Department: School Psychology

Code Name Description
SP-601 Psych Found of Ed, Dev, & Lrng No Description Set
SP-602 Child & Adolescent Psychopathology This course focuses on the exploration of the classification, causes, origins (etiology), and treatment of the major psychological disorders that occur during childhood and adolescence.
SP-603 Consultation and Collaboration No Description Set
SP-604 SPED Assessmnt Identification & Planning This course focuses on both the quantitative and qualitative assessment of students referred to or enrolled in special education programs. Major topics include exceptional children, writing IEPs, behavioral observation, psychometric properties of tes...
SP-605 Behavioral Asmt & Intervention No Description Set
SP-606 Cognitive Assessment & Interv No Description Set
SP-607 Theory & Asmt Personality & in No Description Set
SP-671 Internship A No Description Set
SP-672 Internship B No Description Set
SP602 Child and Adolescent Pschopath No Description Set
SP604 Sped Assessment, Id, Planninng, & Sped Assessment, Id, Planninng, & Intervention No Description Set
SP700 Introduction to Testing This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of psychological testing and assessment, focusing on applications in school psychology. Students will explore foundational psychometric concepts such as reliability, va...
SP701 Introduction to School Psychology This foundational course provides an overview of the field of school psychology and the role of the school psychologist in the educational environment. The historical foundations of the profession will be explored along with the functions, responsibi...
SP701 Psychological Foundations of Education This course introduces students to the field of School Psychology and the psychological theories of learning and development with a focus on their application to the classroom and school setting. Theories of human development, learning, information p...
SP702 Advanced Psychopathology This course focuses on the exploration of the classification, causes, origins (etiology), and treatment of the major psychological disorders that primarily occur during childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. Participants will experience the pr...
SP702 Human Development and Diversity This course offers an overview of developmental theories, models, and concepts across the lifespan with a focus on diverse populations, encompassing the principles of social justice. Students will analyze physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and li...
SP703 Legal, Professional, and Ethical Issues This course focuses on the roles of consultants and supervisors within educational systems. Legal and ethical issues related to the role of school psychologists in organizations will be synthesized in the steps of the consulting and supervising proce...
SP703 Legal, Professional, and Ethical Issues This course provides an overview of the legal, ethical, and professional issues surrounding the practice of school psychology. Students will examine legal standards including IDEA, FERPA, and Section 504. Codes of ethics, confidentiality requirements...
SP704 Adv Counseling and Group Facilitation An in-depth and comprehensive exploration of the theoretical background and practical application of selected contemporary approaches to mental health counseling interventions with school-aged children and youth in individual and group contexts.
SP704 Advanced Counseling and Group Facilitati An in-depth and comprehensive exploration of the theoretical background and practical application of selected contemporary approaches to mental health counseling interventions with school-aged children and youth in individual and group contexts.
SP705 Applied Leadership and Practice Organizational leaders must recognize and evaluate the appropriate methodologies to promote culturally-responsive programming for diverse learners. In this course, students will review the processes by which institutions can assess, plan, and subsequ...
SP705 Applied Leadership and Practice in Diver Applied Leadership and Practice in Diverse Systems Organizational leaders must recognize and evaluate the appropriate methodologies to promote culturally-responsive programming for diverse learners. In this course, students will review the processe...
SP706 Consultation, Supervision, and Practice This course prepares students for the role of supervisor and consultant as a school psychologist. Theoretical and technical approaches to the educational, administrative, and supportive functions of a supervisor and consultant are addressed.
SP706 Consultation, Supervision, and Practice This course provides advanced training in consultation, supervision, and applied practice for school psychologists. Models of mental health, behavioral, instructional, and organizational consultation will be covered. Developing skills in case confere...
SP706 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support This course will introduce multi-tiered systems of service delivery in PK-12 schools. Three strands of service delivery will be included: 1) academic and cognitive, 2) behavioral and social, and 3) mental health and emotional. Topics will include evi...
SP706 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Multi-Tiered Systems of Support This course will introduce multi-tiered systems of service delivery in PK-12 schools. Three strands of service delivery will be included: 1) academic and cognitive, 2) behavioral and social, and 3) mental health...
SP707 Family, School, and Com Partnerships Students will learn about the principles and research related to family systems, and evidence-based strategies to support positive family influences on children and adolescent learning and mental health. Students will be introduced to developing stu...
SP707 Family, School & Community Partnerships Family, School, and Community Partnerships Family, School, and Community Partnerships This course provides an overview of strategies for building collaborative family-school-community partnerships to enhance educational outcomes for students. Model...
SP708 Achievement Testing This course provides comprehensive and expanded training in the administration, scoring, interpretation, and real-world application of individual academic achievement tests for school psychology students. With a heightened emphasis on practical imple...
SP708 Prevention and Wellness This course serves as a foundation of preventative practice for the overall well-being of students within the education and/or community setting. This course focuses on contemporary evidence-based approaches to the assessment and promotion of psychol...
SP709 SPED Assessment, Ident, and Plan This course focuses on both the quantitative and qualitative assessment of students referred to or enrolled in special education programs. Major topics include exceptional children, writing IEPs, behavioral observation, psychometric properties of tes...
SP709 Sped Assessment, Identification, and Pla SPED Assessment and Planning Special Education Assessment and Planning This course provides training in multifaceted assessment and data-based decision-making for determining special education eligibility and service planning. Diagnostic assessment...
SP710 Program Eval, Stats, and Psych Methods Surveys the different types of program evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, monitoring of outputs and outcomes, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Participants gain experience designing conceptual framewo...
SP710 Program Evaluation, Statistics, and Psyc Program Evaluation, Statistics, and Psychometric Methods This course provides training in program evaluation, statistics, and psychometric principles for application in school psychology practice and research. Program evaluation methods, data collect...
SP711 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support This course will introduce multi-tiered systems of service delivery in PK-12 schools. Three strands of service delivery will be included: 1) academic and cognitive, 2) behavioral and social, and 3) mental health and emotional. Topics will include evi...
SP712 Social-Emotional Assessment and Interv This course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to conduct comprehensive assessments of PK-12 students’ social and emotional needs. This course will focus on classification, assessment, and best practi...
SP712 Social-Emotional Assessment and Interven This course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to conduct comprehensive assessments of PK-12 students' social and emotional needs. This course will focus on classification, assessment, and best practi...
SP713 Behavioral Assessment and Intervention This course examines the major behavioral models and strategies for addressing behavioral and emotional problems in the school and classroom setting. Principles of learning theory, behavior modification, and positive behavioral supports will be focus...
SP713 Behavioral Assessment and Intervention This course examines the major behavioral models and strategies for addressing behavioral and emotional problems in the school and classroom setting. Principles of learning theory, behavior modification, and positive behavioral supports will be focus...
SP714 Cognitive Assessment This expanded course delivers advanced training and real-world practice in the selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of individual cognitive assessments, encompassing intelligence tests and other psychometric instruments. The course...
SP714 Cognitive Assessment This course is designed to address the administration, scoring, and interpretation of individual intelligence and cognitive assessment instruments. It includes practice in administering assessments, test interpretation, report writing, and making spe...
SP715 Research Methods This course provides foundational knowledge and skills in research design and methodology for application in school psychology research and practice. Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, and action research will be examined. Developing skills in...
SP715 Research Methods This course introduces students to research methods and their application across social and educational settings. Emphasis is on qualitative, quantitative, and action research methods. This class will also familiarize students with experimental desi...
SP716 Practicum This course provides students an opportunity to establish a professional identity as a school psychologist trainee through engagement in a PK-12 setting under the close supervision of a preceptor. Practicum activities include developing knowledge an...
SP716 Practicum This course provides students an opportunity to establish a professional identity as a school psychologist trainee through engagement in a PK-12 setting under the close supervision of a preceptor. Practicum activities include developing knowledge and...
SP717 Behavioral & Socio-Emotional Assessment This course provides an in-depth exploration of behavioral and social-emotional assessment and intervention strategies within PK-12 educational settings. Students will examine evidence-based principles of learning theory, behavior modification, posit...
SP718 Cognitive Assessment II This course provides an in-depth examination of nonverbal cognitive assessments and their application in PK-12 educational settings. Students will explore the theoretical foundations, psychometric properties, and appropriate uses of nonverbal cogniti...
SP801 Internship A This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. The internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a...
SP801 Internship A This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. The internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a...
SP802 802 Internship B This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. The internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a...
SP802 Internship B This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. The internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a...
SP803 Internship C This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. The internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a...
SP803 Internship C This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. The internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a...
SP804 Internship D This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. Internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a K-12...
SP804 Internship D This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore and apply the most important concepts and techniques of a school psychologist. Internship requires a total of 1200 hours to be distributed between Internships A, B, C, and D, within a K-12...
SP901 School Psychology Capstone This capstone course is the culminating experience for students in the EdS in School Psychology program. Students will complete and submit their professional portfolio as part of the evaluation for the National Certification of School Psychologists (...
SP901 School Psychology Capstone This capstone course is the culminating experience for students in the EdS in School Psychology program. Students will complete and submit their professional portfolio as part of the evaluation for the National Certification of School Psychologists (...