No Description Set
Found Hlth Educ & Hlth Promoti
This course introduces foundational concepts in health education, health promotion, and disease prevention. The focus is on strategies to promote health and wellness, reduce health risk, and evaluate behavioral and environmental factors, including ec...
Hlth Promotion Across Life Spa
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Chronic Diseases I
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Chronic Diseases II
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Therapeutic Communication
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Global and Envrionmental Hlth
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Social Determinants of Health
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Health Promotion Tchng Strateg
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Hlth Promotion Coaching Straty
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Native Hawaiian Health Practic
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Case Management
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Determinants of Health Across
This course explores social determinants of health including socioeconomic status, education, physical environment, employment, access to health care, health literacy, and social support. The focus is on understanding ways to improve health in vulner...
Health Promotion Across the Life Span
This course develops a deeper understanding of principles of health promotion, risk reduction, and health education across the lifespan. Students will use key indicators for health at various ages that provide the basis for assessing current health r...
Intercultural& Therapeutic Communication
This course introduces communication skills essential for health care professionals. This includes skills required to build professional relationships, establish therapeutic relationships with clients, and collaborate with other members of the commun...
Disease and Illness
This course provides an overview of biophysical and psychological aspects of selected chronic diseases. Emphasis will be on chronic diseases affecting Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and vulnerable populations. Requires concurrent enrollment in H...
Disease and Illness Laboratory
One three-hour laboratory period per week to accompany HC 202. Requires concurrent enrollment in HC 202.
Health Disparities & Indigenous Health
This course explores Native Hawaiian traditional healing practices, and how they can inform community and public health practice.
Health Ed Program Design and Evaluation
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to assess health needs and resources, develop health programs to meet specific needs in selected populations, and to determine appropriate measures to evaluate the effectiveness of...
Health Promotion Teaching
This course introduces fundamental strategies for health science education across the lifespan including needs assessment, conceptualizing instruction, specifying instructional objectives, and planning learning experiences. Students will choose instr...
Health Promotion Coaching Strategies
This course introduces foundational concepts and principles for health promotion coaching across the lifespan. Coaching strategies to promote healthy lifestyle change are utilized as students coach selected clients. This course includes an applied l...
Case Management
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills associated with effective case management in a variety of settings. This course includes an applied learning component.
This course explores the theory, impact, and application of telehealth. Healthcare settings and populations that could benefit from telehealth will be identified. Advantages and disadvantages of telehealth usage in healthcare environments will be dis...
Healthcare Economics & Policy
This course evaluates current topics related to health policy and explores strategies for advocacy in community and public health. An examination of health policies in Hawaii, nationally, and globally will include aspects of emerging health challenge...
Substance Abuse & Addictive Behaviors
This course explores substance abuse issues that include alcohol, prescribed medications, and other drugs. The public health disease model is applied with an emphasis on psychological, physiological, and social consequences of use and abuse.
This course provides a review of the Seven Areas of Responsibilities and Competencies. The focus is on increasing understanding of the concepts covered in the examination and preparing for the CHES examination process.
Capstone Applied Project
This course provides an opportunity for observation and work in a variety of community and/or acute care settings under professional supervision. Students will participate for one academic semester in health education, health coaching, and case manag...
Special Topics
This course is offered periodically. Prerequisites may vary based on course topic. Permission of the Dean and/or instructor consent required for enrollment.
Individualized Study
Individualized study in community and public health, as determined by gap analysis or degree audit. May be repeated. Requires approval of Dean.
Determinants of Health Across Cultures
No Description Set
Introduction to Public Health
This introductory course provides a comprehensive overview of public health concepts, covering its historical development, core functions, and its role in addressing societal health challenges. Students will delve into social determinants of health,...
Health Promotion
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Intercultural & Therapeutic Commincation
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Disease and Illness
This course provides an overview of biophysical and psychological aspects of selected chronic diseases. Emphasis will be on chronic diseases affecting Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and vulnerable populations. Co-requisite: HC 202L.
Disease and Illness Lab
No Description Set
Disparities & Indigenous Hlth
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Health Educ Program Design and Evaluatio
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Health Promotion Teaching
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Health Promotion Coaching
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Case Management
No Description Set
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Healthcare Economics & Policy
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Health Dispar/Indigenous Health
This course explores Native Hawaiian traditional healing practices, and how they can inform community and public health practice.
Health Disparities and Indigenous Health
This course explores Native Hawaiian traditional healing practices, and how they can inform community and public health practice.
Data Analytics in Healthcare
This course explores the use of data analytics for quality and performance improvements in community and public health. The application and creation of datasets as well as techniques for data visualization, aggregation, and communication will be deve...
Substance Abuse & Addictive Behaviors
No Description Set
Global Health
This course prepares students to critically examine public health issues from a global perspective. It provides an interdisciplinary overview of topics that include measures of health and disease, health disparities, communicable and non-communicable...
Compara Hlth Syy & Healthcare Economics
Comparative Health Systems & Healthcare Economics
This course provides students an overview of the U.S. healthcare system in comparison to other health systems around the world including the policy programs, providers and payment systems. It also ad...
Public Health Informatics
This course provides foundational knowledge relevant to Public Health Informatics highlighting the history, current and future use of informatics in the public health settings, and gives students an understanding of the role and broad application of...
This course provides a review of the Seven Areas of Responsibilities and Competencies. The focus is on increasing understanding of the concepts covered in the examination and preparing for the CHES examination process.
Capstone Applied Project
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Special Topic:
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Directed Study
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Certified Nurse Aide Training
The Nurse Aide Training Program (NATP) at Chaminade University is primarily designed for BSN nursing students to learn the basic nursing skills and personal care skills, including basic nursing knowledge, in order to provide care in long-term ca...
Intro to Nursing
This course is an introduction to the science and art of the profession of nursing. The conceptual framework for the Chaminade University School of Nursing is introduced, including the overarching themes and key concepts that are threaded throughout...
Intro to Nursing
No longer part of curriculum
Introduction to Nursing Concepts
This course is an introduction to the science and art of the profession of nursing. The conceptual framework, overarching themes, and key concepts for the Chaminade University School of Nursing are explored. Nursing evolution, role, ethics, scope and...
Health Assessment
This course develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to collect health history data and to perform a systematic physical examination. Developmental and transcultural considerations are addressed. The focus in this course is integration o...
Pathophysiology/Pharmacology I
This nursing course explores processes underlying all disease; systematically reviews pathological changes; and integrates it with pharmacology concepts. There is a focus on disease processes associated with physiologic responses, manifestations, and...
Pathophysiology Pharmacolgy II
This nursing course explores processes underlying all disease; systematically reviews pathological changes; and integrates it with pharmacology concepts. There is a focus on disease processes associated with physiologic responses, manifestations, and...
Complex Disease I
This course provides knowledge of the aging adult and related nursing skills. It introduces age related changes, their impact on the functional health patterns and issues concerning the older adult population. The premise that nurses have an essentia...
Therapeutic Communication
This course teaches basic and comprehensive professional communication skills essential for nurses in the provision of safe and effective patient care. This will include the development of communication skills in building interpersonal relationships,...
Health Promotion & Assessment
This course develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to collect health history data and to perform a systematic physical examination. Developmental and transcultural considerations are addressed, along with the concepts of health promoti...
Nursing Concepts
This course focuses on exploring basic nursing concepts including holism, diversity, health, illness, healthcare delivery systems, continuity of care, developmental care, and care across the lifespan. Legal and ethical issues related to nursing will...
Health Promotion
This course focuses on the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention and the role of the nurse in affecting change in populations. This course focuses on topics related to health promotion for individuals and families throughout the lifespa...
Infection and Immunity
This course explores the complex challenges that globalization, population increases, transnational commerce, existing and emerging infectious diseases, and re-emerging infectious diseases pose on systems of healthcare delivery globally. Principles o...
Complex Disease II
This course focuses on the application of the nursing process in the care of adult medical/surgical patients. A holistic approach will be emphasized in studying specific body systems, disease and the pathological processes associated with them, inclu...
Complex Disease III
This course focuses on the application of the nursing process in the care of adult medical/surgical patients. A holistic approach will be emphasized in studying specific body systems, disease and the pathological processes associated with them, inclu...
Complex Disease II
No Description Set
Children & Family Care Nursing
No Description Set
Nursing Care of Maternal Newborn Family
This course provides a holistic approach to the study of maternal-newborn nursing concepts. Content includes normal and high-risk childbearing women and their neonates within a family context. Current research and ethical/legal principles are present...
Nursing Care of Children & Family
This course provides a holistic approach to the study of child & family nursing concepts. The course uses a family centered approach to health promotion and health alterations in children from infancy through adolescence within the family context. Cu...
Transition to Pro Practice & H
No longer active in curriculum
Comp Assesment Decision Making
10/24/22: Course no longer part of curriculum.
Quality, Safety and Info Mgt
No longer part of curriculum
Research & Evidence Based Prac
Content reflected in NUR 407
Patho/Pharm - Clinical Appl
No longer part of curriculum
Nursing Ethics & Spirituality
No Description Set
Special Topics
These selected topics in nursing are offered periodically. Pre-requisites may vary per topics and/or consent of the instructor. Past offerings include Palliative Care, Care Management Principles, and Quality and Safety in Nursing, Introduction to Vet...
NCLEX Seminar
Content now reflected in NUR 490.
Public Health Nursing
Public health theory, health promotion, and the nursing process are studied and applied to individuals, families, groups, and communities across the life span with diverse populations and in a variety of settings. Environmental health, epidemiology,...
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
This course focuses on a broad-based understanding and clinical application of mental health concepts and behavioral aberrations that occur in mental illness. Nursing students analyze the nursing process with a critical view towards the individual, f...
Nursing Leadership
Management and leadership skills are essential for all professional nurses. The skills are “community based” in that it is the community in which we serve that defines the needed abilities of managers and leaders in healthcare systems. The focus of t...
Evidence Based Practice Theory
This course will focus on the definition of evidence-based practice and the application of evidence to inform nursing practice. The research process as related to qualitative and quantitative methods as well as other sources of data will be explored....
Complex Disease IV
This clinical course continues to look at the complexity of disease and focuses on the care of adults needing complex restorative and maintenance interventions in the area of critical care. Prerequisites: All 300-level Nursing courses completed.
Evidence Based Practice Practicum
This is a clinical course and will provide the student the opportunity to apply evidence-based practice theory to the clinical setting. Service-learning will be a required element of the course, in the form of a 10-hour service-learning activity and...
Evidence-Based Practice
This course will focus on the definition of evidence-based practice and the application of evidence to inform nursing practice. The research process as related to qualitative and quantitative methods as well as other sources of data will be explored....
Genomics and Health Nursing
No longer part of curriculum.
NCLEX Seminar
This course will consist of the administration of the NCLEX Predictor and review for the NCLEX examination. Students will develop a self-directed study and preparation plan. Prerequisites: All 200- and 300-level Nursing courses completed; NUR 403, NU...
Clinical Immersion
Content covered in NUR 499.
Clinical Immersion Clinical
This capstone course with a clinical immersion experience offers the student the opportunity to synthesize nursing knowledge. The student will have the opportunity to further develop clinical skills and practice leadership and management skills throu...
Trans in Prac: Adv Practice Nurse as DNP
This course will explore the evolution of doctoral education in nursing. Current issues regarding the DNP role, including titling, role transition, education, certification, and public understanding of the role will be discussed. The role of the DNP...
Adv Hlth Assess Across Lifespan& Culture
This course is designed to expand upon basic health assessment skills and includes strategies for history taking and for physical, functional, developmental, and psychosocial assessment that recognizes and includes normal individual, cultural, and de...
Adv Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan
This graduate course is designed to prepare advanced practice nurses to apply concepts of pathophysiology from the cellular level to disease process for assessment of patients with a variety of conditions across clinical settings. The concepts and pr...
Adv Pharmacotherapeutics across Lifespan
The focus of this course for advanced practice nurses is to expand theoretical and evidence-based knowledge and promote synthesis of pharmacotherapeutic concepts and principles across the lifespan. The application of knowledge of pharmacological prin...
Leading Qty Innovation Adv Prac Nursing
This advanced leadership course focuses on the theories and practices needed to effectively lead innovative change to transform healthcare in the context of evidence-based thinking. Students are given the opportunity to develop an innovation philosop...
Transforming HC Through Innovation &Tech
This course will examine the principles of effective information and communication systems with a focus on evaluating and using emerging technologies in innovative clinical practice and healthcare management. The ethics behind the changing role of te...
This course will provide students with the skills to evaluate the statistics reported in research and evidence-based practice that are being used to determine a course of treatment for a select population. Students will examine the principles of...
Epidemiology for Advand Practice Nursing
This course guides graduate-level nursing students to understand the basic concepts of epidemiology while gaining and applying statistical conceptual skills. Focusing on the importance of disease prevention and community-centered migration, students...
Intrprofess Collab Imp Population Health
This interprofessional course will provide the student with a theoretical foundation in population approaches to improving systems of care and health outcomes. The student will analyze empirical evidence in population health and appraise interprofess...
Trans Health Care Through Outcomes Mgmt
This course focuses on the proactive management of clinical and service outcomes at all organizational levels to provide students with the ability to integrate outcomes into the routine flow of service delivery. Emphasis will be placed on understandi...
Trans HC Through Health Policy &Advocacy
This course comprehensively reviews the U.S. healthcare delivery system in the following areas: history, policy, population characteristics, trends in health services access and utilization, structure, financing, organization and delivery of services...
Theo Foundtions Evidence &Adv Prac Nurs
This course will analyze the major nursing theories and theories from other disciplines to explore how they apply to advanced practice registered nursing. Students in this course will develop a personal theoretical framework for their own clinical pr...
Psychopharmacology Across the Lifespan
This course provides the didactic background to prepare the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner for the complex role of prescribing psychotropic medications. Students will apply evidence-based knowledge of psychopharmacological principles to...
Adv Concepts Psych Mental Health Nrsg
Current biological, genetic, developmental, and environmental factors are examined in concert with health disparities leading to the development of psychiatric disorders. Advanced comprehensive assessment skills, differential diagnosis and psychother...
Mgmt in Lifespan Psychiatric &Mental Hlt
This course provides the evidence-based background to prepare the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner for the complex role of providing mental healthcare across the lifespan. The emphasis of this course is on applying select treatment modal...
Practicm in Psych Treatment & Modalities
This course is a precepted clinical practicum designed to facilitate the preparation of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in providing mental health care for children, adolescents, adults and families. Learners will participate in a va...
Complex and Chronic Problems I
This course is designed to facilitate the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner's role as primary mental health care provider for patients, families and groups with chronic, complex psychiatric illness and substance use problems including...
Practicum for Complex and Chr
This course is the second precepted clinical practicum designed to facilitate in preparing the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner for the complex role for providing mental health care for children, adolescents, adults and families with c...
Complex &Chronic Prob in Psychiatric &MH
This course builds on the fundamental knowledge and concepts obtained in prior coursework, with continued focus on socio-cultural, environment, economic, family and spiritual factors. The role of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in pr...
Prctcm Complx &Chronic Prob in Psych &MH
This course is the second precepted clinical practicum designed to facilitate ongoing development of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner role in management of mental healthcare needs of children, adolescents, adults and families with chr...
Mgmt Com Prob in Family/Across Lifespan
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge necessary for the management of common health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Course content builds upon information in previous courses related to the principles of asse...
Practicum in Common Problems I
This course is a precepted clinical practicum (210 clinical hours) focusing on the management of common health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity fo...
Mgmt Acute Prob in Fam Across Lifespan
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge necessary for the management of acute health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Course content builds upon information in previous courses related to the principles of asses...
Pract Acute Prob in Fam/Across Lifespan
This course is a precepted clinical practicum (210 Clinical hours) focusing on the management of acute health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity for...
Mgmt Cmplx&Chrnc Prb Fam/Across Lifespan
This course extends student knowledge regarding the management of family/across the lifespan patients. Students explore the principles of assessment and ethical issues related to complex, critical, and chronic problems in family/across the lifespan p...
Prac Cmplx&Chr Prblm Fam/Across Lifepsan
This course is a precepted clinical practicum (210 clinical hours) focusing on the management of complex, critically and chronically ill family/across the lifespan patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the...
Prac Inq Analyze, Eval, Syn & Apply Evid
This course will provide foundational knowledge in evidence-based practice and skills in appraising, evaluating, synthesizing and applying evidence. The focus will be on the critical and analytical evaluation of existing literature, research reports,...
DNP Scholarly Project I: Design Ethical
This course builds on the problem identified and the literature review completed in NUR 650. The DNP Scholarly Project is a faculty-guided scholarly experience that provides evidence of critical thinking and ability to apply translational research pr...
DNP Scholarly Project II: Applying Pract
This course is a faculty-guided scholarly experience that provides evidence that the student can implement the DNP scholarly project as demonstrated by the collection and analysis of the data. This course is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. (Includes...
DNP Scholarly Project III: Dissemination
This course synthesizes the experience of implementing an evidence-based practice investigation, including data analysis, evaluation, and application to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials. Students w...
Independent Advanced Health Assessment
This course allows students who are required to take an additional advanced health assessment across the lifespan and culture credit, as determined through gap analysis. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Independent Advanced Pathophysiology
This course allows students who are required to take an additional advanced pathophysiology across the lifespan credit, as determined through gap analysis. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Independent Advd Pharmacotherapeutics
This course allows students to take an additional advanced pharmacotherapeutic across the lifespan credit, as determined by gap analysis. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Special Topics
This course allows students to take an additional independent special topic credit, as determined by gap analysis or degree audit. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Individualized Study
Individualized study in nursing. May be repeated. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Independent Practicum for Clinical Hrs
This course allows students to complete the additional Advanced Health Assessment across the Lifespan and Cultures or specialty clinical practicum hours. Permission of Dean or designee required. There is an associated continuing clinical hours fee. T...
Immersion: Executive Leader
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion: Family Nurse Practicioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion: Psych Nurse Practitioner
Will enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.3)
Certified Nurse Assistant Test
No Description Set
Introduction to Nursing
No Description Set
Intro to Nursing Concepts
This course is an introduction to the science and art of the profession of nursing. The conceptual framework, overarching themes, and key concepts for the Chaminade University School of Nursing are explored. Nursing evolution, role, ethics, scop...
Pathophysiology/Pharmacology I
This nursing course explores processes underlying all disease; systematically reviews pathological changes; and integrates it with pharmacology concepts. There is a focus on disease processes associated with physiologic responses, manifestations, and...
Pathophysiology Pharmacology II
This nursing course explores processes underlying all disease; systematically reviews pathological changes; and integrates it with pharmacology concepts. There is a focus on disease processes associated with physiologic responses, manifestations...
Complex Disease I
This course provides knowledge of the aging adult and related nursing skills. It introduces age related changes, their impact on the functional health patterns and issues concerning the older adult population. The premise that nurses have an ess...
Pathophysiology/Pharmacology in Nursing
This foundational course combines two related nursing concepts, pathophysiology and pharmacology. Pathophysiology relates manifestations of disease, risk factors for disease, and the principles of pathology underlying illness and injury to thera...
Pathophysiology/Pharmacology in Nursing
This foundational course combines two related nursing concepts, pathophysiology and pharmacology. Pathophysiology relates manifestations of disease, risk factors for disease, and the principles of pathology underlying illness and injury to therapeuti...
Health Promotion & Assesment
This course develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to collect health history data and to perform a systematic physical examination. Developmental and transcultural considerations are addressed, along with the concepts of health pr...
Nursing Concepts
This course focuses on exploring basic nursing concepts including holism, diversity, health, illness, healthcare delivery systems, continuity of care, developmental care, and care across the lifespan. Legal and ethical issues related to nursing will...
Complex Disease II
This course focuses on the application of the nursing process in the care of adult medical/surgical patients. A holistic approach will be emphasized in studying specific body systems, disease and the pathological processes associated with them, inclu...
Complex Disease III
This course focuses on the application of the nursing process in the care of adult medical/surgical patients. A holistic approach will be emphasized in studying specific body systems, disease and the pathological processes associated with them, inclu...
Nursing Care of Maternal Newborn Family
This course provides a holistic approach to the study of maternal-newborn nursing concepts. Content includes normal and high-risk childbearing women and their neonates within a family context. Current research and ethical/legal principles are present...
Data Analytics in Healthcare
This course explores the use of data analytics for quality and performance improvements in community and public health. The application and creation of datasets as well as techniques for data visualization, aggregations, and communication will be dev...
Nursing Care of Children and Family
This course provides a holistic approach to the study of child & family nursing concepts. The course uses a family centered approach to health promotion and health alterations in children from infancy through adolescence within the family context. Cu...
Transition to Professional Practice & Health Promotion
No Description Set
Comprehensive Assesment and Clinical Decision Making
No Description Set
Quality, Safety and Info Mgt
No Description Set
Research & Evidence Based Pratice for RN
No Description Set
Patho/Pharm - Clinical Appl
No Description Set
Exploring Palliative Care
This course will provide a broad overview of fundamental palliative care concepts and practices and how interdisciplinary teams collaborate in caring for people with serious illness in a variety of settings. The course content will be based on t...
Exploring Palliative Care
NUR 361 - Exploring Palliative Care (3 credits)
This course will provide a broad overview of fundamental palliative care concepts and practices and how interdisciplinary teams collaborate in caring for people with serious illness in a variety of se...
Physical/Psychological Dimensions of PC
NUR 362 Physical & Psychological Dimensions of Palliative Care (3 credits)
This course will apply palliative care concepts and strategies to the management of physical and psychological symptoms and disease progression of common serious illnesses....
Physical/Psych Dimensions Pc
Physical & Psychological Dimensions of Palliative Care
This course will apply palliative care concepts and strategies to the management of physical and psychological symptoms and disease progression of common serious illnesses. We will further ex...
Soci/Spirit/Cult/Ethical/Legal Dimens PC
NUR 363 Social, Spiritual, Cultural, Ethical & Legal Dimensions of Palliative Care (3 credits)
This course will apply palliative care concepts and strategies for nurses to apply within palliative care teams to effectively assess and address social,...
Soc/Spir/Cult/Eth/Legal Dimspc
Social, Spiritual, Cultural, Ethical & Legal Dimensions of PC
This course will apply palliative care concepts and strategies for nurses to apply within palliative care teams to effectively assess and address social, spiritual, cultural, ethical...
Current Issues/Challenges/Opps in PC
NUR 364 Current Issues, Challenges & Opportunities in Palliative Care (3 credits)
In this course, students will apply evidence-based strategies for nurses to effectively assess and address current issues or challenges in providing quality palliativ...
Current Iss/Chlges/Opps in Pc
Current Issues, Challenges & Opportunities in Palliative Care
In this course, students will apply evidence-based strategies for nurses to effectively assess and address current issues or challenges in providing quality palliative care, particula...
Clinical Practicum Pall/Hosp Care
Clinical Practicum in Palliative or Hospice Care
In this course, students will observe and emulate paliative/hospice nurses' clinical practice. They will have practical opportunities to utilize evidence-based nursing interventions in providing q...
Clin Practicum/Palliative/Hospice Care
NUR 365 - Clinical Practicum in Palliative or Hospice Care (3 credits)
In this course, students will observe and emulate palliative/hospice nurses’ clinical practice. They will have practical opportunities to utilize evidence-based nursing interven...
Special Topics
These selected topics in nursing are offered periodically. Pre-requisites may vary per topics and/or consent of the instructor. Past offerings include Palliative Care, Care Management Principles, and Quality and Safety in Nursing, Introduction t...
NCLEX Seminar
No Description Set
Public Health Nursing
Public health theory, health promotion, and the nursing process are studied and applied to individuals, families, groups, and communities across the life span with diverse populations and in a variety of settings. Environmental health, epidemiology,...
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
This course focuses on a broad-based understanding and clinical application of mental health concepts and behavioral aberrations that occur in mental illness. Nursing students analyze the nursing process with a critical view towards the individual, f...
Nursing Leadership
Management and leadership skills are essential for all professional nurses. The skills are "community based" in that it is the community in which we serve that defines the needed abilities of managers and leaders in healthcare systems. The focus of t...
Evidence-Based Practice Theory
This course will focus on the definition of evidence-based practice and the application of evidence to inform nursing practice. The research process as related to qualitative and quantitative methods as well as other sources of data will be explored....
Complex Disease IV
This clinical course continues to look at the complexity of disease and focuses on the care of adults needing complex restorative and maintenance interventions in the area of critical care. Prerequisites: All 300-level Nursing courses completed.
Evidence-Based Practice Practicum
This is a clinical course and will provide the student the opportunity to apply evidence-based practice theory to the clinical setting. Service-learning will be a required element of the course, in the form of a 10-hour service-learning activity and...
Evidence-Based Practice
This course will focus on the definition of evidence-based practice and the application of evidence to inform nursing practice. The research process as related to qualitative and quantitative methods as well as other sources of data will be explored....
Genomics and Health Nursing
No Description Set
NCLEX Seminar
This course will consist of the administration of the NCLEX Predictor and review for the NCLEX examination. Students will develop a self-directed study and preparation plan. Prerequisites: All 200- and 300-level Nursing courses completed; NUR 403, NU...
Clinical Immersion
No Description Set
Clinical Immersion Clinical
This capstone course with a clinical immersion experience offers the student the opportunity to synthesize nursing knowledge. The student will have the opportunity to further develop clinical skills and practice leadership and management skills throu...
Trans in Prac: Adv Practice Nurse As Dnp
This course will explore the evolution of doctoral education in nursing. Current issues regarding the DNP role, including titling, role transition, education, certification, and public understanding of the role will be discussed. The role of the D...
Advanced Health Assessment Across the Li
This course is designed to expand upon basic health assessment skills and includes strategies for history taking and for physical, functional, developmental, and psychosocial assessment that recognizes and includes normal individual, cultural, an...
Advanced Pathophysiology Across the Life
This graduate course is designed to prepare advanced practice nurses to apply concepts of pathophysiology from the cellular level to disease process for assessment of patients with a variety of conditions across clinical settings. The concepts an...
Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics Across the
The focus of this course for advanced practice nurses is to expand theoretical and evidence-based knowledge and promote synthesis of pharmacotherapeutic concepts and principles across the lifespan. The application of knowledge of pharmacological...
Leading Quality Innovation in Advanced
This advanced leadership course focuses on the theories and practices needed to effectively lead innovative change to transform health care in the context of evidence-based thinking. Students are given the opportunity to develop an innovation phil...
Transforming Health Care Through Innovat
This course will examine the principles of effective information and communication systems with a focus on evaluating and using emerging technologies in innovative clinical practice and health care management. The ethics behind the changing role o...
Epidemiology for Adv Practice Nursing
This course guides graduate-level nursing students to understand the basic concepts of epidemiology while gaining and applying statistical conceptual skills. Focusing on the importance of disease prevention and community-centered migration, studen...
Interprofessional Collaboration for Imp
This interprofessional course will provide the student with a theoretical foundation in population approaches to improving systems of care and health outcomes. The student will analyze empirical evidence in population health and appraise interpr...
Transforming Health Care Through Outcome
This course focuses on the proactive management of clinical and service outcomes at all organizational levels to provide students with the ability to integrate outcomes into the routine flow of service delivery. Emphasis will be placed on understa...
Transforming Health Care Through Health
This course comprehensively reviews the U.S. healthcare delivery system in the following areas: history, policy, population characteristics, trends in health services access and utilization, structure, financing, organization and delivery of serv...
Theoretical Foundations
This course will analyze the major nursing theories and theories from other disciplines to explore how they apply to advanced practice registered nursing. Students in this course will develop a personal theoretical framework for their own clinic...
Psychopharmacology Across the Lifespan
This course provides the didactic background to prepare the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner for the complex role of prescribing psychotropic medications. Students will apply evidence-based knowledge of psychopharmacological principl...
Advanced Concepts in Psychiatric Mental
Advanced Concepts in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Current biological, genetic, developmental, and environmental factors are examined in concert with health disparities leading to the development of psychiatric disorders. Advanced comprehen...
Mgmt in Lifespan Psychiatric &mental Hlt
This course provides the evidence-based background to prepare the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner for the complex role of providing mental healthcare across the lifespan. The emphasis of this course is on applying select treatment...
Practicum in Psych Treatment&modalities
This course is a precepted clinical practicum designed to facilitate the preparation of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in providing mental health care for children, adolescents, adults and families. Learners will participate in...
Complex &chronic Prob in Psychiatric &mh
This course builds on the fundamental knowledge and concepts obtained in prior coursework, with continued focus on socio-cultural, environment, economic, family and spiritual factors. The role of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner...
Prctcm Complx &chronic Prob in Psych &mh
This course is the second precepted clinical practicum designed to facilitate ongoing development of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner role in management of mental healthcare needs of children, adolescents, adults and families wit...
Management of Common Problems in Family
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge necessary for the management of common health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Course content builds upon information in previous courses related to the principles of a...
Practicum in Common Problems in Family/A
This course is a precepted clinical practicum (210 clinical hours) focusing on the management of common health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity...
Management of Acute Problems in Family/
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge necessary for the management of acute health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Course content builds upon information in previous courses related to the principles of as...
Practicum in Acute Problems in Family/Ac
This course is a precepted clinical practicum (210 Clinical hours) focusing on the management of acute health problems in family/across the lifespan patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity...
Management of Complex and Chronic Proble
This course extends student knowledge regarding the management of family/across the lifespan patients. Students explore the principles of assessment and ethical issues related to complex, critical, and chronic problems in family/across the lifespa...
: Practicum in Complex and Chronic Probl
This course is a precepted clinical practicum (210 clinical hours) focusing on the management of complex, critically and chronically ill family/across the lifespan patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have...
The Steps to Practice Inquiry: Analyze,
This course will provide foundational knowledge in evidence-based practice and skills in appraising, evaluating, synthesizing and applying evidence. The focus will be on the critical and analytical evaluation of existing literature, research repor...
DNP Scholarly Project I: Design and Eti
This course builds on the problem identified and the literature review completed in NUR 650. The DNP Scholarly Project is a faculty-guided scholarly experience that provides evidence of critical thinking and ability to apply translational researc...
DNP Scholarly Project II: Applying Prac
This course is a faculty-guided scholarly experience that provides evidence that the student can implement the DNP scholarly project as demonstrated by the collection and analysis of the data. This course is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. (1 ho...
DNP Scholarly Project III: Disseminatio
This course synthesizes the experience of implementing an evidence-based practice investigation, including data analysis, evaluation, and application to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials. Studen...
Independent Advanced Health Assessment a
This course allows students who are required to take an additional advanced health assessment across the lifespan and culture credit/s, as determined through gap analysis. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Independent Advanced Pathophysiology Acr
This course allows students who are required to take an additional advanced pathophysiology across the lifespan credit, as determined through gap analysis. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Independent Advanced Pharmacotherapeutic
This course allows students to take an additional advanced pharmacotherapeutic across the lifespan credit, as determined by gap analysis. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Special Topics
This course allows students to take an additional independent special topic credit, as determined by gap analysis or degree audit. Permission of Dean or designee required.
Individualized Study
Individualized study in nursing. May be repeated. Permission of Dean or designee required.
: Independent Practicum for Clinical Hou
This course allows students to complete the Advanced Health Assessment across the Lifespan and Cultures or specialty clinical practicum hours not completed within the 16 week session/s. Permission of Dean or designee required. There is an associa...
Nurse Practitioner Core Review
This course provides an opportunity to remediate if needed in content related to advanced pharmacotherapeutics, advanced health assessment, and advanced pathophysiology. Approval by the Dean, DNP Director, or designee required.
Primary Care of Pediatric Patients
This advanced practice didactic course focuses on growth and development of patients ranging in age from newborn through adolescents. Health promotion strategies will be utilized to build the framework for excellence in delivery of care to pedia...
Primary Care of Pediatric Patients
This advanced practice didactic course focuses on growth and development of patients ranging in age from newborn through adolescents. Health promotion strategies will be utilized to build the framework for excellence in delivery of care to pediatric...
Practicum in Pediatric Patients I
This course is the first of three precepted clinical practicums. This practicum focuses on the management of pediatric/adolescent patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity to do health assessmen...
Practicum in Pediatric Patients I
This course is the first of three precepted clinical practicums. This practicum focuses on the management of pediatric/adolescent patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity to do health asse...
Management of Pediatric Care
This advanced practice didactic course focuses on the health assessment of newborns, well children, adolescents in the primary care setting. There is a continued focus on anticipatory guidance and health promotion as related to care of the well child...
Management of Pediatric Care
This advanced practice didactic course focuses on the health assessment of newborns, well children, adolescents in the primary care setting. There is a continued focus on anticipatory guidance and health promotion as related to care of the well...
Practicum in Pediatric Patients II
This course is a precepted clinical practicum focusing on the management of pediatric/adolescent patients. This course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous pediatric/adolescent practicum. Students will participate in a variety...
Practicum in Pediatric Patients II
This course is a precepted clinical practicum focusing on the management of pediatric/adolescent patients. This course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous pediatric/adolescent practicum. Students will participate in a var...
Management of Acute & Chronic Pediatrics
This advanced practice didactic course deepens student knowledge, competencies, and skills necessary for successful performance as a pediatric nurse practitioner across primary care settings. There is a focus on evidence based assessment, diagno...
Management of Acute & Chronic Pediatrics
This advanced practice didactic course deepens student knowledge, competencies, and skills necessary for successful performance as a pediatric nurse practitioner across primary care settings. There is a focus on evidence based assessment, diagnosis,...
Practicum: Pediatrics III
This course is the final precepted clinical practicum focusing on the management of pediatric/adolescent patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity for health assessment and formulation of a...
Practicum in Pediatric Patients III
This course is the final precepted clinical practicum focusing on the management of pediatric/adolescent patients. Students will participate in a variety of settings where they will have the opportunity for health assessment and formulation of a comp...
Immersion 1: Executive Leader
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 1: Family Nurse Practice
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation. This course is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis.
Immersion: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Integrate nursing science with knowledge from biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, ethics, and organizational sciences as the basis for advanced practice nursing using new approaches to care delivery.
Immersion: Psych Nurse Practioner
Will enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 2: Executive Leader
No Description Set
Immersion 2: Executive Leader
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 2: Family Nurse Practice
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 2: Family Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 2:PEDIATRIC Nurse Practitioner
Integrate nursing science with knowledge from biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, ethics, and organizational sciences as the basis for advanced practice nursing using new approaches to care delivery.
Immersion 2:Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation. This course is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis.
Immersion 2: Psych Nurse Practioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 2: Psych Nurse Practioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 3: Family Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation. This course is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis.
Immersion 3: Family Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation. This course is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis.
Immersion 3:PEDIATRIC Nurse Practitioner
Integrate nursing science with knowledge from biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, ethics, and organizational sciences as the basis for advanced practice nursing using new approaches to care delivery. Prerequsites: NUR-907 and NUR-917.
Immersion 3:Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation. This course is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis.
Immersion 3: Psych Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.
Immersion 3: Psych Nurse Practitioner
Enhance leadership capacity, build strategic relationships, and provide clinical and experiential learning for practice innovation.