Department: Business

Code Name Description
AC-201 Principles of Accounting I Accounting is often called the language of business. This course introduces students to the accounting cycle and the terminology of accounting through the application of procedures used to classify, record, and interpret business transactions and pre...
AC-202 Principles of Accounting II This course is a continuation of AC 201, completing an introduction to financial accounting and providing the fundamentals of managerial accounting. Topics include financial statement analysis, product costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, capital, a...
AC-301 Intermediate Accounting I This course and AC 302 provide in-depth coverage of financial accounting theory and practice for accounting majors and those who need more than basic knowledge. Topics include accounting processes and the application of GAAP to the preparation of the...
AC-302 Intermediate Accounting II This course is a continuation of AC 301. Topics include the application of GAAP to the recognition and measurement of plant assets and intangibles, debt securities, stockholder’s equity, pensions, leases, and income taxes. Service-Learning. Prerequis...
AC-303 Managerial Accounting This course presents advanced topics in cost and managerial accounting. It is intended for accounting majors and may also be appropriate for students interested in finance and operations. Topics include break-even analysis, job order, process, standa...
AC-305 Individual Income Tax No Description Set
AC-306 Tax Concepts This course provides an introduction to Federal Income Taxation and is intended for accounting and business majors who need to understand the tax implications of business decisions. Topics include analysis of principles, laws, and regulations which u...
AC-308 Governmental & Non Profit Acct No Description Set
AC-362 Legal & Ethical Issues in Business This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the legal and ethical issues business decision-makers face in determining appropriate policies and actions. Focus is given to the effect of decisions on stakeholders including emplo...
AC-401 Intermediate Acctg III No Description Set
AC-403 Cost Accounting No Description Set
AC-404 Auditing I This course examines the theory and practice of auditing as applied to transaction cycles, auditing terminology, internal control procedures, reporting on audited statements, audit evidence, and review and analysis of statements on auditing standards...
AC-405 Auditing II This course is a continuation of AC 404. Topics include auditor’s legal and ethical considerations, statistical sampling, extensions of the auditor’s function including operational auditing, compliance auditing, and reporting on other types of financ...
AC-406 Advanced Taxation No Description Set
AC-408 Governmental Accounting This course provides an introduction to the principles and procedures of fund accounting for government and nonprofit institutions. Topics include budgetary control, types of funds, revenue and expenditure accounting, and financial reporting for publ...
AC-412 Advanced Accounting No Description Set
AC-416 Career Development Starting one’s career is often both an exciting goal and a mystifying, overwhelming challenge. This course provides students with the knowledge and tools needed for successful career planning and entry. The course covers developmental issues, theorie...
AC-441 Accounting Systems No Description Set
AC-480 Special Topics: No Description Set
AC-487 Intership No Description Set
AC-490 Directed Study No Description Set
AC-499 Directed Study No Description Set
AC201 Principles of Accounting I Accounting is often called the language of business. This course introduces students to the accounting cycle and the terminology of accounting through application of procedures used to classify, record, and interpret business transactions and pr...
AC202 Principles of Accounting II This course is a continuation of AC 201, completing an introduction to financial accounting and providing the fundamentals of managerial accounting. Topics include financial statement analysis, product costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, capit...
AC203 Accounting and Finance Survey of accounting and finance. Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101
AC301 Intermediate Accounting I This course and AC 302 provide in-depth coverage of financial accounting theory and practice for accounting majors and those who need more than basic knowledge. Topics include accounting processes and the application of GAAP to preparation of the fin...
AC302 Intermediate Accounting II This course is a continuation of AC 301. Topics include the application of GAAP to recognition and measurement of plant assets and intangibles, debt securities, stockholder's equity, pensions, leases, and income taxes. Service-Learning. Offered sprin...
AC303 Managerial Accounting No Description Set
AC306 Tax Concepts No Description Set
AC362 Legal & Ethical Issues in Business No Description Set
AC404 Auditing I No Description Set
AC405 Auditing II No Description Set
AC408 Governmental Accounting No Description Set
AC416 Career Development No Description Set
BU-200 Introduction to Business This course provides a survey of business functions, principles, and practices; managerial tools for analysis; people’s behavior in organizations; practical applications in problem-solving and decision-making. The course is designed for students inte...
BU-201 Introduction to Sport& Event Management This course provides a survey of sport and event management business functions, principles, practices. Students study behavior in sports organizations and learn basic tools for analysis. The course is designed for students interested in careers in...
BU-203 Management Information Systems No Description Set
BU-204 Applied Statistics No Description Set
BU-211 Prin of Financial Accounting No Description Set
BU-212 Managerial Accounting No Description Set
BU-213 Personal Finance No Description Set
BU-224 Applied Business Statistics The course introduces students to the use of statistical information for business decision-making. Topics include summary measures, frequency distributions, probability, sampling, statistical inference, and simple regression. Emphasis is given to the...
BU-234 Applied Statistics No Description Set
BU-241 Principles of Macroeconomics No Description Set
BU-242 Principles of Microeconomics No Description Set
BU-253 Personal Financial Management No Description Set
BU-254 Personal Finance This is a basic, introductory course, which covers material essential to an understanding of personal financial management. Topics will include, but not be limited to, consumer credit and loans, automobile and housing decisions, insurance, tax strat...
BU-300 Introduction to Management No Description Set
BU-301 Business Law No Description Set
BU-302 Principles of Finance No Description Set
BU-303 Investments No Description Set
BU-304 Principles of Marketing No Description Set
BU-305 Marketing Management No Description Set
BU-306 Human Resource Management No Description Set
BU-307 Management of Information Res No Description Set
BU-308 Professional Writing & Presentation Letters, proposals, reports, and presentations are often the vehicles through which professionals get their ideas accepted and their contributions valued. This course teaches students the rhetorical principles and writing and presentation practices r...
BU-309 Effective Communications Mgt No Description Set
BU-311 Intermediate Accounting I No Description Set
BU-312 Intermediate Accounting II No Description Set
BU-313 Cost Accounting No Description Set
BU-315 Tax Concepts No Description Set
BU-324 Quantitative Methods in Business Each of the business disciplines uses quantitative information in its planning, operations, and performance evaluation. This course introduces students to a variety of methods and tools for using quantitative data effectively: linear programming, Bay...
BU-334 Business Ethics No Description Set
BU-335 Management of the Marketing Pr No Description Set
BU-342 Intermediate Microecon Theory No Description Set
BU-343 Contemporary Economic Issues No Description Set
BU-344 Comparative Economic Systems No Description Set
BU-352 Management of Financial Res No Description Set
BU-353 Investments No Description Set
BU-354 Quantitative Methods in Bus No Description Set
BU-361 Legal & Ethical Issues in Bus No Description Set
BU-362 Legal & Ethical Issues in Business This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the legal and ethical issues business decision-makers face in determining appropriate policies and actions. Focus is given to the effect of decisions on stakeholders including emplo...
BU-367 Media, Politics & Business No Description Set
BU-401 Not-For-Profit Management No Description Set
BU-402 International Business This course is designed to provide students an understanding of the global environment in which international business takes place, as well as the role and behavior of the multinational firm in responding to the environment. The course seeks to equip...
BU-404 Government & Business No Description Set
BU-407 Operations Management No Description Set
BU-408 Entrepreneurship No Description Set
BU-409 Labor Relations No Description Set
BU-410 Human Relations in Business No Description Set
BU-411 Advertising No Description Set
BU-412 Government & Business No Description Set
BU-415 Business Policy No Description Set
BU-416 Career Development Starting one’s career is often both an exciting goal and a mystifying, overwhelming challenge. This course provides students with the knowledge and tools needed for successful career planning and entry. The course covers developmental issues, theorie...
BU-417 Entrepreneurship No Description Set
BU-418 Marketing Research No Description Set
BU-423 Governmental & Advanced Acctg No Description Set
BU-424 Accounting Systems No Description Set
BU-425 Advanced Taxation No Description Set
BU-426 Auditing No Description Set
BU-431 Integrated Marketing Communic No Description Set
BU-432 Sales and Customer Relations No Description Set
BU-435 Marketing for Managers No Description Set
BU-436 Marketing Globally No Description Set
BU-438 Marketing Information No Description Set
BU-440 Economic Development No Description Set
BU-441 International Economics No Description Set
BU-445 Money & Banking No Description Set
BU-462 Government and Business No Description Set
BU-469 Business Strategy This capstone course for business majors provides students the opportunity to integrate the knowledge gained in their business coursework to better understand and engage the work of organizations. Topics include organizational assessment; organizatio...
BU-470 Senior Field Experience This course is designed to connect students’ course work in business to the operations of a real-world organization and to facilitate their transition from student to professional. Student teams function as consultants, with the guidance of a Faculty...
BU-480 Special Topics Special topics in business that are presented as announced. Prerequisites vary according to course. Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101
BU-487 Business Internship This course involves the student engaging in a minimum of 150 hours of professional work experience that is related to the student’s career goals and approved by the instructor. The student meets regularly with the instructor during the term and comp...
BU-495 Business Research No Description Set
BU-499 Directed Study Individualized study on a student-selected topic arranged through the program advisor. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing, permission, EN 102, COM 101
BU-600 Management Business Organizati No Description Set
BU-630 Marketing Systems No Description Set
BU-712 Financial Management No Description Set
BU-722 DP Systems No Description Set
BU-730 Advanced Marketing Systems No Description Set
BU-770 Contemporary Tax Problems No Description Set
BU200 Introduction to Business This course provides a survey of business functions, principles, and practices; managerial tools for analysis; people’s behavior in organizations; practical applications in problem solving and decision-making. The course is designed for students inte...
BU201 Intro to Sport and Event Management This course provides a survey of sport and event management business functions, principles, practices. Students study behavior in sports organizations and learn basic tools for analysis. The course is designed for students interested in career...
BU202 Financial Literacy This course provides an overview of business finance and accounting to provide students with a basic understanding of the financial concepts in managing a business. Topics include, but are not limited to, budgeting, financial statement analysis, cost...
BU202 Financial Literacy This course provides an overview of business finance and accounting to provide students with a basic understanding of the financial concepts in managing a business. Topics include, but are not limited to, budgeting, financial statement analysis,...
BU224 Applied Business Statistics The course introduces students to the use of statistical information for business decision-making. Topics include summary measures, frequency distributions, probability, sampling, statistical inference and simple regression. Emphasis is given to the...
BU254 Personal Finance No Description Set
BU308 Professional Writing & Presentation Letters, proposals, reports, and presentations are often the vehicles through which professionals get their ideas accepted and their contributions valued. This course teaches students the rhetorical principles and writing and presentation practices r...
BU310 Current Issues in Sport Management This course explores the contemporary issues influencing management decisions in the business of sport - from amateur sport to professional sport. It covers business and economic issues, social issues, political issues and legal issues.
BU310 Current Issues in Sport Management This course explores the contemporary issues influencing management decisions in the business of sport - from amateur sport to professional sport. It covers business and economic issues, social issues, political issues and legal issues.
BU314 Event Management This course is designed to prepare students for every aspect of planning, organizing and executing major events with an emphasis upon events in Hawaii (sporting, academic, civic). Pre-reqs: COM 200, BU 201, CIS 103
BU314 Event Management This course is designed to prepare students for every aspect of planning, organizing and executing major events with an emphasis upon events in Hawaii (sporting, academic, civic).
BU324 Quantitative Methods in Business Each of the business disciplines uses quantitative information in its planning, operations, and performance evaluation. This course introduces students to a variety of methods and tools for using quantitative data effectively: linear programming, Bay...
BU362 Legal & Ethical Issues in Business This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the legal and ethical issues business decision makers face in determining appropriate policies and actions. Focus is given to the effect of decisions on stakeholders including emplo...
BU402 International Business This course is designed to provide students an understanding of the global environment in which international business takes place, as well as the role and behavior of the multinational firm in responding to the environment. The course seeks to equip...
BU406 Effective Communication Mgt N/A
BU416 Career Development Starting one’s career is often both an exciting goal and a mystifying, overwhelming challenge. This course provides students with the knowledge and tools needed for successful career planning and entry. The course covers developmental issues, theorie...
BU469 Business Strategy This capstone course for business majors provides students the opportunity to integrate the knowledge gained in their business course work to better understand and engage the work of organizations. Topics include organizational assessment; organizati...
BU470 Senior Field Experience This course is designed to connect students’ course work in business to the operations of a real-world organization and to facilitate their transition from student to professional. Student teams function as consultants, with the guidance of a Faculty...
BU471 Becoming A Data Jedi: Info Analytics This course is a capstone course for the Chaminade University of Honolulu General Education Program. In this course, students will present mastery of foundational skills, Marianist and Native Hawaiian values and a global awareness through a program r...
BU471 Becoming a Data Jedi: Info Analytics BU-471 Becoming a Data Jedi: Info Analytics (3) This course is a capstone course for the Chaminade University of Honolulu General Education Program. In this course, students will present mastery of foundational skills, Marianist and Native Hawaiian...
BU480 Special Topics: Special topics in business that are presented as announced. Prerequisites vary according to course.
BU487 Business Internship This course involves the student engaging in a minimum of 150 hours of professional work experience that is related to the student’s career goals and approved by the instructor. The student meets regularly with the instructor during the term and comp...
BU499 Directed Study Individualized study on a student-selected topic arranged through the program advisor. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and consent of program advisor.
CIS410 Cyber Governance & Ethics This course examines the legal, ethical, and regulatory requirements for cybersecurity in business. Students will explore compliance tools, such as policy management software, and conduct audits to align business operations with regulatory frameworks...
CIS411 Cybersecurity Strategy & Communication This capstone course focuses on integrating cybersecurity tools and strategies into a cohesive business framework. Students will use tools like SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems and present cybersecurity solutions to non-techni...
CIS472 Cyber. Principles for a Changing World Cybersecurity Principles for a Changing World This course is designed to introduce the principals of cybersecurity. It provides an overview of cyberspace cybersecurity fundamentals. Cybersecurity is defined as the steps and processes taken to prote...
EC-201 Principles of Macroeconomics Analysis of structure and operation of the American economy; business cycles, fiscal and monetary institutions, and policies; GDP unemployment and inflation, and economic growth; and other public issues.
EC-202 Principles of Microeconomics Analysis of the functioning of firms within a market economy and how the market system allocates scarce resources; basics of supply and demand; theory of pricing under competition, monopoly, and imperfect competition; government interference in the m...
EC-302 Intermediate Microecon Theory No Description Set
EC-313 Contemporary Economic Issues This course provides students an opportunity to develop skills at using economic analysis to understand and consider current issues and challenges facing our society. The focus of the course is on the environmental impact of economic decisions, but t...
EC-314 Games and Economic Behavior This course examines the competitive and cooperative behaviors that occur when parties with conflicting interests must work together. The course also introduces students to individual and group behaviors, and their consequences that happen when the s...
EC-315 Environmental Economics This course focuses on natural resource economics and environmental issues. Topics include air and water pollution, toxic waste, deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity, global warming, and sustainable development. The course provides students the...
EC-320 Econ Systems in the Age of Globalization This course examines how representative economic systems function within the global economy. Emphasis is given to the study of individual features of economic systems and their impact on the performance and development of the respective economies. Pr...
EC-405 Money and Banking No Description Set
EC-410 Economic Development No Description Set
EC-412 Government and Business No Description Set
EC-420 International Economics This course provides students with the ability to understand and evaluate global economic trends and the operation of transnational organizations. Topics include causes and consequences of international trade, international trade policies, the role o...
EC-430 Public Finance No Description Set
EC-490 Advanced Seminar in Economics This seminar serves as the capstone course for the economics minor. Current issues and applications in areas such as behavioral, experimental, urban, public, labor, and health economics will be introduced. In addition, students will draw on topics an...
EC-499 Directed Study No Description Set
EC201 Principles of Macroeconomics Analysis of structure and operation of American economy; business cycles, fiscal and monetary institutions, and policies; GDP unemployment and inflation, and economic growth; and other public issues. Offered every semester.
EC202 Principles of Microeconomics Analysis of the functioning of firms within a market economy and how the market system allocates scarce resources; basics of supply and demand; theory of pricing under competition, monopoly, and imperfect competition; government interference in the m...
EC203 Economic Literacy This course provides an overview of microeconomics and macroeconomics and introduces the economic way of thinking to non-business major students. Special emphasis is given to understanding how economic concepts influence individuals' and organiz...
EC203 Economic Literacy Economic Literacy helps non-business students understand basic economic concepts. The course explains how individuals and organizations make economic choices. Economic reasoning learned here can be used for critical analysis, decision making and p...
EC313 Contemporary Economic Issues This course provides students an opportunity to develop skills at using economic analysis to understand and consider current issues and challenges facing our society. The focus of the course is on the environmental impact of economic decisions,...
EC314 Games and Economic Behavior This course examines the competitive and cooperative behaviors that occur when parties with conflicting interests must work together. The course also introduces students to individual and group behaviors, and their consequences that happen when the s...
EC315 Environmental Economics This course focuses on natural resource economics and environmental issues. Topics include air and water pollution, toxic waste, deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity, global warming and sustainable development. The course provides students the o...
EC320 Econ Systems in the Age of Globalization This course examines how representative economic systems function within the global economy. Emphasis is given to the study of individual features of economic systems and their impact on the performance and development of the respective economies. Of...
EC420 International Economics This course examines international trade and financial relations and international economic institutions. Offered spring semester of alternate years. Prerequisites: EC 201.
EC490 Advanced Seminar in Economics This seminar serves as the capstone course for the economics minor. Current issues and applications in areas such as behavioral, experimental, urban, public, labor and health economics will be introduced. In addition, students will draw on topics and...
EC700 Econ & Personal Finance: K-12 Educators This course prepares K-12 educators for teaching economics and personal finance at their grade levels. Participants will gain a better understanding of economics and personal finance and learn ways to effectively implement the Hawaii K-12 Social Stud...
ENV-315 Environmental Economics This course focuses on natural resource economics and environmental issues. Topics include air and water pollution, toxic waste, deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity, global warming and sustainable development. The course provides students the o...
ENV315 Environmental Economics This course focuses on natural resource economics and environmental issues. Topics include air and water pollution, toxic waste, deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity, global warming and sustainable development. The course provides students the o...
FIN-213 Personal Financial Management No Description Set
FIN-301 Principles of Finance This course introduces the role of financial management in the operation of a business. The focus is on understanding the issues and choices involved in maximizing the results of financial decisions. Topics include the time value of money, equity val...
FIN-302 Principles of Finance No Description Set
FIN-303 Principles of Investment No Description Set
FIN301 Principles of Finance This course introduces the role of financial management in the operation of a business. The focus of the course is on understanding the issues and choices involved in maximizing the results of financial decisions. Topics include time value of money,...
JBS-501 Elementary Japanese No Description Set
JBS-502 Elementary Japanese No Description Set
JBS-503 Intermediate Japanese No Description Set
JBS-504 Intermediate Japanese II No Description Set
JBS-505 Advanced Japanese I No Description Set
JBS-506 Advanced Japanese II No Description Set
JBS-600 Culture & Society of Japan No Description Set
JBS-610 Japanese Mgt: Policy & Prac No Description Set
JBS-620 Int'l Mktg/Japan & Asia No Description Set
JBS-630 Japanese Financial Management No Description Set
JBS-650 Japanese Civil Law No Description Set
JBS-660 Japanese/Oth Mgt Styles No Description Set
JBS-668 Japanese Business Policy Sem No Description Set
JBS-700 Curr Issues Japanese Bus No Description Set
JBS-710 Internship: Business in Japan No Description Set
JBS-710 Japanese Management No Description Set
JBS-720 International Mgmt Styles No Description Set
JBS-730 Curr Topics in Japan Bus & Soc No Description Set
JBS-740 Japan Bus Policy Seminar No Description Set
JBS-751 Japan's Asian Links No Description Set
JBS-760 Intl Econ Rel No Description Set
JBS-770 Intl Mkt Jap/Asia No Description Set
JBS-780 St: No Description Set
JBS-800 Japan Intern & Thesis No Description Set
MGT-200 Organizational Mgt & Behavior No Description Set
MGT-300 Ogranizational Mgt & Behavior No Description Set
MGT-301 Organizational Behavior This course introduces students to the fundamental issues in managing individuals and groups in organizations. Students will explore opportunities to apply course learning in their own organizational settings and to understand their personal theories...
MGT-305 Mgt of Information Resources This course introduces students to the development and use of information resources for organizational decision-making. Topics include systems analysis, data communications, internet research, decision support systems, planning and implementing manag...
MGT-306 Management of Human Resources This course provides an introduction to the field of human resource management. Students learn the implications of organizational behavior theory for the design of HR practices that facilitate employee performance and success. Topics include recruitm...
MGT-307 Management of Information Res No Description Set
MGT-308 Profess Writing & Presentation No Description Set
MGT-309 Effective Communications Mgt No Description Set
MGT-311 Organizational Design This course examines the macro aspects of organizational effectiveness and the internal and environmental factors which shape organizational structures. Organizational design options and determinants are considered in the framework of systems theory....
MGT-312 Organization Leadership This course explores traditional and transformational perspectives on leadership and identifies the tasks of leadership in complex organizations. The course provides an understanding of the challenges leaders face in successfully guiding people and s...
MGT-362 Legal & Ethical Issues in Bus No Description Set
MGT-380 ST: No Description Set
MGT-407 Operations Management This course examines how organizations manage the transformation of resources and materials into the goods and services they provide. Topics include operations strategies and procedures; production; quality management; productivity; location, layout,...
MGT-409 Labor Relations No Description Set
MGT-414 International Business Mgt No Description Set
MGT-415 Business Policy No Description Set
MGT-420 Team Dynamics Drawing from industrial-organizational psychology, communication, information science, and sociology, this course offers a multidisciplinary approach to understanding group behavior and improving team performance in various organizational contexts. S...
MGT-421 Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Managers and professionals in all fields benefit from having the skills and perspective to respond to situations where the people involved have different goals, different strategies, or different styles. This course identifies methods and techniques...
MGT-422 Professional Development for Managers Charting a management career presents many challenges. New skills are needed, personal demands are heightened, and work/life balance can seem impossible. This course provides a laboratory for examining the abilities, perspectives, and self-knowledge...
MGT-425 Strategic Project Management This capstone course for management majors provides students the opportunity to integrate the knowledge gained in their management course work to effectively engage the tasks of project management. The course provides hands-on learning that prepares...
MGT301 Organizational Behavior This course introduces students to the fundamental issues in managing individuals and groups in organizations. Students will explore opportunities to apply course learning in their own organizational settings and to understand their personal theories...
MGT305 Management of Information Resources This course introduces students to the development and use of information resources for organizational decision making. Topics include systems analysis, data communications, internet research, decision support systems, planning and implementing manag...
MGT306 Management of Human Resources This course provides an introduction to the field of human resource management. Students learn the implications of organizational behavior theory for the design of HR practices that facilitate employee performance and success. Topics include recruitm...
MGT311 Organizational Design This course examines the macro aspects of organizational effectiveness and the internal and environmental factors which shape organizational structures. Organizational design options and determinants are considered in the framework of systems theory....
MGT312 Organization Leadership This course explores traditional and transformational perspectives on leadership and identifies the tasks of leadership in complex organizations. The course provides and understanding of the challenges leaders face in successfully guiding people and...
MGT400 Management Seminar This seminar explores the most current and pressing challenges in management practice today, emphasizing critical analysis and problem-solving skills. Students will learn to analyze organizations and systems, develop creative breakthrough solutions,...
MGT401 Organizational Behavior This course provides an exploration of individual and group behavior within organizations, focusing on how human behavior influences organizational effectiveness. Students will examine key concepts in organizational structure, leadership, motivation,...
MGT407 Operations Management This course examines how organizations manage the transformation of resources and materials into the goods and services they provide. Topics include operations strategies and procedures; production; quality management; productivity; location, layout,...
MGT413 Training and Development This course explores the principles and practices of employee training and development in organizations. Students will learn how to assess training needs, design effective programs, and apply instructional methods based on adult learning principles....
MGT418 Global Business Strategy This course provides an in-depth analysis of global business strategy, focusing on the dynamics of operating in diverse international markets. Students will explore the global business environment, international trade, market entry strategies, and th...
MGT420 Team Building & Process Management Effective teamwork depends on groups managing their work and members’ interactions successfully. This course focuses on constructing and managing “great groups” at work. The course provides an understanding of group composition and member diversity,...
MGT421 Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Managers and professionals in all fields benefit from having the skills and perspective to respond to situations where the people involved have different goals, different strategies, or different styles. This course identifies methods and techniques...
MGT422 Professional. Development for Managers Charting a management career presents many challenges. New skills are needed, personal demands are heightened, and work/life balance can seem impossible. This course provides a laboratory for examining the abilities, perspectives, and self-knowledge...
MGT423 Change Management This course provides an in-depth examination of the change management process, focusing on strategies for initiating, leading, and implementing organizational change. Students will explore various change management frameworks and techniques, develop...
MGT425 Strategic Project Management This capstone course for management majors provides students the opportunity to integrate the knowledge gained in their management course work to effectively engage the tasks of project management. The course provides hands-on learning that prepares...
MKT-301 Principles of Marketing This course addresses the broad and diverse nature of the marketing function in organizations. The terminology that marketers use is covered, as well as the theories, models, and research activities that guide marketing decision-making. The challenge...
MKT-303 Internet Marketing No Description Set
MKT-304 Principles of Marketing No Description Set
MKT-305 Marketing Management No Description Set
MKT-411 Advertising No Description Set
MKT-412 Sales Management No Description Set
MKT-416 Multinational Marketing No Description Set
MKT-418 Marketing Research No Description Set
MKT-431 Integrated Marketing Communication Public relations and advertising promotions as integrated marketing communications. Topics include theory, budgeting, communication, media forms, creativity, coordination, and evaluation of campaigns. Cross-listed with COM 431. Prerequisites: COM 200...
MKT-432 Sales & Customer Relations Study of basic principles of selling and sales management and their application to specific cases. Topics include sales planning; sales personnel selection, training and motivation; sales force management and compensation. Offered annually. Prerequis...
MKT-433 Services Marketing No Description Set
MKT-434 Retailing & Merchandising No Description Set
MKT-436 Marketing Globally This course revisits basic marketing principles, considering the context of the global marketplace rather than domestic markets. Central issues and controversies surrounding global marketing will be discussed, as well as the adjustments that need to...
MKT-438 Marketing Information No Description Set
MKT-439 Consumer Behavior No Description Set
MKT-440 Strategic Marketing This course addresses the organization and coordination of the total marketing program, including the marketing mix elements, market research, market segmentation, and positioning in a case analysis format. Students will understand the interrelations...
MKT301 Principles of Marketing This course addresses the broad and diverse nature of the marketing function in organizations. The terminology that marketers use is covered, as well as the theories, models, and research activities that guide marketing decision making. The challenge...
MKT417 Retail Store Management No Description Set
MKT431 Integrated Marketing Communications Public relations and advertising promotions as integrated marketing communications. Topics include theory, budgeting, communication, media forms, creativity, coordination and evaluation of campaigns. Cross-listed with COM 431. Offered fall semester....
MKT436 Marketing Globally This course revisits basic marketing principles, considering the context of the global marketplace rather than domestic markets. Central issues and controversies surrounding global marketing will be discussed, as well as the adjustments that need to...
MKT440 Strategic Marketing This course addresses the organization and coordination of the total marketing program, including the marketing mix elements, market research, market segmentation and positioning in a case analysis format. Students will understand the interrelationsh...