Department: Doctor of Education

Code Name Description
EDUC-801 Quantitative Research Methods Provides the foundational knowledge and skills to conduct quantitative research. Emphasis is placed on understanding quantitative methods and statistical techniques so that students can think critically about appropriate research designs, the collect...
EDUC-802 Qualitative Research Methods Introduces the characteristics and approaches in designing qualitative research studies. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the skills, techniques, and knowledge necessary to conduct original research using these methodologies.
EDUC-803 Program Evaluation Surveys the different types of program evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, monitoring of outputs and outcomes, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Students gain experience designing conceptual frameworks,...
EDUC-804 Action Research Prepares the student to conduct an action research study by having the student develop a clear and measurable action research question, conduct an effective review of related literature, develop a plan for data collection, identify sources of analysi...
EDUC-811 Leading People in Organization Provides concepts and best practices for leading individuals and groups toward working more effectively. Central issues include dealing with different personalities, motivating others, using people’s best abilities, and building social influence and...
EDUC-812 Leadership Ethics & Social Justice Explores leadership ethics as well as a leader’s responsibility for social justice. This course examines the complex economic, political, and social challenges that leaders face as they seek to meet the needs of diverse organizations and constituents...
EDUC-813 Leading Across Cultures Leadership in a multicultural context with a focus on aspects of culture that inform leadership praxis. Topics of study include ontology, epistemology, and axiology – ways of being, ways of knowing, and values – that provide a foundation for intercul...
EDUC-814 Evidence Based Ldrshp & Decision Making In order to be effective in today’s complex and changing world, leaders must be able to utilize a myriad of sources of information to make well-informed decisions. This course explores concepts around performance measurement, research design, and dat...
EDUC-821 Organization Theory Focuses on the history and application of the central perspectives and issues in organization theory. Topics include organizational life cycle, organizational structure, resource dependence and allocation, strategy, organizational culture, human syst...
EDUC-822 Organizational Strategy Focuses on the concepts and tools of strategic thinking and strategy formulation. This course takes a general management view of organizational assessment and strategy development, centering on the key information from the functional areas of an orga...
EDUC-823 Creativity & Innovation in Organizations Examines the role of creativity and innovation in successful leadership. This course will lead students through a journey of both current and historical creative and innovative leaders and organizations. The focus is on developing leaders who are cap...
EDUC-824 Organization Development Provides a foundational knowledge of the history, values and aims of the field of organization development. This course examines issues pertinent to the enhancement of organizational systems, including the assessment of group and organizational effec...
EDUC-851 Leading Organizational Change Provides concepts and skills needed to lead change and development efforts at individual, team, and systems levels. Focus is given to diagnosis of organizational events and creation of interventions to improve them. Emphasis is on using consulting mo...
EDUC-852 Consulting Skills This course focuses on the role of consultants. The tasks of consultants are distinguished from those of organizational leaders. Steps in the consulting process are engaged through case analysis, and students learn practical approaches to helping cli...
EDUC-861 Indigenous Ldrshp & Organizational Mngmt Building on the Leading Across Cultures course, students will examine cultural influences on leadership and organizational management policies and practices. This course will investigate what constitutes effective leadership and organizational manage...
EDUC-862 Power Politics & Policy: Hist & Contemp Explores contemporary issues of power and policy in leadership, and their historical and political origins. This course will focus on contemporary challenges facing Indigenous communities and develop action plans that address those challenges by plac...
EDUC-871 Ldrshp for Educational Administrators Designed to provide guidelines for educational administrators as managers and leaders of change through decision-making, motivation, group dynamics, and co-empowerment with all stakeholders.
EDUC-872 School Community Relations A school is a vital and central hub in a community and thus, establishing and maintaining strong community relations with all stakeholders is crucial for the success of all. This course will introduce and address the various aspects of effective scho...
EDUC-891 Diss I: Proposal & Internal Review Board This is the first course in the dissertation process. It provides students with both group and individualized support in their dissertation development. Students work directly with their instructor and committee to develop their research proposal and...
EDUC-892 Diss II: Data Collection & Management This is the second course in the dissertation process and provides students with group and individualized support as they collect data and begin to analyze their results. Students work directly with their instructor and committee members to continue...
EDUC-893 Diss III: Data Analysis & Presentation This is the third course in the dissertation process where students receive group and individualized support with the dissertation process. Students work directly with their instructor and committee members to analyze their data and determine appropr...
EDUC-894 Diss IV: Findings & Discussion This is the final course in the dissertation process where students receive both group and individualized support in completing their dissertation. Learners work directly with their instructor and committee members to finalize and present their disse...
EDUC801 Quantitative Research Methods Provides the foundational knowledge and skills to conduct quantitative research. Emphasis is placed on understanding quantitative methods and statistical techniques so that students can think critically about appropriate research designs, the co...
EDUC802 Qualitative Research Methods Introduces the characteristics and approaches in designing qualitative research studies. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the skills, techniques, and knowledge necessary to conduct original research using these methodologies.
EDUC803 Program Evaluation Surveys the different types of program evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, monitoring of outputs and outcomes, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Students gain experience designing conceptual framew...
EDUC804 Action Research Prepares the student to conduct an action research study by having the student develop a clear and measurable action research question, conduct an effective review of related literature, develop a plan for data collection, identify sources of an...
EDUC811 Leading People in Organizations Provides concepts and best practices for leading individuals and groups toward working more effectively. Central issues include dealing with different personalities, motivating others, using people's best abilities, and building social influence...
EDUC812 Ldrshp Ethics & Social Justice Explores leadership ethics as well as a leader's responsibility for social justice. This course examines the complex economic, political, and social challenges that leaders face as they seek to meet the needs of diverse organizations and constit...
EDUC813 Leading Across Cultures Leadership in a multicultural context with a focus on aspects of culture that inform leadership praxis. Topics of study include ontology, epistemology, and axiology - ways of being, ways of knowing, and values - that provide a foundation for int...
EDUC814 Evidence Based Leadeship and Decision Making In order to be effective in today's complex and changing world, leaders must be able to utilize a myriad of sources of information to make well-informed decisions. This course explores concepts around performance measurement, research design, an...
EDUC821 Organization Theory Making Focuses on the history and application of the central perspectives and issues in organization theory. Topics include organizational life cycle, organizational structure, resource dependence and allocation, strategy, organizational culture, human...
EDUC822 Organizational Strategy Focuses on the concepts and tools of strategic thinking and strategy formulation. This course takes a general management view of organizational assessment and strategy development, centering on the key information from the functional areas of an...
EDUC823 Creativity & Innovation in Organizations Examines the role of creativity and innovation in successful leadership. This course will lead students through a journey of both current and historical creative and innovative leaders and organizations. The focus is on developing leaders who ar...
EDUC824 Organization Development Provides a foundational knowledge of the history, values and aims of the field of organization development. This course examines issues pertinent to the enhancement of organizational systems, including the assessment of group and organizational...
EDUC851 Leading Organizational Change Provides concepts and skills needed to lead change and development efforts at individual, team, and systems levels. Focus is given to diagnosis of organizational events and creation of interventions to improve them. Emphasis is on using consulti...
EDUC852 Consulting Skills This course focuses on the role of consultants. The tasks of consultants are distinguished from those of organizational leaders. Steps in the consulting process are engaged through case analysis, and students learn practical approaches to helpin...
EDUC861 Indigenous Leadership and Organizational Management Building on the Leading Across Cultures course, students will examine cultural influences on leadership and organizational management policies and practices. This course will investigate what constitutes effective leadership and organizational m...
EDUC862 Power, Politics, and Policy: Historical And Contemporary Perspectives Explores contemporary issues of power and policy in leadership, and their historical and political origins. This course will focus on contemporary challenges facing Indigenous communities and develop action plans that address those challenges by...
EDUC871 Leadership for Educational Adminstrators Designed to provide guidelines for educational administrators as managers and leaders of change through decision-making, motivation, group dynamics, and co-empowerment with all stakeholders.
EDUC872 School Community Relations A school is a vital and central hub in a community and thus, establishing and maintaining strong community relations with all stakeholders is crucial for the success of all. This course will introduce and address the various aspects of effective...
EDUC881 Leadership for Sustainability In this course, students will develop an understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in organizing and leading for sustainability. This includes identifying and addressing organization issues within complex and dynamic internal an...
EDUC881 Leadership for Sustainability In this course, students will develop an understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in organizing and leading for sustainability. This includes identifying and addressing organization issues within complex and dynamic internal and ext...
EDUC882 Current Issues in Sustainability This course will review relevant environmental, cultural, economic, social, political, ethical, and economic issues that current and future organization leaders face in our rapidly changing world. The focus is on developing skills and strategies for...
EDUC882 Current Issues in Sustainability This course will review relevant environmental, cultural, economic, social, political, ethical, and economic issues that current and future organization leaders face in our rapidly changing world. The focus is on developing skills and strategies...
EDUC891 Diss I: Proposal & Inst Review Board This is the first course in the dissertation process. It provides students with both group and individualized support in their dissertation development. Students work directly with their instructor and committee to develop their research proposa...
EDUC892 Diss II: Data Collection & Management This is the second course in the dissertation process and provides students with group and individualized support as they collect data and begin to analyze their results. Students work directly with their instructor and committee members to cont...
EDUC893 Diss III: Data Analysis & Presentation This is the third course in the dissertation process where students receive group and individualized support with the dissertation process. Students work directly with their instructor and committee members to analyze their data and determine ap...
EDUC894 Diss Iv: Findings & Discussion This is the final course in the dissertation process where students receive both group and individualized support in completing their dissertation. Learners work directly with their instructor and committee members to finalize and present their...
EDUC895 Dissertation Continuation For doctoral candidates needing additional time to complete their dissertation. Building upon the foundational work completed in previous dissertation courses, this course offers essential guidance and resources to help students complete their diss...
EPSY700 Psych Foundations of Human Growth andDev This course provides an in-depth exploration of the psychological principles and theories underlying human growth and development across the lifespan, with a particular focus on the developmental stages pertinent to PK-12 students. Emphasizing the in...
EPSY702 Leadership in Diverse Systems Organizational leaders must recognize and evaluate the appropriate methodologies to promote culturally-responsive programming for diverse learners. In this course, students will review the processes by which institutions can assess, plan, and subseq...
EPSY703 Legal and Ethical Issues Legal and Ethical Issues in Educational Psychology: Consultation, Supervision, and Practice This course focuses on the roles of consultants and supervisors within educational systems. Legal and ethical issues related to the role of educational psycho...
EPSY704 AdvCouns Theories &Techniques Advanced Counseling Theories and Techniques An in-depth and comprehensive exploration of the theoretical background and practical application of selected contemporary approaches to counseling and therapy with school aged children and youth.
EPSY705 Advanced Group Facilitation Advanced Group Facilitation This course explores the theoretical nature of groups and the application of group theory to the group counseling process as it relates to working with PK – 12 students. In examining and applying theories of group counsel...
EPSY706 Career Development Career Development This course reviews theories related to college & career readiness, vocational development, and social emotional development from PK to adulthood. Types, sources, and uses of occupational and educational information in career cou...
EPSY707 Advanced Psychopathology Advanced Psychopathology in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
EPSY708 SPED SPED Assessment, Identification, and Planning (FULL TITLE WILL BE USED) This course focuses on both the quantitative and qualitative assessment of students referred to or enrolled in special education programs. Major topics include exceptional child...
EPSY709 Behav Assmt & Invent Behavioral Assessment and Intervention (FULL TITLE WILL BE USED) This course examines the major behavioral models and strategies for addressing behavior and emotional problems in the school and classroom setting. Principles of learning theory, beha...
EPSY710 Cognitive Assessment Cognitive Assessment This course is designed to address the administration, scoring, and interpretation of individual intelligence and cognitive assessment instruments. It includes practice in administering assessments, test interpretation, report...
EPSY711 Theory &Assessment Personality Theory and Assessment of Personality (FULL TITLE WILL BE USED) This course will provide an examination of personality assessment instruments that are applicable to school settings. Participants will administrator, score, interpret, and write psychol...
EPSY712 Psychometric Methods Program Evaluation, Statistics, and Psychometric Methods (FULL TITLE WILL BE USED) Surveys the different types of program evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, monitoring of outputs and outcomes, impact asse...
EPSY713 Action Research Prepares participants to conduct an action research study by developing a clear and measurable action research question, conducting an effective review of related literature, developing a plan for data collection, identifying sources of analysis, and...
EPSY714 Prevention and Wellness Prevention and Wellness This course serves as a foundation of preventative practice for the overall well-being of students within the education and/or community setting. This course focuses on contemporary evidence-based approaches to the assessmen...
EPSY720 Leader & Clinic Pract in Diverse Systems This course will explore the intersection of leadership and clinical practice within diverse educational and mental health systems. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and navigating the complex dynamics of culturally responsive academic and men...
EPSY721 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support This course will introduce Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) delivery in PK-12 schools, with a focus on targeted mental health counseling interventions at each tier. Students will explore evidence-based practices and strategies for addressing t...
EPSY722 Behav & Socio-Emot Assess & Intervn This course provides an overview of behavioral and social-emotional assessment and intervention strategies in PK-12 schools. Students will examine the principles of learning theory, behavior modification, and positive behavioral supports, as well as...
EPSY723 Testing & Eval Processes in Schl Setting This course analyzes the various evaluations utilized within the school setting. This course will cover the history and background of each evaluation, its benefits, and a review of its limitations. Students will synthesize the foundation of each meas...
EPSY724 Consultation, Supervision, and Practice This course provides advanced training in consultation, supervision, and applied practice for consultants and supervisors in the mental health and educational field. Models of mental health, behavioral, instructional, and organizational consultation...
EPSY725 Introduction to Doctoral Research Method This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the key research methods and methodologies used in doctoral-level research. Students will explore various quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research designs, and develop an understanding...
EPSY730 Clinical Interventions: Con, Super, Prac This course delves into the theories, methods, and practices of clinical interventions within diverse educational and organizational systems. Students will explore advanced techniques in consultation, supervision, and clinical practice, focusing on t...
EPSY731 Cross-Cultural Counseling: MH & Schools This course explores the principles and practices of cross-cultural counseling within mental health and educational settings. Students will examine the impact of cultural diversity on mental health and learn to apply culturally responsive counseling...
EPSY800 Practicum This practicum course provides students with hands-on clinical experience in mental health and educational settings, requiring 100 clinically supervised hours, including a minimum of 50 direct clinical hours. Students will apply theoretical knowledge...
EPSY801 Internship A Internship A - 300 hours This course offers the participant the opportunity to explore the most important concepts and techniques of educational psychology, with emphasis on the specific functions and responsibilities of a mental health provider and...
EPSY802 Internship B Internship B (300 hours) This course offers the participant an opportunity to continue to explore the most important concepts and techniques of educational psychology, with emphasis on the specific functions and responsibilities of a mental health pr...
EPSY900 Dissertation I Dissertation I: Proposal and the Internal Review Board
EPSY901 Dissertation II Dissertation II: Data Collection and Management This is the second course in the dissertation process and provides participants with group and individualized support as they collect data and begin to analyze their results. Participants work directly...
EPSY902 Dissertation III Dissertation III: Data Analysis and Presentation This is the third course in the dissertation process where participants receive group and individualized support with the dissertation process. Participants work directly with their instructor and com...
EPSY903 Dissertation IV Dissertation IV: Findings and Discussion This is the final course in the dissertation process where participants receive both group and individualized support in completing their dissertation. Participants work directly with their instructor and com...