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Students are expected to attend regularly all courses for which they are registered. Student should notify their instructors when illness or other extenuating circumstances prevents them from attending class and make arrangements to complete missed assignments. Notification may be done by emailing the instructor’s Chaminade email address, calling the instructor’s campus extension, or by leaving a message with the instructor’s division office. It is the instructor’s prerogative to modify deadlines of course requirements accordingly. Any student who stops attending a course without officially withdrawing may receive a failing grade.

Unexcused absences equivalent to more than a week of classes may lead to a grade reduction for the course. Any unexcused absence of two consecutive weeks or more may result in being withdrawn from the course by the instructor, although the instructor is not required to withdraw students in that scenario. Repeated absences put students at risk of failing grades.

Students with disabilities who have obtained accommodations from the Chaminade University of Honolulu ADA Coordinator may be considered for an exception when the accommodation does not materially alter the attainment of the learning outcomes.

Federal regulations require continued attendance for continuing payment of financial aid. When illness or personal reasons necessitate continued absence, the student should communicate first with the instructor to review the options. Anyone who stops attending a course without official withdrawal may receive a failing grade or be withdrawn by the instructor at the instructor’s discretion.

Graduate Program Attendance

Graduate programs are presented in 10 week accelerated semesters. Classes are usually held evenings and Saturday mornings. Each class meets three hours and forty five minutes once each week during the term. With the exception of Thanksgiving Day, graduate classes meet even on holidays.

Where class schedules are interrupted for some reason, the instructor will arrange to make up the missing meeting. In general, University policy requires students to attend all class meetings of courses for which they are registered. If an emergency prevents attending, the instructor should be informed. Because graduate terms are accelerated, no more than one class absence can be allowed.

Attendance Policy
We recognize that professional obligations may require flexible schedules. However, achieving the objectives of the program requires consistent preparation and participation.

Students are expected to attend all classes and be on time for courses in which they are registered. Since our courses are offered on accelerated semesters, a student who misses more than one class has missed a substantial portion of the material presented. Missing more than one class session in a term is a basis for failure of the course. In the case of an emergency, inform your instructor of your absence.

Students must follow the attendance policy as stipulated in the syllabus of their Graduate Program Division courses. Penalties for not meeting the attendance requirements may result in the lowering of a final grade, withdrawal from the course, or failing the course.

Students with disabilities who have obtained accommodations from the Chaminade University ADA Coordinator may be considered for an exception when the accommodation does not materially alter the attainment of the learning outcomes.

The policy on tardiness is left to the discretion of the instructor but be advised that extreme tardiness may be viewed as an absence by many instructors.

Excused Absences

• Since it is expected that students will participate in all class sessions, excused absences are only granted in exceptional situations where evidence is provided by the student to the instructor. Examples would include illness with verification by a doctor, or the death of a close family member. Students should notify their instructors when a situation prevents them from attending class and make arrangements to complete missed assignments. While notification to the instructor by a student that he/she will be absent is courteous, it does not necessarily mean the absence will be excused.
• In cases where excused absences constitute a significant portion of a course’s meetings (e.g. more than 20% of course meetings, or a significant portion of online or hybrid courses) the instructor should refer the case to the Dean with a recommendation on how the case should be handled, whether that be by withdrawal or incomplete.

Unexcused Absences

Chaminade University policy states that in cases where unexcused absences are equivalent to more than a week of classes, the instructor has the option of lowering the final grade. In the Education Division we have added detailed guidelines to cover different types of courses and class schedules as described below:

1. On-ground courses. Unexcused absences totaling more than 10% of the number of classes will result in lowering of the overall grade by one letter grade. A student who misses 20% or more should withdraw or be administratively withdrawn.
2. Accelerated Semester Classes (10 classes): More than one absence lowers the final grade by one letter. Missing more than two classes results in failure or withdrawal.
3. Hybrid courses (online combined with 2 or more on-ground meetings). One absence from on-ground classes lowers final grade by one letter. Two or more absences from on-ground meetings results in failure or withdrawal. For the online portion of the course, the instructor will specify and enforce expectations for online participation and receipt of assignments appropriate to the design of the course.
4. Online courses and online portion of hybrid courses. The instructor will specify and enforce expectations for online participation and receipt of assignments appropriate to the design of the course. Unless otherwise specified, missing one week will drop the student one letter grade.
5. If a student does not log on to an online or hybrid course for the first two weeks, the instructor should notify the Records Office via their Chaminade email account and the student will be withdrawn from the course.
6. Any student who stops attending an on-ground course or stops participating in an online course without officially withdrawing may receive a failing grade.