Department: English

Code Name Description
EN-091 Reading Improvement This basic course in the key skills is necessary for the successful study and comprehension of college-level reading material. Skills highlighted are: building vocabulary through context clues and word analysis, finding main ideas, determining signif...
EN-092 Reading Improvement II No Description Set
EN-096 Essentials English No Description Set
EN-100 Essentials of English Composition This course offers practice in writing short essays and prepares students for success in EN 101 while offering elective credit toward a degree. Emphasis is on paragraph and essay organization and on identifying ideas that support the writerā€™s central...
EN-100L Essentials of Eng Comp Lab No Description Set
EN-101 Introduction to Expository Writing Instruction and practice in writing, editing, and revising short narrative and expository essays. The course instructs the basics of organization and clear expression and use of Standard Edited American English. Offered every semester. Prerequisite:...
EN-102 Expository Writing Instruction and practice in writing short-to-medium-length expository essays and in writing from sources. Skills required for research and research writing are emphasized, such as summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, evaluation, and synthesizing. The...
EN-201 Types of Literature Introduction to the study of literature through reading, discussion, and written analysis of major works ranging from ancient to contemporary. The course includes exemplary works from all major genre and diverse cultures. Offered every semester. Prer...
EN-202 Poetry and Drama No Description Set
EN-255 Short Story and Novel This introductory literature course surveys classical, modern, and contemporary short stories and novels from around the world. Offered every semester. Prerequisite: EN 102.
EN-256 Poetry & Drama This course examines classical and modern works primarily of major English, Continental, and American authors. Offered every semester. Fulfills General Education Learning Outcome for "Integral (Holistic) Education/Global Awareness." Prerequisite: EN...
EN-280 Special Topics This course provides selected topics in introductory literature (to be announced). Topics include, but are not limited to African American Literature. Prerequisite: EN 102. Satisfies pre-major, pre-minor and general education requirement. English 10...
EN-302 Creative Writing: Fiction Study of the techniques of the contemporary short story and practice in writing short stories and sketches. Offered alternate years.
EN-303 Creative Writing: Poetry Study of the techniques of contemporary poetry and practice in writing metric and free verse poems. Offered alternate years.
EN-305 Multicultural Literature This course explores issues of personal and group identity through the study of modern and contemporary fiction and non- fiction. Students will examine cultural pluralism in American society through writing, discussion, reading and research. Study of...
EN-306 Nature Writing No Description Set
EN-307 Nature Writing This is an advanced, interdisciplinary writing course focusing on environmental themes. Nature Writing centers on reading and writing non-fiction, including journals, letters and essays. Authors figuring prominently in the course include Henry David...
EN-308 Climate Fiction We are now living on a planet suffering from the initial effects of climate change. Let us explore how literature may serve as our guide as we begin to imagine how we might live with, and possibly mitigate, these effects in the future. We will read...
EN-311 Romantic Poetry No Description Set
EN-312 Victorian Literature Study of the techniques used in the preparation of presentations for interior design and architectural projects. Perspective drawing, photo editing and digital modeling techniques will be reviewed and utilized with an emphasis on the illustration of...
EN-314 Backgrounds in American Literature This historical survey offers a broad-based introduction to American literature. Our readings encounter examples of Native American and kanaka maoli literatures, European narratives of exploration and settlement, and fiction, poetry, and drama of th...
EN-315 Backgrounds in British Literature Foundational study of major British literature from medieval and Elizabethan to the present. Required for English majors. Offered annually.
EN-319 Studies in Shakespeare This survey studies representative comedies, histories, tragedies, problem plays, and sonnets composed by Shakespeare. This course is thus asking what Shakespeare is, equally important, how we read Shakespeare, and finally, what do we do today with S...
EN-321 English Novel Defoe - Eliot No Description Set
EN-322 English Novel Hardy to Presnet No Description Set
EN-331 Amer.Writers:puritans-Civil Wa No Description Set
EN-332 American Writers-Post Civ War No Description Set
EN-362 Advanced Expository Writing This is an advanced writing course focusing on expository essays from logical and rhetorical principles, especially modes of definition, assertion, and proof. Particular emphasis will be on clarity of expression, coherence, and style. Offered alterna...
EN-366 Script Writing No Description Set
EN-371 Aulama Literary Magazine & Publication This workshop provides students with experience in graphics, layout, presentation, design and writing for publication. Open to any student working on Aulama, the student literary magazine, and other related publications. May be repeated for a maximum...
EN-380 Dramatic Writing for Stage, Film and TV This is a craft-based writing class designed to enhance a studentā€™s creative voice through the medium of script writing for theatrical productions. Students will receive an overview on the history of theatre, read and view established plays, then cr...
EN-385 Modern Pacific Literature No Description Set
EN-401 Chaucer & Late Medieval Period No Description Set
EN-402 Advanced Fiction Writing Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: Grade of ā€˜Cā€™ or better in EN 302.
EN-403 Advanced Poetry Writing Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: Grade of ā€˜Cā€™ or better in EN 303.
EN-404 Literary History No Description Set
EN-405 Nature Writing No Description Set
EN-406 Early Shakespeare No Description Set
EN-407 Late Shakespeare No Description Set
EN-414 Romantic Poetry No Description Set
EN-415 20th Cent Brit & Amer Poetry No Description Set
EN-416 Victorian Literature No Description Set
EN-417 English Novel Hardy to Presnet No Description Set
EN-418 Chaucer & Late Medieval Period No Description Set
EN-419 Studies in Shakespeare No Description Set
EN-421 20th Century English Lit No Description Set
EN-422 Modern Pacific Literature This course introduces students to significant works of contemporary literature and film produced by indigenous Pacific islanders and explores issues of anti-colonialism, modernization, and traditional culture. Works include writers from across Ocean...
EN-430 Womens Literature This survey course examines various literary works and genres of writing from women around the world. Students will explore womenā€™s changing roles in society, and analyze how female writers from different countries and different eras approach themes...
EN-431 Amer Lit: Between Wars No Description Set
EN-432 American Literature: 1940 to Present Areas of special interest may include Beat writers (Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder); the Vietnam War (Tim Oā€™Brien); black American writing (Alice Walker). Examples of other writers covered include Sylvia Plath, W.S. Merwin, Daniel Berri...
EN-480 Special Topics These advanced courses are designed for majors. These topics include, but are not limited to British period courses such as Romantic Poetry, and Victorian Literature. Other topics may include The Black Body in Hip Hop and American Popular culture, La...
EN-490 Directed Study Individualized study on a topic arranged with a program advisor. Prerequisites: EN 314 and EN 315, and Junior or Senior standing with consent of advisor.
EN-499 Senior Seminar This is the capstone seminar for English undergraduates. Offered annually. Prerequisites: EN 314 and EN 315; open only to Seniors in the major.
EN091 Reading Improvement This basic course in the key skills is necessary for the successful study and comprehension of college-level reading material. Skills highlighted are: building vocabulary through context clues and word analysis, finding main ideas, determining signif...
EN100 Essentials of English Composition This course offers practice in writing short essays and prepares students for success in EN 101 while offering elective credit toward a degree. Emphasis is on paragraph and essay organization and on identifying ideas that support the writerā€™s central...
EN101 Intro to Expository Writing Instruction and practice in writing, editing, and revising short narrative and expository essays. The course instructs the basics of organization and clear expression and use of Standard Edited American English. Offered every semester. Prerequisite:...
EN102 Expository Writing Instruction and practice in writing short-to-medium-length expository essays and in writing from sources. Skills required for research and research writing are emphasized, such as summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, evaluation, and synthesizing. The...
EN180 Special Topics: Reading This college level reading course provides a foundation for students reading college level creative and critical texts. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying the purpose of a written artifact, identifying thesis statements and organizational...
EN180 Special Topics: Reading This college level reading course provides a foundation for students reading college level creative and critical texts. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying the purpose of a written artifact, identifying thesis statements and organizati...
EN201 Types of Literature Introduction to the study of literature through reading, discussion, and written analysis of major works ranging from ancient to contemporary. The course includes exemplary works from all major genre and diverse cultures. Offered every semester. Prer...
EN255 Short Story and Novel This introductory literature course surveys classical, modern, and contemporary short stories and novels from around the world. Offered every semester. Prerequisite: EN 102.
EN256 Poetry & Drama This course examines classical and modern works primarily of major English, Continental, and American authors. Offered annually. Prerequisite: EN 102.
EN280 Special Topics This course provides selected topics in introductory literature (to be announced). Topics include, but are not limited to African American Literature. Prerequisite: EN 102. Satisfies pre-major, pre-minor and general education requirement.
EN285 Multigenerational Family Narratives This introductory literature course examines several multigenerational family narratives (novels and films) from around the world, with a focus on histories of colonialism, intergenerational trauma, immigration, and the building and sustaining of com...
EN285 Multigenerational Family Narratives This introductory literature course examines several multigenerational family narratives (novels and films) from around the world, with a focus on histories of colonialism, intergenerational trauma, immigration, and the building and sustaining o...
EN302 Creative Writing: Fiction Study of the techniques of the contemporary short story and practice in writing short stories and sketches. Offered alternate years.
EN303 Creative Writing: Poetry Study of the techniques of contemporary poetry and practice in writing metric and free verse poems. Offered alternate years.
EN305 Multicultural Literature This course explores issues of personal and group identity through the study of modern and contemporary fiction and non- fiction. Students will examine cultural pluralism in American society through writing, discussion, reading and research. Stu...
EN307 Nature Writing This is an advanced, interdisciplinary writing course focusing on environmental themes. Nature Writing centers on reading and writing non-fiction, including journals, letters and essays. Authors figuring prominently in the course include Henry David...
EN308 Climate Fiction We are now living on a planet suffering from the initial effects of climate change. Let us explore how literature may serve as our guide as we begin to imagine how we might live with, and possibly mitigate, these effects in the future. We will...
EN309 YA Fiction: Comas, Catastrophes & Cats This course navigates the symbols of Comas, Catastrophes, and Cats in Young Adult ff A) Fiction. Students will explore a wide range of YA fiction that focuses on innovative family structures, and learn how to interpret these texts for both individual...
EN309 Ya Fiction: Comas, Catastrophes & Cats This course navigates the symbols of Comas, Catastrophes, and Cats in Young Adult ff A) Fiction. Students will explore a wide range of YA fiction that focuses on innovative family structures, and learn how to interpret these texts for both individual...
EN312 Victorian Literature No Description Set
EN314 Backgrounds in Am Lit This historical survey offers a broad-based introduction to American literature. Our readings encounter examples of Native American and kanaka maoli literatures, European narratives of exploration and settlement, and fiction, poetry, and drama...
EN315 Backgrounds in British Literature Foundational study of major British literature from medieval and Elizabethan to the present. Required for English majors. Offered annually. Prerequisite: Any 200-level English offering.
EN319 Studies in Shakespeare This survey studies representative comedies, histories, tragedies, problem plays, and sonnets composed by Shakespeare. This course is thus asking what Shakespeare is, equally important, how we read Shakespeare, and finally, what do we do today with S...
EN362 Advanced Expository Writing This is an advanced writing course focusing on expository essays from logical and rhetorical principles, especially modes of definition, assertion, and proof. Particular emphasis will be on clarity of expression, coherence, and style. Offered alterna...
EN371 Aulama Literary Magazine & Publications This workshop provides students with experience in graphics, layout, presentation, design and writing for publication. Open to any student working on Aulama, the student literary magazine, and other related publications. May be repeated for a maximum...
EN380 Dramatic Writing for Stage, Film and Tv This is a craft-based writing class designed to enhance a student's creative voice through the medium of script writing for theatrical productions. Students will receive an overview on the history of theatre, read and view established plays, th...
EN402 Advanced Fiction Writing Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: Grade of ā€˜Cā€™ or better in EN 302.
EN403 Advanced Poetry Writing Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: Grade of ā€˜Cā€™ or better in EN 303.
EN422 Modern Pacific Literature This course introduces students to significant works of contemporary literature and film produced by indigenous Pacific islanders and explores issues of anti-colonialism, modernization, and traditional culture. Works include writers from across Ocean...
EN430 Womens Literature This survey course examines various literary works and genres of writing from women around the world. Students will explore womenā€™s changing roles in society, and analyze how female writers from different countries and different eras approach themes...
EN432 Contemporary American Literature English 432 offers a broad survey of US literatures, 1940-Present. With attention to writers such as Zora Neale Hurston, Jack Kerouac, John Okada, Maxine Hong Kingston, Ralph Ellison, Art Spiegelman, and Leslie Marmon Silko, we shall consider artisti...
EN463 Movies That Matter: Worldly Doc Films In this general education capstone course, we will study a selection of documentary films that have attempted to help us see the world anew, including several films from the Pacific region. Through our collective viewing of these non-fictional movies...
EN463 Movies That Matter: Worldly Doc Films In this general education capstone course, we will study a selection of documentary films that have attempted to help us see the world anew, including several films from the Pacific region. Through our collective viewing of these non-fictional m...
EN480 Special Topic: These advanced courses are designed for majors. These topics include, but are not limited to British period courses such as Romantic Poetry, and Victorian Literature. Other topics may include The Black Body in Hip Hop and American Popular cultur...
EN482 Film and Literature In this course, we will explore the ways in which film functions as a significant artistic force in its own right, as well as how fictional texts might themselves respond to and refract cinematic motifs. Familiarizing ourselves with the basics of fil...
EN482 Film and Literature In this course, we will explore the ways in which film functions as a significant artistic force in its own right, as well as how fictional texts might themselves respond to and refract cinematic motifs. Familiarizing ourselves with the basics of fil...
EN490 Directed Study Individualized study on a topic arranged with a program advisor. Prerequisites: EN 314 and EN 315, and Junior or Senior standing with consent of advisor.
EN497 Hawai'i: Images and Stories This general education capstone course will cover the literary and visual texts produced in and about Hawai'i from pre-territory to the present. Students will review a range of creative and critical work in order to examine Hawai'i as a conteste...
EN497 Hawai'i: Images and Stories This general education capstone course will cover the literary and visual texts produced in and about Hawaiā€˜i from pre-territory to the present. Students will review a range of creative and critical work in order to examine Hawaiā€˜i as a contested sit...
EN499 Senior Seminar This is the capstone seminar for English undergraduates. Offered annually. Prerequisites: EN 314 and EN 315; open only to Seniors in the major.
TR-LDENCMP DO NOT USE No Description Set