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Course Descriptions


AN 200 Cultural Anthropology (3)

This course looks at human groups, with the major goal of developing a greater awareness of the role of culture in human experience. Specifically the course is intended to help each of us to gain greater awareness of our own implicit assumptions, beliefs and values with the goal of developing a greater and more sympathetic appreciation of alternative ways of looking at and relating to the world. Concepts covered include the nature of culture; basic concepts and principles for analyzing cultural behavior; relation of culture to society and individual; cultural patterns, integration, and dynamics, theories relating to culture; cultural stability and change.

English 102 and Communication 101 are prerequisites for all upper division courses.

AN 327 Career Development in the Behavioral Sciences (3)

This course examines vocational values, interests, and aptitudes in the identification and development of a career in the Behavior Sciences, specifically Behavioral Sciences programs, Criminal Justice, Anthropology, and Psychology. The vital role of a student’s academic background is explored relative to creating a goodness-of-fit between the student and the world of work. Students will be introduced to career guidance programs, develop a career personality profile, generate a career road map, and investigate/utilize career development tools and techniques. A broad spectrum of resources will be explored against the backdrop of local, national, and international job market trends, and the goals, interests and abilities of the job seeker.
Prerequisites: AN 200, PSY 101, or SO 200, EN 102, COM 101

AN 340 Contemporary Peoples of Hawaii (3)

This course is designed to assist the student in developing an appreciation for the cultural diversity of contemporary Hawaii. This includes increased knowledge of the historical and contemporary inter-group dynamics that allow for multiethnic coexistence. Topics will include: the unique mixing process that melds different ethnic groups into a new and distinctive local culture; the stereotyping process and its operational impact on interpersonal relations; conflicting cultural value systems; and the process of adaptation and adjustment.
Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101

AN 341 Virtual Worlds, Digital Realities (3)

The subtitle for this course is “The Social Impacts of the Digital Revolution. It is an examination of the complex and varied impacts of our move into a digitized world. From an anthropological perspective we will examine many of the key technologies that have changed social interaction and personal identity, along with several that appear poised to make dramatic social change in the next decade. We will move through different areas of digital reality, specifically focusing on the aspects of: 1) communication technologies (including smartphones and tablets); 2) social media; 3) computer-based structured social environments (such as World of Warcraft, Everquest, and Eve Online); 4) unstructured virtual worlds (such as Second Life). A central theme throughout the course will be the ways in which digital media have been modified by cultural norms in different societies.
Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101

AN 350 Cultures of Oceania (3)

The goal of this class is to develop an understanding and awareness of the island Pacific and the peoples that inhabit the areas of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Anthropological approaches will be used to look at traditional cultures, contemporary social issues and to predict future problems in the area along with possible solutions. Topics covered will include: migration; regional patters of social organizations; issues of land tenure; and the effects of contact with Western society.
Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101

AN 357 East Asian Societies (3)

This course consists of an examination of traditional and contemporary Japanese and Chinese societies. This course emphasis is on the traditional societies and the process of cultural change. Topics will include: the importance of examining past cultural history when interpreting contemporary societies; how patters of social ritual reinforce social relationships; how culture defines social behavior; To provide some understanding about the world’s single largest population group (at over one fifth of the world’s population) and the tremendous cultural differences within the term East Asian.
Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101

AN 480 Special Topics (1 to 4)

Selected topics in anthropology to be announced. Past offerings include Contemporary American Cultures and the summer Archaeology Field School.

AN 487 Internship (3)

This course is composed of fieldwork in a community services agency. Students will demonstrate an understanding of: 1) the scientific method and its application; 2) human and cultural diversity; 3) social and individual dynamics; 4) the relationship between the self and the group. 
Prerequisites: AN 200, junior or senior status, EN 102, COM 101

AN 494 Senior Thesis Research (3)

Students will design a research project in the area of their interest and gather data for their senior thesis.
Prerequisites: AN 317 and senior standing in behavioral sciences, EN 102, COM 101

AN 498 Senior Thesis Writing (1)

Students pursuing a concentration in sociology will prepare a thesis incorporating theory, methodology, and data gathered in AN 494.
Prerequisites: AN 494 , senior standing in behavioral sciences, EN 102, COM 101