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Experiential Honors Program

At Chaminade, we believe those words—written by celebrated Marianist educator Father Domingo Lazaro more than a century ago—stand true today. In fact, Chaminade’s Experiential Honors Program, debuting in 2020, was built on the theory that hands-on learning, with real-world experiences that challenge and inspire, are the lessons we truly grow from.

The Experiential Honors Program aligns with the UN CIFAL Center to allow experiential learning for students in ways that impact the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program allows students make positive change through the world through a structured four-year curriculum, earning 12 academic credits as they do so.

Program Learning Outcomes and Courses

Students in the Experiential Honors Program will:

  1. Engage in various communities, including the campus community, Honors community, and communities related to one or more of the 17 UN sustainable development goals.

  2. Model behaviors and attitudes associated with ethical and moral obligations of an informed and engaged citizen.

  3. Discuss skills that enable independent and continuous learning.

  4. Design, develop, and present an Honors Project that represents significant impact on at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Students meet these outcomes through their four years in the program and in the following courses:

  • Freshmen: Honors 101 and 102

  • Sophomore: Honors 201 and 202

  • Junior: Honors 301 and 302

  • Senior: Honors 401 and 402