Religion Sci & Modern Prospect
Can a person meaningfully believe in God in a world of quantum indeterminacy? Can the many discourses of the world’s religions help us to find hope in a world that the sciences tell us start with a big bang and is evolving towards a heated death? Thi...
Asian Philosophy
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Existential Psychology
A philosophical and psychological inquiry into the core of human existence. This course will examine the relationship between Psychology and philosophy exploring such topics as anxiety, death, meaninglessness, freedom, isolation, free choice, and res...
Existential Psychology
A philosophical and psychological inquiry into the core of human existence. This course will examine the relationship between Psychology and philosophy exploring such topics as anxiety, death, meaninglessness, freedom, isolation, free choice, and res...
Ldrshp Catholic Social Thght
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Intro to Religion
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World Religions
The Council of Vatican II issued a document, Nostra Aetate, that invited Catholic Christians to study how religious traditions answer the questions o f meaning that leads to actions of compassion and justice. Within the context of the dialogue betwee...
Rite of Christian Intro
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Contemp Issues in Christianity
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The Divine and Human Christ
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The Christian God & Human Experience
Students probe the nature of human experience and religious meaning, with special attention given to experience of the Judeo-Christian God. Contemporary Catholic-Christian faith is systematically analyzed in terms of its core concepts, values and vis...
The Bible As Controversy
Ancient scriptural documents have erupted into modern controversies, ranging from questions over biblical fundamentalism to the meaning of Jesus in contemporary times. Questions concerning the creation stories, the monarchy of Israel, the movement of...
Hebrew Scriptures
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New Testament Times and Lit
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Religion in Hawaii
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Special Topics:
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Community Service Internship
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Jesus, God and Man
Students will explore the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith with consideration given to the varied perspectives of the Church’s living-faith tradition. Students will study contemporary controversies that pertain to the meaning, person and stor...
The Church
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Sociology & Philosophy of Religion
Religion from the perspectives of the behavioral sciences, especially sociology, and philosophy; the nature of religious experiences; higher states of consciousness (brought about by the use of drugs or other means); politics and religions; religion...
Early Christ: Prphts Mrtyrs Vrgns &Tchrs
This course will examine the central features of early Christian life: the formation of a distinct Christian identity, Christian worship and prayer, morality and ethics, theology and community organization. Of particular concern will be the thought a...
Christianity in the Modern Age
From the Reformation and Enlightenment periods to the dawn of the Third Millennium, Christianity has wrestled with modern philosophies and ideologies, the birth of the sciences and modernity’s socio-political events. Attention will be given to the sp...
Christian Ethics
Examines the ethical implications of the Christian faith for the individual and community. Students will be engaged in a dialogue among Christian and non-Christian traditions of human dignity and social justice. Special emphasis will be placed on lib...
Church Hist: Orig to 16th Cent
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Church Hist: Orig to 16th Cent
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Hebrew Scriptures
This course introduces the God of the Old Testament and details Israel’s relationship with its God over a two thousand year journey of faith. The sacred writings of the Pentateuch and both the Prophetic and Wisdom literature of Israel will be examine...
Christian Scriptures
This course presents the New Testament times and literature as a rich mosaic of Christianity’s primal era. Examined in detail, the Pauline letters and the Gospels will serve as a window into the early Christian movement, its beliefs and practices, it...
Modern Theologians
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Sacremental Theology
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Medieval Life and Thought
This course integrates the perspectives of history and religion into the study of medieval Europe (ca. 500-1500 A.D.). Students will undertake a historical overview of medieval times with a dual focus on both Church and State and their mutual influen...
Sexuality in Christian Life
Students will explore the Christian views of marriage and the single life as a means to making their own informed choices regarding sexuality, with its moral and social responsibilities. Students will examine the paradigm of Jesus as Sacrament and th...
Christian Prayer
Christian prayer emerges from the human response to the Trinitarian understanding of God that develops out of the experiences of early and continuing followers of Jesus Christ. Students will study both its communal and individual aspects recognizing...
Biomedical Ethics
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Environmental Ethics
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Ethics and Criminal Justice
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Media Law and Ethics
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Ethics of Leadership
Students explore the relationship between ethics and leadership in a variety of settings, within the context of an ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. Special attention will be given to moral development theories, value conflicts and diversity,...
Catholic Social Thought
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Religion, Philosophy & Social Ethics
Designed to give students an interdisciplinary experience in the study of social ethics from the perspectives of theology, religion and philosophy. Students will explore the theory and practice of social ethics and develop the knowledge and skills fo...
Theories of Peace
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Theories of Peace
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Influential Women in Christian
This course surveys the life and work of especially significant women in Christianity with an emphasis on the Catholic Church. Analytical discussion employing socio-cultural, philosophical, theological, and feminist approaches will help students to u...
Justice, Dvlpmnt & Human Right
This course examines the inter-relationships between justice, development and human rights norms and institutions at the global level. Students will explore the historical development of these concepts and their application and evolution from the 19t...
Women & Religion
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Christians & Buddhist in Dialogue
This course surveys both Christianity and Buddhism, their individual responses to questions of ultimate meaning, and their shared dialogues toward mutual understanding and challenges. Offered annually. Prerequisite: RE 103, RE 205, or RE 211. This co...
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India: Crossroads of Religions
Throughout its history, India has been the site for the beginnings of major religious traditions and the home for imported ones as well. In the context of world religions, India serves as the fruitful ground for inter-religious dialogue as encouraged...
Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism
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Introduction to Chinese Thought
Students will explore Chinese thought, political structures, and patterns of harmony that have contributed to the development of Chinese culture and life. The specific emphases will include shamanism, Chinese folk religion, and the traditions of Conf...
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Jewish Exp:Hist/Beliefs/Prac
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Nursing: Ethics & Spirituality
This nursing and religious studies course explores the foundations of nursing practice from the perspectives of ethics and spirituality. The goal is to prepare nursing students to confront, understand, and communicate contemporary ethical issues, int...
Special Topics
Selected topics in religious studies to be announced. Past offerings include Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Judaism, Religious Education, Theology and Politics, Liturgy and Christian Worship, Spirituality of Thomas Merton, Jewish Prophets, and Taoi...
Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership begins with recognizing and understanding one’s own giftedness in the image of Christ to authentically respond to opportunities to serve and lead for the greatest good of the world. Building upon the servant leadership exa...
Modern Theologians
The course studies the significant ecclesial renewal confirmed by the Second Vatican Council; the People of God, the universal call to holiness, privileges, and responsibilities of the baptized community of disciplines in mission, the role of ordaine...
Christian Spirituality & Sci
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Religion Sci & Modern Prospect
Can a person meaningfully believe in God in a world of quantum indeterminacy? Can the many discourses of the world’s religions help us to find hope in a world that the sciences tell us started with a big bang and is evolving towards a heated death? T...
Theology & American Politics
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Biomedical Ethics
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Environmental Ethics
Examines religious perspectives on ethical issues within the context of an ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue in the field of environmental studies, with particular attention paid to contemporary Catholic ethicists. The goals are to assist stude...
Media Law and Ethics
Examines the secular and religious perspectives of law and ethics in the media communication fields. Study includes First Amendment issues, prior restraint, defamation, privacy and copyright. Perspectives on personal and social meaning and moral jud...
Business Ethics
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Rel., Philosophy & Social Eth
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Teaching Christian Beliefs
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Sex & Social Roles in Religion
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Catholic Social Thought
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Hawaiian Oral & Religious Traditions
Religion has, first of all, explanatory functions: it answers systematically the overall “why” questions. Secondly, it has validating functions: it sanctions all basic institutions, values, goals; sets the standard of righteousness, personal conduct,...
Rel & Art Thru Imagery of Danc
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This course will explore the basic teaching of Buddhist religions through the historical development of early Buddhism and the major three branches of Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. The major concepts of truth, happiness versus suffering, and int...
Zen: Self, Being and Time
A general survey of the historical development of Zen Buddhism in the East and the West will introduce student to this popular subject for many Westerners. Samples of meditation will illustrate the meaning and practice of Zen. Analytical discussion a...
Psychology of Death & Dying
The scope of this course is an exploration into the domain of death and dying. The focus of the course will be a psychological, philosophical, theological, ethical, biological, social and scientific inquiry to the nature of death. Topics to be examin...
Islam in Asia
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Students will explore Taoism through its religious and philosophical thought and practices. This will entail a journey into Chinese shamanism, the Tao Te Ching, and later religious practices including magic, divination, ceremonies and rituals, and in...
Students will explore the basic teaching of Confucianism through the works of Confucious, Mencius, Hsun Tzu, Fei Tzu, and the Neo-Confucians. Special attention is given to fundamental concepts such as Jen (human heartedness), Yi (right choice/conduct...
Students will examine the history of anti-Semitism that led to the tragic destruction of most of European Jewry in the Holocaust. It involves a critical reflection on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism and the sources of the anti- Jewi...
Transpersonal Psychology
A phenomenological exploration of spiritual experience and self-transformation; focus on eastern and western traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, mystic Judaism, Christian mysticism, and Sufism. The approach is interdisciplinary, integratin...
Buddhist Psychology
A phenomenological exploration of psychological concerns such as feeling, thinking, behavior and therapy from a Buddhist perspective, including classical Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism. Special emphasis will be given to Ch’an/Zen...
Daoist Psychology
This course will examine the domains of consciousness, self, behavior, spirit, social interaction, and therapeutic intervention from the perspective of Daoism. The course will explore Taoist Psychology as found in the I Ching, Dao De Ching, Chuang Tz...
The Psychology of Taijiquan
This course explores the art of Taijiquan from an interdisciplinary perspective that incorporates Psychology, philosophy, science and religion. The long form of the Yang style will be taught and T’ui Shou and Ch’I Kung will be included as supplements...
Special Topics
Selected topics in religious studies to be announced. Past offerings include Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Judaism, Religious Education, Theology and Politics, Liturgy and Christian Worship, Spirituality of Thomas Merton, Jewish Prophets, and Taoi...
Challenge of Peace
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Community Service Internship
Students will select a community service project that will involve them in volunteer work in religious or other non-profit institutions providing direct service to the community. They are required to maintain a journal of their work experience, atten...
Senior Seminar
This is the capstone seminar for the Religious Studies majors. Majors will select a topic from their area of study, develop a research plan, and implement that plan to produce a final work that will be presented at an open forum at the conclusion of...
Capstone in Gender Studies
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Directed Study
Individualized study on a topic arranged through the program advisor. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, and consent of program advisor. This course may not be used to satisfy the 300-level Religious Studies General Education Core requirement.
God, Man and Religion I
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World Religions
The Council of Vatican II issued a document, Nostra Aetate, that invited Catholic Christians to study how religious traditions answer the questions o f meaning that leads to actions of compassion and justice. Within the context of the dialogue b...
The Christian God & Human Experience
Students probe the nature of human experience and religious meaning, with special attention given to experience of the Judeo-Christian God. Contemporary Catholic-Christian faith is systematically analyzed in terms of its core concepts, values an...
The Bible As Controversy
Ancient scriptural documents have erupted into modern controversies, ranging from questions over biblical fundamentalism to the meaning of Jesus in contemporary times. Questions concerning the creation stories, the monarchy of Israel, the moveme...
Jesus, God and Man
Students will explore the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith with consideration given to the varied perspectives of the Church's living-faith tradition. Students will study contemporary controversies that pertain to the meaning, person and...
Sociology & Philosophy of Rel
Religion from the perspectives of the behavioral sciences, especially sociology, and philosophy; the nature of religious experiences; higher states of consciousness (brought about by the use of drugs or other means); politics and religions; reli...
Early Christianity: Prophets, Martyrs, Virgins and Teachers
This course will examine the central features of early Christian life: the formation of a distinct Christian identity, Christian worship and prayer, morality and ethics, theology and community organization. Of particular concern will be the thought a...
Christianity in the Modern Age
From the Reformation and Enlightenment periods to the dawn of the Third Millennium, Christianity has wrestled with modern philosophies and ideologies, the birth of the sciences and modernity’s socio-political events. Attention will be given to the sp...
Christian Ethics
Examines the ethical implications of the Christian faith for the individual and community. Students will be engaged in a dialogue among Christian and non-Christian traditions of human dignity and social justice. Special emphasis will be placed on lib...
Hebrew Scriptures
This course introduces the God of the Old Testament and details Israel's relationship with its God over a two thousand year journey of faith. The sacred writings of the Pentateuch and both the Prophetic and Wisdom literature of Israel will be examine...
Christian Scriptures
This course presents the New Testament times and literature as a rich mosaic of Christianity's primal era. Examined in detail, the Pauline letters and the Gospels will serve as a window into the early Christian movement, its beliefs and practices, it...
Medieval Life and Thought
This course integrates the perspectives of history and religion into the study of medieval Europe (ca. 500 to 1500 A.D.). Religious history combines insight into the nature of religious experiences and structures with a proper understanding of their...
Sexuality in Christian Life
Students will explore the Christian views of marriage and the single life as a means to making their own informed choices regarding sexuality, with its moral and social responsibilities. Students will examine the paradigm of Jesus as Sacrament and th...
Christian Prayer
Christian prayer emerges from the human response to the Trinitarian understanding of God that develops out of the experiences of early and continuing followers of Jesus Christ. Students will study both its communal and individual aspects recognizing...
Ethics of Leadership
Students explore the relationship between ethics and leadership in a variety of settings, within the context of an ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. Special attention will be given to moral development theories, value conflicts and diversity,...
Rel., Philosophy & Social Ethics
Designed to give students an interdisciplinary experience in the study of social ethics from the perspectives of theology, religion and philosophy. Students will explore the theory and practice of social ethics and develop the knowledge and skills fo...
Influential Women in Christian
This course surveys the life and work of especially significant women in Christianity with an emphasis on the Catholic Church. Analytical discussion employing socio-cultural, philosophical, theological, and feminist approaches will help students to u...
Justice, Development & Human Rights
This course examines the inter-relationships between justice, development and human rights norms and institutions at the global level. Students will explore the historical development of these concepts and their application and evolution from the 19t...
Christians and Buddhist in Dialogue
This course surveys both Christianity and Buddhism, their individual responses to questions of ultimate meaning, and their shared dialogues toward mutual understanding and challenges. Offered annually. Prerequisite: RE 103, RE 205, or RE 211. This co...
India: Crossroads of Religions
Throughout its history, India has been the site for the beginnings of major religious traditions and the home for imported ones as well. In the context of world religions, India serves as the fruitful ground for inter-religious dialogue as encouraged...
Intro to Chinese Thought
Students will explore Chinese thought, political structures, and patterns of harmony that have contributed to the development of Chinese culture and life. The specific emphases will include shamanism, Chinese folk religion, and the traditions of Conf...
Nursing: Ethics & Spirituality
This nursing and religious studies course explores the foundations of nursing practice from the perspectives of ethics and spirituality. The goal is to prepare nursing students to confront, understand, and communicate contemporary ethical issues...
Special Topics:
Selected topics in religious studies to be announced. Past offerings include Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Judaism, Religious Education, Theology and Politics, Liturgy and Christian Worship, Spirituality of Thomas Merton, Jewish Prophets, and...
Introduction to Spiritual Direction
University Course Catalog Description
This introductory course will enable the student to explore the process of spiritual direction. It will involve participants in the skills needed to help others with their religious experience, including prayer....
Introduction to Spiritual Direction
This introductory course will enable the student to explore the process of spiritual direction. It will involve participants in the skills needed to help others with their religious experience, including prayer. Basic listening and direction ski...
Magic & Medicine
Designed to give students an interdisciplinary experience, this course will explore historical and contemporary theories and practice of medicine, examining in parallel ancient, non-Western and Western views of health, disease and healing. Studies wi...
Magic & Medicine
Designed to give students an interdisciplinary experience, this course will explore historical and contemporary theories and practice of medicine, examining in parallel ancient, non-Western and Western views of health, disease and healing. Studi...
Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership begins with recognizing and understanding one's own giftedness in the image of Christ to authentically respond to opportunities to serve and lead for the greatest good of the world. Building upon the servant leadershi...
Environmental Ethics
Examines religious perspectives on ethical issues within the context of an ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue in the field of environmental studies, with particular attention paid to contemporary Catholic ethicists. The goals are to assist...
Media Law and Ethics
Examines the secular and religious perspectives of law and ethics in the media communication fields. Study includes First Amendment issues, prior restraint, defamation, privacy and copyright. Perspectives on personal and social meaning and moral judg...
Hawaiian Oral & Religious Traditions
Religion has, first of all, explanatory functions: it answers systematically the overall “why” questions. Secondly, it has validating functions: it sanctions all basic institutions, values, goals; sets the standard of righteousness, personal conduct,...
This course will explore the basic teaching of Buddhist religions through the historical development of early Buddhism and the major three branches of Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. The major concepts of truth, happiness versus suffering, an...
Zen: Self, Being and Time
A general survey of the historical development of Zen Buddhism in the East and the West will introduce student to this popular subject for many Westerners. Samples of meditation will illustrate the meaning and practice of Zen. Analytical discussion a...
The Psychology of Death and Dying
The scope of this course is an exploration into the domain of death and dying. The focus of the course will be a psychological, philosophical, theological, ethical, biological, social and scientific inquiry to the nature of death. Topics to be examin...
Students will explore Taoism through its religious and philosophical thought and practices. This will entail a journey into Chinese shamanism, the Tao Te Ching, and later religious practices including magic, divination, ceremonies and rituals, and in...
Students will explore the basic teaching of Confucianism through the works of Confucious, Mencius, Hsun Tzu, Fei Tzu, and the Neo-Confucians. Special attention is given to fundamental concepts such as Jen (human heartedness), Yi (right choice/conduct...
Students will examine the history of anti-Semitism that led to the tragic destruction of most of European Jewry in the Holocaust. It involves a critical reflection on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism and the sources of the anti-Jewis...
Transpersonal Psychology
A phenomenological exploration of spiritual experience and self-transformation; focus on eastern and western traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, mystic Judaism, Christian mysticism, and Sufism. The approach is interdisciplinary, integratin...
Buddhist Psychology
A phenomenological exploration of psychological concerns such as feeling, thinking, behavior and therapy from a Buddhist perspective, including classical Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism. Special emphasis will be given to Ch’an/Zen...
Daoist Psychology
This course will examine the domains of consciousness, self, behavior, spirit, social interaction, and therapeutic intervention from the perspective of Daoism. The course will explore Taoist Psychology as found in the I Ching, Dao De Ching, Chuang Tz...
The Psychology of Taijiquan
This course explores the art of Taijiquan from an interdisciplinary perspective that incorporates Psychology, philosophy, science and religion. The long form of the Yang style will be taught and T’ui Shou and Ch’I Kung will be included as supplements...
Special Topics:
Selected topics in religious studies to be announced. Past offerings include Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Judaism, Religious Education, Theology and Politics, Liturgy and Christian Worship, Spirituality of Thomas Merton, Jewish Prophets, and Taoi...
Community Service Internship
Students will select a community service project that will involve them in volunteer work in religious or other non-profit institutions providing direct service to the community. They are required to maintain a journal of their work experience, atten...
Magic, Science, and Belief
Designed to give students an interdisciplinary experience, this course will explore historical and contemporary theories and practices of medicine, examining in parallel ancient, modern, non-Western, and Western views of health, disease, and healing....
Magic, Science, and Belief
Designed to give students an interdisciplinary experience, this course will explore historical and contemporary theories and practices of medicine, examining in parallel ancient, modern, non-Western, and Western views of health, disease, and hea...
Faith Reason and Sustainable Creation
This course is a capstone course of the General Education Program. It will be an interdisciplinary dialogue that engages your understanding of the vision and values found in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT), in particular the Catholic S...
Faith Reason and Sustainable Creation
This course is a capstone course of the General Education Program. It will be an interdisciplinary dialogue that engages your understanding of the vision and values found in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT), in particular the Catholic Social...
Faith Reason and Sustainable Creation
This course is a capstone course of the General Education Program. It will be an interdisciplinary dialogue that engages your understanding of the vision and values found in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT), in particular the Catho...
Senior Seminar
This is the capstone seminar for the Religious Studies majors. Majors will select a topic from their area of study, develop a research plan, and implement that plan to produce a final work that will be presented at an open forum at the conclusion of...
Directed Study
Individualized study on a topic arranged through the program advisor. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, and consent of program advisor. This course may not be used to satisfy the 300-level Religious Studies General Education Core requirement.
Transformational Leadership
Transformational Leadership begins with recognizing and understanding one’s own giftedness in the image of Christ to authentically respond to opportunities to serve and lead for the greatest good of the world. Building upon the servant leadership exa...
Sex & Social Roles in Religion
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Mystical Christ
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Life of Man with God
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