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Letter grades are given in all courses except those conducted on a credit/no credit basis. Grades are calculated from the student’s daily work, class participation, quizzes, tests, term papers, reports and the final examination. They are interpreted as follows:




Outstanding scholarship and an unusual degree of intellectual initiative


Superior work done in a consistent and intellectual manner


Average grade indicating a competent grasp of subject matter


Failed to grasp the minimum subject matter; no credit given


Withdrawal before published deadline


Issuance is not automatic. At the request of the student, followed by the approval of the faculty member, a grade of "I" may be assigned to those who have successfully completed, with at least a passing grade, a majority of the work of the course and who has an unavoidable and compelling reason why the remainder of the work cannot be completed on schedule.


In progress; primarily used for thesis completion or practicum completion






No credit

*Incomplete Coursework
A student in good standing in a course, may petition to the instructor for an “I” grade. This grade is appropriate only if extraordinary conditions beyond the control of the student have led to an inability to complete course requirements. When submitting a grade, the “I” must be accompanied by the alternative grade that will be automatically assigned after 30 days. These include, IB, IC, ID and IF. If only an “I” is submitted, the default grade is F. The completion of the work, evaluation, and reporting of the final grade is due within 30 days after the end of the term. The time limit may extend under exceptional circumstances with approval. Any student who has incomplete grades into the next semester will be required to review their course schedule with the advisor before the end of the drop/add period.

Final grades are issued at the end of each term. Address specific grade disputes directly with the instructor, preferably within six months. Any authorized grade changes must be submitted to the Records office to become official.

Students are required to maintain a program GPA of at least 3.0. Students whose GPA falls below 3.0 are placed on academic probation, and they have two terms to bring up their GPA or they may face dismissal from the program.

Grades will be made available online at Chaminade’s website,, at the end of each semester or completion of a Flex course. Questions about a particular grade should be addressed to the instructor. Any suspected error in the grade should be reported to the Records Office as soon as possible. The time limit for any grade change is six months from the end of the semester.

The student’s academic standing is indicated by a grade point average, determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours the student has attempted at Chaminade. Courses taken on a Credit/No Credit basis are not included in the grade point average computation. If a course is repeated to improve a grade, the highest grade is used in calculating the grade point average.


All students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher while in the program. Students whose GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation and are given a time limit to bring their cumulative GPA up to a 3.0. Failure to meet the required GPA of 3.0 within that time may result in the student being dismissed from the program.

The time limit for a student to bring their cumulative GPA up to a 3.0 for the MBA, MEd, MAT, MSCJA, MSCP, and MPT program is two terms.

A passing grade for all courses, regardless of program, is a “B” or better. Students are placed on probation if they receive a “C” or “F” grade. If the “C” or “F” grade is for a core course, the student must repeat the course the next time it is offered and pass with a grade of “B” or better. If a student does not achieve a grade of “B” or better in the second attempt at a core or elective course, they may be dismissed from the program. Students are allowed to repeat a course only once. All students are allowed to repeat a maximum of two courses. A student who receives three grades of “C” or less on their academic record may result in dismissal from the program.

Students with a non-passing grade may take a maximum of two courses per term, including the retake course, until the non-passing grade has been corrected. In repeating a course, the higher grade will be factored into the student’s GPA.

Withdrawals prior to the established deadline for each semester may be made without grade penalty. The notation “W” is recorded. The student is ultimately responsible for withdrawing from class.

Students who fail to attend or log into classes in which they are enrolled may be dropped from the classes after the first week of the term. Drops are only effective for tuition refunds when initiated by the student during the add/drop period. Students who miss two consecutive weeks of class prior to the withdrawal deadline may be withdrawn by the instructor. A student seeking a post deadline withdrawal must do so in writing and provide written evidence, such as military orders, a doctor’s signed statement, or other appropriate documentation of the extenuating circumstances warranting approval. Only when such evidence has been provided will such requests be approved.

To request to be withdrawn, students can simply email the records office, from their Chaminade email, indicating the specific course(s) and term to be withdrawn from. If the student is unable to email from their Chaminade email, withdrawal forms may be obtained from the program office or the records office.


Grades are calculated from students’ daily work, class participation, quizzes, tests, presentations, reports, and final exams. Grade point equivalents (and grading scale values) and grade descriptors are presented below.


Grade points

grade scale values


















70-79 (Failed- No credit given)



>69 (Failed- No credit given)


Withdrawal before published deadline


Issuance is not automatic. At the discretion of the faculty member. May be assigned to a student who has successfully completed with at least a passing grade, a majority of the work of the course and who has an unavoidable and compelling reason why the remainder of the work cannot be completed on schedule.


Credit; Course is passed.


Progressing; Progress is being made toward the completion of the course (i.e., Practicum, CRP, Internship) requirements. Credit (CR) is given only when all requirements of the course have been met.


No Credit; Course is failed.

*Incomplete Coursework
A student in good standing in a course, may petition to the instructor for an “I” grade. This grade is appropriate only if extraordinary conditions beyond the control of the student have led to an inability to complete course requirements. When submitting a grade, the “I” must be accompanied by the alternative grade that will be automatically assigned after 30 days. These include, IB, IC, ID and IF. If only an “I” is submitted, the default grade is F. The completion of the work, evaluation, and reporting of the final grade is due within 30 days after the end of the term. The time limit may extend under exceptional circumstances with approval. Any student who has incomplete grades into the next semester will be required to review their course schedule with the academic advisor before the end of the drop/add period.

Students who fail a course (i.e., receive a grade of C, F, or NC) must repeat the course within twelve months and receive a CR or a grade of B or higher. If the failed course is an elective, the student must repeat that specific elective course. If that elective course is not offered, the student must pass an alternative elective course determined by the faculty.

Students will be dismissed after at least one of the following:

  • Receiving two failing grades in the same course

  • Receiving two failing grades in the same semester

  • Receiving three failing grades throughout their course of study

As the doctoral coursework of the program is intensive, students are expected to attend every class. Students may be automatically withdrawn from the class or receive a failing grade if there are three or more absences in a 16-week term or two absences in a row in a 16-week term. With the condensed nature of the 8-week terms, missing class one day (e.g., 6-hours of class) would be equivalent to two absences in a row in a 16-week term.