Department: Interior Design

Code Name Description
CEEID-217 Intro to Computer Aided Desig No Description Set
CEEID-312 Presentation Methods No Description Set
CEEID-319 Adv. Computer Aided Design No Description Set
CEEID-482 Progress Technologies This course provides students with state-of-the-art instruction in design software amidst the constantly changing world of technology related to industry. Independent projects, presentations and peer professional project reviews will assist in prepar...
EID-200 Fundamentals of Interior Design Introduction to the basic concepts, theories, applications, and practice of interior design; as well as the development of technical skills and design methodologies through several design exercises and projects. Emphasis of the course is on understan...
EID-201 Fundamental of Interior Design No Description Set
EID-201L Fund of Interior Design Lab No Description Set
EID-202 Introduction to Technical Drawing Introduction to various types of technical drawing, including orthographic, perspective, axonometric, and field sketching. Emphasis on hand drafting and the knowledge of mechanical drawing tools and techniques used in the fields of architecture and i...
EID-205 Color for Interiors Extensive study and experimentation of the use and application of color in interior environments, including color notations, the Psychology of color and human response and application of color.
EID-211 Textiles Research into fibers, detailed construction methods and the practical application of textiles and their uses in the field of contract and residential environments. Testing methods will be examined to determine the appropriate use of textiles in comme...
EID-215 Professional Practice-Intern No Description Set
EID-216 Design Principles& Inter Comp Analysis and interpretation of the theoretical principals and the physical elements of design through visual design projects, sketching, applied design, and the interpretation of design aesthetics. Elements and principles that are fundamental to al...
EID-217 Introduction to Computer Aided Design This course provides skill development for digital construction documentation using AutoCAD software. Students explore 2- dimensional construction documentation (e.g. floor plans, elevations, lighting, detailing and schedules); organization of inform...
EID-220 Building Systems & Components This course focuses on understanding the different systems and components that comprise a building, how they relate to one another, and how to design within the context of those systems. Students will be introduced to building performance design mand...
EID-270 Bldg Sys & Interior Materials Building Systems & Interior Materials
EID-271 Materiality in Interior Design This studio course examines how design concept is translated through materiality, focusing on the integration of appropriate materials, finishes, and products in the design of interior environments. Material characteristics, specifications, installat...
EID-310 History of Furniture & Interior Design A survey of Interior Design from prehistory to the present tracing architectural styles and historical interior furnishings. Prerequisites: EID 200 or consent of instructor, EN 102, COM 101
EID-311 20th Century Architecture & Design Study of post industrial revolution interior design and architecture in the United States including profiles of architects and designers and their impact on modern interior design and architecture. Prerequisites: EID 200 or consent of instructor, EN...
EID-312 Presentation Methods Study of the techniques used in the preparation of presentations for interior design and architectural projects. Perspective drawing, photo editing and digital modeling techniques will be reviewed and utilized with an emphasis on the illustration of...
EID-319 Advanced Computer Aided Design Students are instructed in advanced applications and techniques in computer aided design. Three dimensional drawing and rendering techniques will also be introduced. (Tech Apps Course- 6 contact hours per week) Prerequisite: EID 202, EID 217, or cons...
EID-321 Programming & Space Planning Study of the process of designing an environment beginning with Program analysis and moving to the synthesis of information resulting in a comprehensive Space Plan and support documentation. The process guides students through information gathering a...
EID-325 Introduction to Lighting Design This course introduces the theory, practice, and application of lighting design including the analysis and interpretation of quality of lighting design in an interior environment. History of lighting advancements and industry terminology will be rese...
EID-335 Socio-Cultural Aspects of Design The purpose of this course is to provide students with a background in cross-cultural aspects of both exterior and interior design. The main emphasis will be on the use of space and symbolism in forms of communication within a cultural and ritual con...
EID-336 Unpacking the Home No Description Set
EID-355 Sculpture Intermediate techniques in sculpture and 3D design as it relates to spatial concepts and human scale in the built environment. Interior Design students will focus on conceiving, producing and justifying 3D conceptual objects within the context of int...
EID-370 Universal Design Inclusive Environments Universal Design-Inclusive Environments focuses on the functionality, materiality and designed aesthetic of the built environment and how design decisions affect the quality of life experience of the end-users. This course engages students in better...
EID-380 Special Topics: Selected topics in interior design to be announce. Prerequisites: passing the CUH-EID comprehensive exam & practicum, or consent of instructor, EN 102, COM 101
EID-382 Intro to Historic Preservation No Description Set
EID-384 Sustainability in Design This course examines principles of sustainable design from a systemic perspective, focusing on environmental issues and how they relate to economics, social equity, and human health. Topics in the course include: cradle-to-cradle principles, biomimet...
EID-410 Inter Design Busi Principles & Practices Basic principles of Interior Design business management, professional ethics and practice and examined to prepare students for the professional working environment. Professional resumes and business cards are also prepared. Prerequisites: passing the...
EID-414 Portfolio Preparation This course is designed to assist and mentor students in assembling a comprehensive portfolio of their academic work for entry into the design profession. Students will learn graphic techniques, as well as how to organize and layout their projects i...
EID-415 Professional Practice-Internship This course focuses on preparing students for entry into the design profession upon graduation. Portfolios, resumes and other professional documentation will be assessed to determine readiness to apply for positions, and revised as needed. Profession...
EID-470 Senior Studio - Residential This studio concentrates on the creation and presentation of individualized residential interior design project(s) for the purposes of applying all previous course work and showcasing student’s individual creativity and problem-solving capabilities....
EID-471 Senior Studio - Commercial This capstone studio course focuses on the execution of a complex commercial project from design concept to design development, and serves as a bridge between academic and professional practice. As a culmination of everything learned in the curriculu...
EID-480 Special Topics: Selected topics in interior design to be announced. Prerequisite: passing of the CUH-EID comprehensive exam and practicum or consent of instructor, EN 102, COM 101
EID-481 Kitchen & Bath Design Development of construction documentation (including working drawings, finish schedules and material specifications) to complete design solutions for installation in a residential environment. Prerequisite: passing CUH-EID comprehensive exam & practi...
EID-482 Progress Technologies This course provides students with state-of-the-art instruction in design software amidst the constantly changing world of technology related to industry. Independent projects, presentations and peer professional project reviews will assist in prepar...
EID-484 Professional Practice-Intern No Description Set
EID200 Fundamentals of Interior Design Introduction to the basic concepts, theories, applications, and practice of interior design; as well as the development of technical skills and design methodologies through several design exercises and projects. Emphasis of the course is on understan...
EID202 Introduction to Technical Drawing Introduction to various types of technical drawing, including orthographic, perspective, axonometric, and field sketching. Emphasis on hand drafting and the knowledge of mechanical drawing tools and techniques used in the fields of architecture and i...
EID205 Color for Interiors Extensive study and experimentation of the use and application of color in interior environments, including color notations, the Psychology of color and human response and application of color. Offered Annually. Open to all majors.
EID211 Textiles Research into fibers, detailed construction methods and the practical application of textiles and their uses in the field of contract and residential environments. Testing methods will be examined to determine the appropriate use of textiles in comme...
EID216 Design Principles& Interior Composition Analysis and interpretation of the theoretical principals and the physical elements of design through visual design projects, sketching, applied design, and the interpretation of design aesthetics. Elements and principles that are fundamental to al...
EID217 Introduction to Computer Aided Design This course provides skill development for digital construction documentation using AutoCAD software. Students explore 2-dimensional construction documentation (e.g. floor plans, elevations, lighting, detailing and schedules); organization of informa...
EID220 Building Systems This course focuses on understanding the different systems and components that comprise a building, how they relate to one another, and how to design within the context of those systems. Students will be introduced to building performance design mand...
EID271 Materiality in Interior Design This studio course examines how design concept is translated through materiality, focusing on the integration of appropriate materials, finishes, and products in the design of interior environments. Material characteristics, specifications, inst...
EID310 History of Furniture & Interior Design A survey of Interior Design from prehistory to the present tracing architectural styles and historical interior furnishings. Offered annually. Prerequisites: EID 200 or consent of instructor.
EID311 20th Century Architecture & Design Study of post industrial revolution interior design and architecture in the United States including profiles of architects and designers and their impact on modern interior design and architecture. Offered annually. Prerequisites: EID 200 or consent...
EID319 Advanced Computer Aided Design Students are instructed in advanced applications and techniques in computer aided design. Three dimensional drawing and rendering techniques will also be introduced. (Tech Apps Course- 6 contact hours per week) Offered each semester. Prerequisite: EI...
EID321 Programming and Space Planning Study of the process of designing an environment beginning with Program analysis and moving to the synthesis of information resulting in a comprehensive Space Plan and support documentation. The process guides students through information gather...
EID325 Introduction to Lighting Design This course introduces the theory, practice, and application of lighting design including the analysis and interpretation of quality of lighting design in an interior environment. History of lighting advancements and industry terminology will be rese...
EID335 Sociocultural Aspects of Design The purpose of this course is to provide students with a background in cross-cultural aspects of both exterior and interior design. The main emphasis will be on the use of space and symbolism in forms of communication within a cultural and ritual con...
EID355 Sculpture Intermediate techniques in hands-on sculpture and 3D design, developing structural and perceptual senses with an emphasis on 3D perceptions of space, scale, and environment. Interior Design students may focus on conceiving, producing and justify...
EID370 Universal Design Inclusive Environments Universal Design-Inclusive Environments focuses on the functionality, materiality and designed aesthetic of the built environment and how design decisions affect the quality of life experience of the end-users. This course engages students in better...
EID380 Special Topics: Selected topics in interior design to be announce. Prerequisites: passing the CUH-EID comprehensive exam & practicum, or consent of instructor.
EID384 Sustainability in Design This course examines principles of sustainable design from a systemic perspective, focusing on environmental issues and how they relate to economics, social equity, and human health. Topics in the course include: cradle-to-cradle principles, bio...
EID410 Inter Design Busi Prin & Practices Basic principles of Interior Design business management, professional ethics and practice and examined to prepare students for the professional working environment. Professional resumes and business cards are also prepared. Offered annually. Prerequi...
EID414 Portfolio Preparation This course is designed to assist and mentor students in assembling a comprehensive portfolio of their academic work for entry into the design profession. Students will learn graphic techniques, as well as how to organize and layout their projec...
EID415 Prof. Practice-Internship This course focuses on preparing students for entry into the design profession upon graduation. Portfolios, resumes and other professional documentation will be assessed to determine readiness to apply for positions, and revised as needed. Profe...
EID470 Senior Studio - Residential This studio concentrates on the creation and presentation of individualized residential interior design project(s) for the purposes of applying all previous course work and showcasing student’s individual creativity and problem-solving capabilities....
EID471 Senior Studio - Commercial This capstone studio course focuses on the execution of a complex commercial project from design concept to design development, and serves as a bridge between academic and professional practice. As a culmination of everything learned in the curriculu...
EID480 Special Topics: Selected topics in interior design to be announced. Prerequisite: passing of the CUH-EID comprehensive exam and practicum or consent of instructor.
EID481 Kitchen & Bath Design Development of construction documentation (including working drawings, finish schedules and material specifications) to complete design solutions for installation in a residential environment. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: passing CUH-EID co...
EID482 Progressive Technologies This course provides students with state-of-the-art instruction in design software amidst the constantly changing world of technology related to industry. Independent projects, presentations and peer professional project reviews will assist in prepar...
ID-101 Intro to Interior Design No Description Set
ID-201 Fundamental of Interior Design No Description Set
ID-201L Fund of Interior Design Lab No Description Set
ID-202 Introduction to Drafting No Description Set
ID-205 Color for Interiors No Description Set
ID-211 Textiles No Description Set
ID-215 Professional Practice-Intern No Description Set
ID-216 Design Prin and Interior Comp No Description Set
ID-217 Intro to CADD No Description Set
ID-218 Architecture for Interior Des No Description Set
ID-220 Beginning Architectural Draft No Description Set
ID-225 Adv. Architectural Drafting No Description Set
ID-226 Architecture of the 20th Cent No Description Set
ID-230 Interior Materials & Component No Description Set
ID-240 Historic Preservation No Description Set
ID-270 Bldg Sys & Interior Materials Building Systems & Interior Materials
ID-280 Intro to Perspective Drawing No Description Set
ID-310 History of Furniture & ID No Description Set
ID-311 20th Century Arch & Design No Description Set
ID-312 Presentation Methods No Description Set
ID-315 ID Studio II - Resid Design No Description Set
ID-316 ID Studio III-Contract Design No Description Set
ID-316B ID Studio III-Contract Design No Description Set
ID-317 Universal Design No Description Set
ID-318 Intro to CADD No Description Set
ID-319 Advanced CADD No Description Set
ID-32 DO NOT USE No Description Set
ID-320 Adv. Architectural Drafting No Description Set
ID-321 Programming & Space Planning No Description Set
ID-322 Programming & Space Plng II No Description Set
ID-325 Intro to Lighting Design No Description Set
ID-330 Architectural Spec for ID No Description Set
ID-335 Sociocultural Aspects of Desig No Description Set
ID-340 Studio III Contract Design No Description Set
ID-345 Studio IV Contract Design No Description Set
ID-355 Interm Sculpture & 3D Design No Description Set
ID-360 Computer Aided Design No Description Set
ID-370 Universal Design Inclusive Env No Description Set
ID-380 Special Topics: No Description Set
ID-382 Intro to Historic Preservation No Description Set
ID-384 Sustainability in Design No Description Set
ID-410 Inter Design Busi Prin & Pract No Description Set
ID-411 Portfolio Design No Description Set
ID-415 Prof. Practice-Internship No Description Set
ID-416 Senior Studio - Commercial No Description Set
ID-417 Senior Studio - Residential No Description Set
ID-418 Computer Aided Design No Description Set
ID-470 Senior Studio - Residential No Description Set
ID-471 Senior Studio - Commercial No Description Set
ID-480 Special Topics: No Description Set
ID-481 Kitchen & Bath Design No Description Set
ID-482 Progress Tech:Intro to Revit No Description Set
ID-487 Intership No Description Set
ID-499 Directed Study No Description Set