Department: MSCP

Code Name Description
PSY-500 School Counseling & Exceptional Children The scope of this course will be an examination of learning differences, mood-related disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurocognitive disorders, conduct challenges, physical and health challenges, visual and hearing challenges, child abuse/ne...
PSY-501 School Counselor in Educational Context The scope of this course will be the development of skills and techniques for a counselor to assist teachers and students within a learning context, kindergarten to grade 12; assist teachers in classroom management; design, assess, implement and eval...
PSY-521 Personality This course provides the study of personality and its theoretical development, including assessment, major theories, history, and continuity and change. The focus is on understanding personality and its relationship to counseling theory and technique...
PSY-524 Abnormal Psychology This course provides the study of psychological disorders with an emphasis on DSM-5 categories. Biological and environmental determinants of abnormal behavior, symptomatology, assessment, and intervention strategies are also covered in course materia...
PSY-601 Ethical & Professnl Issues in Counseling This course examines ethical, legal, and professional issues central to the practice of community counseling, school counseling, marriage and family therapy, and group work. Development of professional identity, ethical responsibilities and legal res...
PSY-602 Life Span Development This course is an in-depth study of the biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of development across the span of life beginning with prenatal growth and ending with death. The life-span perspective will focus on relevant counseling issues and...
PSY-603 Introduction to Counseling Skills First Benchmark Course PSY 603 is the first benchmark class in which the MSCP faculty observes the actual interpersonal skills and competencies of the students. This course is designed to introduce students to the study of the profession of counselin...
PSY-606 Psychological Testing & Measurements This course analyzes various kinds and uses of tests, gives a history and background for each, discusses their strengths and weaknesses, and develops the student’s understanding of the quantitative measurement foundations of tests. Evaluation, select...
PSY-611 Group Processes Second Benchmark Course where the MSCP faculty continues to observe the actual interpersonal skills and competencies of the students. This course explores the theoretical nature of groups and the application of group theory to the group counseling pr...
PSY-616 Statistics, Research, & Evaluation This course covers the fundamentals of research design, statistical analysis, and evaluation of research results within the counseling context. Computer applications for statistical analysis are utilized.
PSY-627 Career Development This course reviews theories of vocational development, types, sources, and uses of occupational and educational information in career counseling and decision making processes in the local, national, and international job market.
PSY-636 Counseling Theories An overview of the theoretical background and practical application of selected contemporary approaches to counseling, with an emphasis on demonstration and participation. Prerequisites: PSY 521, PSY 524, PSY 601
PSY-646 Practicum:counseling Technique No Description Set
PSY-646C Practicum Couns Tech: CC No Description Set
PSY-646M Practicum in Counseling Techniques: MF Third Benchmark Course Supervised experience in counseling utilizing videotapes, role-playing, audiotapes, and demonstrations. Both group and individualized instruction and supervision are stressed in didactic and experiential settings. Students will...
PSY-646MF Practicum Couns Tech: CC No Description Set
PSY-646MH Practicum in Counseling Techniques: MH Third Benchmark Course Supervised experience in counseling utilizing videotapes, role-playing, audiotapes, and demonstrations. Both group and individualized instruction and supervision are stressed in didactic and experiential settings. Students will...
PSY-646S Practicum in Counseling Techniques: SC Third Benchmark Course Supervised experience in counseling utilizing videotapes, role-playing, audiotapes, and demonstrations. Both group and individualized instruction and supervision are stressed in didactic and experiential settings. Students will...
PSY-671 Internship A - School Coun: This course offers the student an opportunity to explore the most important concepts and techniques of guidance, with emphasis on the function and responsibilities of the school counselor. Internship requires a total of 600 hours (300 direct service...
PSY-672 Internship B - School Counseling This course offers the student an opportunity to continue to explore the most important concepts and techniques of guidance, with emphasis on the function and responsibilities of the school counselor. Internship requires a total of 600 hours (300 dir...
PSY-673 Internship A - Mental Health Counseling This course offers the student an opportunity to practice counseling in a supervised mental health counseling setting. In Internship A, students will spend approximately 300 hours (150 direct service hours, 150 administrative hours) in a supervised m...
PSY-674 Internship B - Mental Health Counseling This course offers the student an opportunity to continue to practice counseling in a supervised mental health counseling setting with a variety of populations including individuals, groups, children, adults, and/or families working with problems and...
PSY-675 Internship A -Personnel Coun No Description Set
PSY-676 Internship B -Personnel Coun No Description Set
PSY-677 Internship A-Marriage &Family Counseling This course offers the student an opportunity to practice family systems approaches to counseling in a mental health counseling setting, under the supervision of a licensed marriage and family therapist. In Internship A, students will spend approxima...
PSY-677A Human Serv/Marriage & Fam No Description Set
PSY-678 Internship B-Marriage &Family Counseling This course offers the student an opportunity to continue to practice family systems approaches to counseling in a supervised mental health setting with a variety of populations including individuals, couples, groups, children, adults, and/or familie...
PSY-678B Human Services/Marriage & Fami No Description Set
PSY-705 Forensic Psychology The study of criminal behavior from a psychological perspective, which looks at the criminal offender as embedded in and influenced by multiple systems within the psychosocial environment. The course will review contemporary research, theory, and pra...
PSY-710 Drug Abuse Counseling This course is designed to increase the student’s understanding of drug abuse assessment and counseling. The course emphasizes the goals, strategies, and skills needed to be effective.
PSY-711 Sub Use Dis, Addict Couns, and Psycho Substance Use Disorder, Addictions Counseling, and Psychopharmacology This course is designed to increase the student's understanding of substance use disorder, drug and alcohol abuse assessment, treatment, and psychopharmacology, and best-practice c...
PSY-712 Alcohol Abuse Counseling This course is designed to give the student an in-depth examination of one of the most pressing social problems of our times. The course will examine the drug itself, the environment in which it is taken, influencing factors in its abuse, the effects...
PSY-720 Psychological and Educational Testing This course is designed for persons working in a school or clinic who have the responsibility for selecting, administering, and interpreting tests. This course includes review of (1) the principles of test reliability and validity; (2) survey of abil...
PSY-736 Cross-Cultural Counseling This course will be an examination of the theory and processes of counseling persons in mental health, school, and marriage and family contexts from the perspectives of clients from diverse cultural backgrounds by counselors of equally diverse cultur...
PSY-740 Advanced Psychopathology Familiarizes the student with concepts and philosophies related to psychopathology. Covers the DSM-5 classification and the different formulations which determine the development of psychopathology. Review of current assessment skills to include psyc...
PSY-741 Mental Health Mental Health Examination of contemporary mental health issues, concepts, and principles, and challenges within community mental health settings. This is a required course for the Mental Health emphasis. Prerequisites: PSY 751.
PSY-745 Brief Therapy Counseling No Description Set
PSY-750 Medical Rehab Counseling No Description Set
PSY-751 Health, Stress Management, & Counseling This course is an examination of counseling an individual from a holistic perspective. The course explores the relationship between health and psychological moods in such areas as stress management, diet, exercise, sleep, mind/body relations, support...
PSY-756 Found of Marriage and Family Therapy Foundations of Marriage and Family Therapy A basic introduction to the history, development and theories of the field of family therapy. Focus is on the major theoretical models of family therapy, their similarities and differences, and conceptual fo...
PSY-757 Family Therapy: Assess and Intervention Family Therapy: Assessment and Intervention A study of the family as a system of interactive elements with a focus on the therapeutic implications of treating patterns of behavior rather than personalities. Coursework combines readings, simulations,...
PSY-758 Solution Focused Family Counseling Treatment planning and interventions for family counseling from a solution-focused perspective. As an alternative to traditional counseling approaches that focus on family problems and weaknesses, students will develop an understanding of and practic...
PSY-759 Fam Ther: Violence, Trauma, and Healing Family Therapy: Violence, Trauma, and Healing This course is an in-depth examination of the problem of family abuse designed to facilitate an understanding of the complexities of family abuse patterns, their causes, and effects. Special attention is...
PSY-760 Couples and Relationship Therapy Couples and Relationship Therapy Theories and associated techniques of couples, marital or relationship counseling will be explored in PSY 760. Coursework combines readings, simulations and videotaped role-plays to increase understanding of the compl...
PSY-761 Advanced Theories & Models in MFT This course builds on the foundations of Family Systems theory and the classical theoretical models in PSY756 and will introduce advanced and contemporary therapy models within the Marriage and Family Therapy field. Students will develop an understan...
PSY-766 DO NOT USE No Description Set
PSY-771 School Counseling Examination of the most important concepts, principles, and techniques of guidance and counseling at different educational levels. This is a required course for the School Counseling emphasis. Prerequisites: PSY 500, PSY 501
PSY-773 Spiritual Dimensions of Counseling For some people, spirituality has been called the fifth force in counseling psychology. This course will explore the nature, meaning, and significance of human spirituality and religion, especially as they relate to the counseling experience. To faci...
PSY-775 Crisis Counseling: Mental Health Crisis Counseling: Mental Health Students will become familiar with the crisis intervention approach to the delivery of mental health services. Students will examine various types of life crises and determine appropriate interventions for each. This...
PSY-776 Crisis Counseling: School Students will become familiar with the crisis intervention approach to the delivery of mental health services. Students will examine various types of life crises and determine appropriate interventions for each. This is a required course for the Scho...
PSY-777 Existential/Phenomenological This course explores the fundamental components of human existence relative to the therapeutic context. Such areas as anxiety, death, isolation, meaninglessness, freedom, responsibility, and choice are examined.
PSY-778 Organizational Psychology The focus of this course is an examination of the impact/interaction of individual processes, group processes, and organizational processes upon productivity, job satisfaction, absenteeism, and turnover. The course will focus on psychology and organi...
PSY-779 Psychology of Depression Depression may be a normal human emotion, a response to loss, disappointment, or failure. Some depressions, however, are biological diseases and need treatment on a biological, cognitive, and psychosocial level. Seven out of 10 persons in America wil...
PSY-780 Special Topics Special topics in psychological counseling.
PSY-780A Special Topics No Description Set
PSY-780B Special Topics No Description Set
PSY-780C Special Topics No Description Set
PSY-799 Directed Study Individualized study in counseling or related areas are arranged through the MSCP Program Director.
PSY-799A Directed Study: No Description Set
PSY-799B Directed Study: No Description Set
PSY-COMP MSCP Comprehensive Exam No Description Set
PSY-DELETE Practicum Couns Tech: CC No Description Set
PSY500 School Counseling & Exceptional Children The scope of this course will be an examination of learning differences, mood-related disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurocognitive disorders, conduct challenges, physical and health challenges, visual and hearing challenges, child abu...
PSY501 School Counselor in Education Context The scope of this course will be the development of skills and techniques for a counselor to assist teachers and students within a learning context, kindergarten to grade 12; assist teachers in classroom management; design, assess, implement and eval...
PSY521 Personality This course provides the study of personality and its theoretical development, including assessment, major theories, history, and continuity and change. The focus is on understanding personality and its relationship to counseling theory and technique...
PSY524 Abnormal Psychology This course provides the study of psychological disorders with an emphasis on DSM-5 categories. Biological and environmental determinants of abnormal behavior, symptomatology, assessment, and intervention strategies are also covered in course materia...
PSY601 Ethical & Professional Issues This course examines ethical, legal, and professional issues central to the practice of community counseling, school counseling, marriage and family therapy, and group work. Development of professional identity, ethical responsibilities and legal res...
PSY602 Life Span Development This course is an in-depth study of the biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of development across the span of life beginning with prenatal growth and ending with death. The life-span perspective will focus on relevant counseling issues and...
PSY603 Introduction to Counseling Skills First Benchmark Course PSY 603 is the first benchmark class in which the MSCP faculty observes the actual interpersonal skills and competencies of the students. This course is designed to introduce students to the study of the profession of counselin...
PSY606 Psychological Test & Measurement This course analyzes various kinds and uses of tests, gives a history and background for each, discusses their strengths and weaknesses, and develops the student’s understanding of the quantitative measurement foundations of tests. Evaluation, select...
PSY611 Group Processes Second Benchmark Course PSY 611 is the second benchmark class where the MSCP faculty continues to observe the actual interpersonal skills and competencies of the students. This course explores the theoretical nature of groups and the application of g...
PSY616 Statistics, Research, & Evaluation This course covers the fundamentals of research design, statistical analysis, and evaluation of research results within the counseling context. Computer applications for statistical analysis are utilized.
PSY627 Career Development This course reviews theories of vocational development, types, sources, and uses of occupational and educational information in career counseling and decision making processes in the local, national, and international job market.
PSY636 Counseling Theories An overview of the theoretical background and practical application of selected contemporary approaches to counseling, with an emphasis on demonstration and participation. Prerequisite: PSY 521, 524, 601.
PSY646M Practicum in Counseling Technique Marriage and Family Third Benchmark Course Supervised experience in counseling utilizing videotapes, role-playing, audiotapes, and demonstrations. Both group and individualized instruction and supervision are stressed in didactic and experiential settings. Students will...
PSY646MH Practicum in Counseling Tech-Mental Hlth Coummunity Counseling Third Benchmark Course Supervised experience in counseling utilizing videotapes, role-playing, audiotapes, and demonstrations. Both group and individualized instruction and supervision are stressed in didactic and experiential settings. Students will...
PSY646S Practicum in Counseling Technique: School Counseling Third Benchmark Course Supervised experience in counseling utilizing videotapes, role-playing, audiotapes, and demonstrations. Both group and individualized instruction and supervision are stressed in didactic and experiential settings. Students will...
PSY671 Internship A - School Coun: This course offers the student an opportunity to explore the most important concepts and techniques of guidance, with emphasis on the function and responsibilities of the school counselor. Internship requires a total of 600 hours (300 direct service...
PSY672 Internship B - School Counseling This course offers the student an opportunity to continue to explore the most important concepts and techniques of guidance, with emphasis on the function and responsibilities of the school counselor. Internship requires a total of 600 hours (300 dir...
PSY673 Internship A - Mental Health This course offers the student an opportunity to practice counseling in a supervised mental health counseling setting. In Internship A, students will spend approximately 300 hours (150 direct service hours, 150 administrative hours) in a supervised m...
PSY674 Internship B - Mental Health This course offers the student an opportunity to continue to practice counseling in a supervised mental health counseling setting with a variety of populations including individuals, groups, children, adults, and/or families working with problems and...
PSY677 Internship a - Marriage & Family This course offers the student an opportunity to practice family systems approaches to counseling in a mental health counseling setting, under the supervision of a licensed marriage and family therapist. In Internship A, students will spend approxima...
PSY678 Internship B - Marriage & Family This course offers the student an opportunity to continue to practice family systems approaches to counseling in a supervised mental health setting with a variety of populations including individuals, couples, groups, children, adults, and/or familie...
PSY681 Internship A This is a field-based course that focuses on integrating mental health counseling theories with practical skills in P-12 school settings. Under the supervision of a licensed mental health counselor (or equivalent license per DCCA requirements) and a...
PSY682 Internship B This is the second course in a two-part field-based sequence that builds on the skills and knowledge developed in Internship A, focusing on advanced mental health counseling practices within P-12 school settings. Under the supervision of a licensed m...
PSY705 Forensic Psychology The study of criminal behavior from a psychological perspective, which looks at the criminal offender as embedded in and influenced by multiple systems within the psychosocial environment. The course will review contemporary research, theory, and pra...
PSY710 Drug Abuse Counseling This course is designed to increase the student’s understanding of drug abuse assessment and counseling. The course emphasizes the goals, strategies, and skills needed to be effective.
PSY711 Sub Use Dis, Addict Couns, and Psycho This course is designed to increase the student's understanding of substance use disorder, drug and alcohol abuse assessment, treatment, and psychopharmacology, and best-practice counseling approaches in the context of addiction counseling. The...
PSY712 Alcohol Abuse Counseling This course is designed to give the student an in-depth examination of one of the most pressing social problems of our times. The course will examine the drug itself, the environment in which it is taken, influencing factors in its abuse, the effects...
PSY720 Psychological and Educational Testing This course is designed for persons working in a school or clinic who have the responsibility for selecting, administering, and interpreting tests. This course includes review of (1) the principles of test reliability and validity; (2) survey of abil...
PSY722 Eval Processes in the School Setting Evaluation Processes in the School Setting This course analyzes the various evaluations utilized within the school setting. This course will cover the history and background for each evaluation, its benefits, and a review of its limitations. Students...
PSY724 Adv Co Tech and Consult in School Settin Advanced Counseling Techniques and Consultation in School Settings This course provides an in-depth and comprehensive exploration of the theoretical background and practical application of selected best-practice contemporary approaches to counseling...
PSY726 Contemp M H Issues in School Settings Contemporary Mental Health Issues in School Settings This course provides an examination of contemporary mental health issues, concepts, principles, and challenges within school settings. Prerequisites: PSY 500, 501, 751.
PSY726 Contemp M H Issues in School Settings Contemporary Mental Health Issues in School Settings This course provides an examination of contemporary mental health issues, concepts, principles, and challenges within school settings. Prerequisites: PSY 500, 501, 751.
PSY728 Couples, Fam Systems, and Hum Sexuality Couples, Family Systems, and Human Sexuality This course explores topics such as couples, family systems, sexuality, intimacy, gender, sexual behavior, sexual disorders, and sexual coercion to provide students with knowledge and understanding of theo...
PSY729 Advanced Counseling Techniques Advanced Counseling Techniques This course provides an experiential, in-depth, and comprehensive exploration of the theoretical background and practical application of selected best-practice contemporary approaches to counseling in community mental h...
PSY736 Cross-Cultural Counseling This course will be an examination of the theory and processes of counseling persons in mental health, school, and marriage and family contexts from the perspectives of clients from diverse cultural backgrounds by counselors of equally diverse cultur...
PSY740 Advanced Psychopathology Familiarizes the student with concepts and philosophies related to psychopathology. Covers the DSM-5 classification and the different formulations which determine the development of psychopathology. Review of current assessment skills to include psyc...
PSY741 Mental Health Examination of contemporary mental health issues, concepts, and principles, and challenges within community mental health settings. This is a required course for the Mental Health emphasis. Prerequisites: PSY 751.
PSY751 Health, Stress Management & Counseling This course is an examination of counseling an individual from a holistic perspective. The course explores the relationship between health and psychological moods in such areas as stress management, diet, exercise, sleep, mind/body relations, support...
PSY756 Foundations of Marriage and Family Thera Foundations of Marriage and Family Therapy A basic introduction to the history, development and theories of the field of family therapy. Focus is on the major theoretical models of family therapy, their similarities and differences, and conceptu...
PSY757 Family Therapy: Assessment and Intervent Family Therapy: Assessment and Intervention A study of the family as a system of interactive elements with a focus on the therapeutic implications of treating patterns of behavior rather than personalities. Coursework combines readings, simulati...
PSY758 Solution Focused Family Counseling Treatment planning and interventions for family counseling from a solution-focused perspective. As an alternative to traditional counseling approaches that focus on family problems and weaknesses, students will develop an understanding of and practic...
PSY759 Fam Ther: Violence, Trauma, and Healing Family Therapy: Violence, Trauma, and Healing This course is an in-depth examination of the problem of family abuse designed to facilitate an understanding of the complexities of family abuse patterns, their causes, and effects. Special attenti...
PSY760 Couples and Relationship Therapy Couples and Relationship Therapy Theories and associated techniques of couples, marital or relationship counseling will be explored in PSY 760. Coursework combines readings, simulations and videotaped role-plays to increase understanding of the...
PSY761 Advanced Theories & Models in MFT And Family Therapy Advanced Theories and Models in Marriage and Family Therapy This course builds on the foundations of Family Systems theory and the classical theoretical models in PSY756 and will introduce advanced and contemporary therapy models within the Marr...
PSY771 School Counseling Examination of the most important concepts, principles, and techniques of guidance and counseling at different educational levels. This is a required course for the School Counseling emphasis. Prerequisite: PSY 500, 501.
PSY773 Spiritual Dimensions of Counseling For some people, spirituality has been called the fifth force in counseling psychology. This course will explore the nature, meaning, and significance of human spirituality and religion, especially as they relate to the counseling experience. To faci...
PSY775 Crisis Counseling: Mental Health Students will become familiar with the crisis intervention approach to the delivery of mental health services. Students will examine various types of life crises and determine appropriate interventions for each. This is a required course for the...
PSY776 Crisis Counseling: School Students will become familiar with the crisis intervention approach to the delivery of mental health services. Students will examine various types of life crises and determine appropriate interventions for each. This is a required course for the Scho...
PSY777 Existential/Phenomenological Interventio This course explores the fundamental components of human existence relative to the therapeutic context. Such areas as anxiety, death, isolation, meaninglessness, freedom, responsibility, and choice are examined.
PSY778 Organizational Psychology The focus of this course is an examination of the impact/interaction of individual processes, group processes, and organizational processes upon productivity, job satisfaction, absenteeism, and turnover. The course will focus on psychology and organi...
PSY779 Psychology of Depression Depression may be a normal human emotion, a response to loss, disappointment, or failure. Some depressions, however, are biological diseases and need treatment on a biological, cognitive, and psychosocial level. Seven out of 10 persons in America wil...
PSY780 Special Topic: Special topics in psychological counseling.
PSY799 Directed Study: Individualized study in counseling or related areas are arranged through the MSCP Program Director.