30 credit hours of study in education in the student’s degree plan.

  • A minimum of six credit hours of senior research and completion of a senior thesis (see HU 494 and HU 498 below) on a related topic in consultation with the student’s research advisor. The senior thesis will be read by the research advisor and one other faculty member.