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Registration of new students takes place after acceptance and concludes during the week prior to the beginning of instruction. Advance registration is conducted for currently enrolled students in the preceding semester. Late registration is permitted only during the first week of instruction and may be subject to a late registration fee. Registration is not complete until all fees and tuition have been paid, and health clearance requirements are met.

Prior to registration, students must obtain an advisor’s approval for their selected courses. Students who have officially declared a major obtain program approval from their designated program advisors. Other students obtain approval from an assigned advisor through the Office of Student Success.

The add/drop period for each semester is posted in the academic calendar online and in the Chaminade University catalog. It is generally during the first week and a half for the fall and spring day semesters, and during the first week for Flex terms. Students can add and drop courses through the Chaminade University portal during the add/drop period, or by visiting an advisor. Undergraduate students are welcome in the Office of Student Success for any advising and registration questions. If you are receiving federal financial aid and drop below full time during the add/drop period you are required to notify the Financial Aid Office.

The maximum student load per term is 7 semester hours for a 6-week summer session, 13 semester hours for a 10-week term, and 19 semester hours for a regular 16-week undergraduate semester or concurrently when sessions overlap. This load includes all courses taken concurrently at Chaminade and other institutions. On the recommendation of the student’s advisor, any student with a minimum 3.0 GPA may request an exception to this rule from the Provost.

Prerequisite courses are those courses which are required to be completed prior to enrollment in more advanced courses in order to afford reasonable expectation of student preparation for successful attainment of course objectives. A grade of “C” or above is required to satisfy prerequisite courses. In some cases students may have attained sufficient preparation for success through other life learning and may petition the division dean, academic advisor or class instructor for a prerequisite waiver. Students should be fully prepared to provide the instructor with compelling evidence of such prior preparation. In order for students without documentation of the required prerequisite course work to register for more advanced courses, they must initiate a prerequisite waiver through the Office of Student Success. This prerequisite waiver needs to be approved by Instructor, Dean, and Provost. If all approve, the Office of Student Success will register the student for the requested course pending enrollment availability. Please note, the prerequisite being waived may still need to be completed in the future, depending on your degree requirements.

DUG students wishing to enroll in Flex courses must complete a registration form through the Office of Student Success. Provost permission is required.

Students who intend to take courses at another institution, while actively enrolled at Chaminade University, will need to meet with their faculty and/or professional advisor to complete the Concurrent Registration Request Form, prior to enrolling in the course. Each institution may impose conditions on Chaminade students enrolling concurrently. Generally, students must meet application deadlines and qualify for admission as unclassified students. Students in the School of Nursing will need to obtain approval from their Nursing faculty advisor prior to confirmation by the Records Office. Upon appropriate approvals, CUH transfer course equivalencies will be confirmed by the Records Office. Failure to receive approvals and confirmation, prior to registering for a transfer course, does not guarantee course equivalency to CUH. Course equivalencies can be viewed on Transferology.

Classified and unclassified students desiring to audit classes must obtain the written permission of the instructor. With the instructor’s consent, auditors may participate in class discussion and submit assignments, but no credit for the course will be given. Auditors pay half the tuition and the same fees as other students.

Students who wish to change enrollment from audit to credit may do so within the add/drop period of the term. Students who wish to change enrollment from credit to audit may do so until the deadline for withdrawal, provided they have their instructor’s permission.

An Individualized Study is an existing, approved course offered by a faculty member for one student. The material covered in the Individualized Study is identical to that covered in the course when it is presented in the traditional manner. A student may request an Individualized Study only when there is a need to fulfill graduation requirements and the course is not offered in the regular schedule due to insufficient enrollment or other extenuating circumstances. An Individualized Study must have the approval of the Provost. If the student is paying full tuition for a regular day semester, the tuition will cover one such course without additional payment.

A Directed Study is study of or research on a topic of special interest to the student electing the directed study. A faculty member in the appropriate discipline who agrees to be the student’s mentor in the work is the director for the study. The material cover in a directed study is not covered by any existing, approved course. The Provost must approve a directed study.