Modern Hawai'i


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This course will examine Hawaii and its peoples' pasts, focusing on the rise of the Monarchy and the challenges that led to its overthrow through the issues that confront Native Hawaiians and the people living In Hawaii today. Through these significant moments In Hawaii History we will discuss how the people, Native Hawaiian and not, adapted to these changes and each other. During the first half of this course, through the use of oral histories, cultural mythology, as well as traditional documentation we will examine the core cultural beliefs that shaped, guided and defined the Native Hawaiian people and the Kingdom of Hawaii as they confronted massive changes introduced to Hawaii through the rise of global Imperialism. The second half of this course will focus on the overthrow of the Monarchy, Hawaii's subsequent annexation to the United States of America and the Issues confronted by the people of Hawaii as a territory and state within the US. Along with historical knowledge the course emphasizes the development of reading, writing, speaking, cognitive and collaborative skills crucial to success In college and the employment community. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: any 100 or 2OO level history courses, COM 101, and EN 102.


Day Undergraduate



