Department: Master of Education

Code Name Description
ED-515 Found/Psychology of Education No Description Set
ED-580A Hist & Psy Found of Education No Description Set
ED-580B Math & Lit Strat of Teachers No Description Set
ED-590 Special Topics: No Description Set
ED-594 Student Teaching /Elem No Description Set
ED-595 Student Teaching Secondary No Description Set
ED-597 Student Teaching /ECE No Description Set
ED-600 Introduction to the MED No Description Set
ED-601 Understanding Ed Research & de No Description Set
ED-602 Intro to Educational Admin No Description Set
ED-603 Managerial Comm for Admin. No Description Set
ED-604 Managing School Environments No Description Set
ED-604E Managing Sch Environments-El No Description Set
ED-604H Managing Sch Environments-Se No Description Set
ED-604K Managing Sch Environments-Kam No Description Set
ED-604R Managing Sch Environments-Rise No Description Set
ED-604S Managing Sch Environments-Ssi No Description Set
ED-605 K-12 Math Methods No Description Set
ED-605P Math Methods-Special Education No Description Set
ED-605R Math Methods No Description Set
ED-606 Adv Ldrshp & Guideance in ED No Description Set
ED-606 Introduction to the MED No Description Set
ED-607 K-12 Language Arts No Description Set
ED-607C Language Arts-Ece No Description Set
ED-607P Language Arts-Special Educ No Description Set
ED-607R Language Arts-Rise No Description Set
ED-608 Montessori Child Development No Description Set
ED-609 Montessoril: Observ and Mgt No Description Set
ED-610 Mon:placed-Based Ed for the Yc No Description Set
ED-611 Mon: Nurt. the Spirit of Child No Description Set
ED-612 Using Educ Tech in Classroom No Description Set
ED-613 Children's Literature No Description Set
ED-614 ELEMENTARY MATH METHODS Philosophy and rationale for teaching math to young children. General math theory and concepts are demonstrated through the use of math materials and other manipulatives.
ED-614E Teaching Literacy Content-Eled No Description Set
ED-614H Teaching Literacy Content-Se No Description Set
ED-614K Teaching Literacy Content Area No Description Set
ED-614S Teaching Literacy Content-Ss No Description Set
ED-615 Child Develop. in Cultural Con No Description Set
ED-616 Creative and Critical Thinking No Description Set
ED-617 Philosophical Thinking Class No Description Set
ED-617 Support. Struggling Readers/Wr No Description Set
ED-618 Developing Fluent Readers/W No Description Set
ED-618 ELEMENTARY SOCIAL STUDIES METHODS This course focuses on strategies and methods for teaching social studies in the K-6 classroom. Over the course of the semester, students will analyze the role of the teacher in the social studies classroom, study diverse methods of delivering instru...
ED-618 Social & Emotional Development No Description Set
ED-619 Tchng in Area of Specializatio No Description Set
ED-620 Middle Sch Ed-Theory & Model No Description Set
ED-621 Adolescent Literature No Description Set
ED-622 SECONDARY ENGLISH METHODS In this course teacher candidates learn a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches appropriate in the secondary English classroom. It includes a survey of theory, practice, and trends in adolescent literacy and English language instructi...
ED-622K Team Teaching No Description Set
ED-623 Teaching Strategies: Secondary No Description Set
ED-624 Method of Teaching School Coun No Description Set
ED-625 Story of the Universe No Description Set
ED-625 Tchng Sci. Class You Never Had No Description Set
ED-626 Education for Mission No Description Set
ED-627 Spiritual Ecology No Description Set
ED-628 Nurturing the Spirit No Description Set
ED-629 Elem Language Arts and Methods No Description Set
ED-630 Elementary Integrated Curricul No Description Set
ED-631 Elementary Math Methods No Description Set
ED-632 Montessori Methods No Description Set
ED-632A Cult App Prac & Mont Methods No Description Set
ED-632B Dev of the Senses & Montessori No Description Set
ED-633 Cognitive Development No Description Set
ED-634 Ldrshp for Ed. Adminstrators No Description Set
ED-635 Financial Mgt for Principals No Description Set
ED-636 Adv Ldrshp & Guidance in ECE No Description Set
ED-636 Strategies & Technique for Use No Description Set
ED-637 Education Law No Description Set
ED-638 Music, Art & Creat Move Teach No Description Set
ED-639 Support. Struggling Readers/W No Description Set
ED-640 Language Arts No Description Set
ED-640C Language Arts-Ece No Description Set
ED-640E Language Arts-Eled No Description Set
ED-640S Language Arts:summer Inten on No Description Set
ED-641 Integrated Curriculum No Description Set
ED-641C Integrated Curriculum-Ece No Description Set
ED-641E Integrated Curriculum-Eled No Description Set
ED-641S Integrated Curriculum-Sum Int No Description Set
ED-642 Music & Movement No Description Set
ED-643 Hawaiian Language and Culture No Description Set
ED-643 PE, Health & Safety No Description Set
ED-643R Hawaiian Language and Culture No Description Set
ED-644 Art for Educators No Description Set
ED-645 Math Methods No Description Set
ED-645C Math Methods - ECE No Description Set
ED-645E Math Methods - ELED No Description Set
ED-645R Math Methods - RISE No Description Set
ED-645S Math Curr: Summer Intensive No Description Set
ED-646 Advanced Mathematics and Geome No Description Set
ED-646S Adv. Math & Geo: Summer Intens No Description Set
ED-647 Earth Science No Description Set
ED-647S Earth Science - Summer Intensi No Description Set
ED-647SL Earth Science Lab - Summer Int No Description Set
ED-648 Environmental Education No Description Set
ED-648L Environmental Education Lab No Description Set
ED-648S Environmental Ed W/Lab Summer No Description Set
ED-649 Philosophy of Montessori Educa No Description Set
ED-649S Phil of Montessori Ed - Summer No Description Set
ED-650 Christian Leadership in a Glob No Description Set
ED-651 Moral and Ethical Leadership No Description Set
ED-652 Multicultural Education & Div No Description Set
ED-652K Multicultural Education-Kameha No Description Set
ED-652R Multicultural Education RISE No Description Set
ED-652S Multicultural Education Summer No Description Set
ED-653 Develop. Fluent Readers/Writer No Description Set
ED-653 Encyclicals and Social Leaders No Description Set
ED-654 Leadership in the 21st Century No Description Set
ED-655 Leaders As Change Agents No Description Set
ED-656 Leaders in Organizational Set No Description Set
ED-657 Social Change and Community L No Description Set
ED-658 Education in Mission No Description Set
ED-658 Social & Emotional Development No Description Set
ED-659 Spiritual Ecology No Description Set
ED-659 Tchng in Area of Specializatio No Description Set
ED-660 Intro. to Exceptional Children No Description Set
ED-660R Intro Exceptional Child -RISE No Description Set
ED-661 Issues in Special Education No Description Set
ED-662 Assessment Exceptional Child No Description Set
ED-662P Assmnt Exceptional Child Spec No Description Set
ED-662R Assessment Exceptional Child No Description Set
ED-663 Story of the Universe No Description Set
ED-664 Consultation in Special Educat No Description Set
ED-664A Consultation in Special Educat No Description Set
ED-664B Student Teaching/Spec Ed No Description Set
ED-664P Student Teaching/Special Educa No Description Set
ED-664R Arlise Seminar Student Teach No Description Set
ED-665 Mild/Moderate Disabilities No Description Set
ED-665R Mild/Moderate Disabilities-RI No Description Set
ED-667 Nurturing Spiriit:Child,Paren No Description Set
ED-668 Student Teaching-Special Ed No Description Set
ED-668P Student Teaching Soecial Educa No Description Set
ED-668R Student Teaching-RISE No Description Set
ED-669 Lang Development No Description Set
ED-670 Issues Peace,Justice and Ed No Description Set
ED-670K Issues Peace,Justice and Ed No Description Set
ED-671 Social and Cultural Change No Description Set
ED-672 Conflict Resolution/Mediation No Description Set
ED-673 Rethinking Education No Description Set
ED-673K Rethinking Education No Description Set
ED-673R Rethinking Education-RISE No Description Set
ED-674 Social Studies Methods No Description Set
ED-674] Tchng in Area of Specializatio No Description Set
ED-675 Learning Styles Learning Theo No Description Set
ED-675K Learning Styles Learning Theo No Description Set
ED-675S Learning Styles Learning Theo No Description Set
ED-676 School & Special Education Law No Description Set
ED-677 Financial Mgt for Principals No Description Set
ED-678 Current Issues in Education No Description Set
ED-679 Instruc Differentiated Models No Description Set
ED-680 Special Topics No Description Set
ED-680A Advanced Early Childhood Outco No Description Set
ED-680B Advanced Early Childhood Manag No Description Set
ED-680C Multi-Sensory Language Strateg No Description Set
ED-680D Approaches to Lit in Film No Description Set
ED-680E Current Issues in Education No Description Set
ED-680K Integrating Technology No Description Set
ED-680X Mentoring At Punahou No Description Set
ED-681 Growing Up Gifted No Description Set
ED-682 Planning & Implementing Progra No Description Set
ED-683 Student Teaching - Special Ed No Description Set
ED-684 Culminating Experience No Description Set
ED-685 Assessing Teaching and Learnin No Description Set
ED-685K Assessing Teaching and Learnin No Description Set
ED-686 Seminar for Student Teaching No Description Set
ED-686C Seminar: EC Montessori No Description Set
ED-686E Seminar for Student Teaching No Description Set
ED-687 Student Teaching - Elementary No Description Set
ED-688 Teaching Seminar: Sped No Description Set
ED-689 Student Teaching - ECE No Description Set
ED-690 Seminars No Description Set
ED-690C Education Seminars - ECE No Description Set
ED-690E Education Seminars - ELED No Description Set
ED-690H Education Seminars - SE No Description Set
ED-690S Seminar - Summer Intensive No Description Set
ED-694 Student Teaching - Eled No Description Set
ED-694A Student Teaching: Elementary No Description Set
ED-694B Student Teaching: Elementary No Description Set
ED-694S Student Teaching-Summer Intens No Description Set
ED-695 Student Teaching - SE No Description Set
ED-695A Student Teaching - Secondary No Description Set
ED-695B Student Teaching - Secondary No Description Set
ED-697 Student Teaching - ECE No Description Set
ED-697C Student Teaching - Mon Non-Lic No Description Set
ED-697E Student Teaching-ECE w/Licens No Description Set
ED-699 Direct Study No Description Set
ED-701 Education Theories No Description Set
ED-702 Introduction to Research No Description Set
ED-702K Introduction to Research - Kam No Description Set
ED-702R Research Methos in Ed- Rise No Description Set
ED-703 Reflective Teaching and Assess No Description Set
ED-704 Quantitative Methods No Description Set
ED-705 Qualitative Methods No Description Set
ED-792 Planned Field Project 1 No Description Set
ED-793 Planned Field Project II No Description Set
ED614 Elementary Math Methods Philosophy and rationale for teaching math to young children. General math theory and concepts are demonstrated through the use of math materials and other manipulatives.
ED618 Elementary Social Studies Methods This course focuses on strategies and methods for teaching social studies in the K-6 classroom. Over the course of the semester, students will analyze the role of the teacher in the social studies classroom, study diverse methods of delivering i...
ED622 Secondary English Methods In this course teacher candidates learn a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches appropriate in the secondary English classroom. It includes a survey of theory, practice, and trends in adolescent literacy and English language instructi...
EDUC-600 Intro to the Master's Degree Program The course prepares candidates for success in the Master’s programs at Chaminade. Includes overview of the Master’s program. Students will be exposed to reading and writing at the graduate level and to a number of information-based and technological...
EDUC-601 History/Social Foundations No Description Set
EDUC-602 Psychological Found of Educ No Description Set
EDUC-603 Child Development & Education No Description Set
EDUC-608 Montessori Child Development This course examines psychological theories including Montessori’s planes of development. In addition, observation strategies and prepared environment for positive classroom management are discussed. Requires Observation.
EDUC-610 Elementary Language Arts and Methods This course focuses on the philosophy and rationale for the teaching of K-6 language arts. Content knowledge and pedagogical strategies that support the optional development of oral language, reading, and writing are emphasized. The influence of cult...
EDUC-612 Elementary Science Methods This course focuses on helping the teacher uncover big picture concepts through inquiry-based science activities, then planning dynamic science units for the elementary classroom based on these understandings. Successful candidates will acquire an un...
EDUC-614 Elementary Math Methods Philosophy and rationale for teaching math to young children. General math theory and concepts are demonstrated through the use of math materials and other manipulatives. Requires Observation and Participation. Observation and Participation fee appli...
EDUC-615 Advanced Mathematics and Geometry Elementary level mathematics concepts are demonstrated in this course with advanced manipulations; students practice with materials, place value, decimals, percentage, ratios, fractions, critical thinking, problem-solving; and plane and solid geometr...
EDUC-616 Music, Art & Creative Movement Analysis and experience with a variety of classroom activities that help children develop appreciation of vocal and instrumental music and movement on the physical, cognitive, and emotional development of children. Study of theories of discipline-bas...
EDUC-618 Elementary Social Studies Methods This course focuses on strategies and methods for teaching social studies in the K-6 classroom. Over the course of the semester, students will analyze the role of the teacher in the social studies classroom, study diverse methods of delivering instru...
EDUC-620 Teaching in Area of Specialization Demonstrates a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the content subject area. Concepts to be covered include establishing a context for instruction and presenting strategies for reading, writing, studying, and tr...
EDUC-621 Secondary Math Methods In this course, teacher candidates learn a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the secondary mathematics classroom. Concepts to be covered include establishing context for instruction, presenting strategies for...
EDUC-622 Secondary English Methods In this course teacher candidates learn a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches appropriate in the secondary English classroom. It includes a survey of theory, practice, and trends in adolescent literacy and English language instructi...
EDUC-623 Teaching Strategies: Secondary No Description Set
EDUC-624 Secondary Methods I: Science A survey of research-based STEM instructional practices. Students will participate as students in several of these research based practices as well as explore the research that investigates their effectiveness.
EDUC-625 Secondary Methods I: Social Studies Demonstrates a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the social studies classroom. Concepts to be covered include establishing a context for instruction and presenting strategies for reading, writing, and studying...
EDUC-627 Secondary Methods II This course demonstrates a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the content subject area. Concepts to be covered include Establishing a context for instruction; presenting strategies for reading, writing, and stu...
EDUC-628 Secondary Methods III In this course students will create original curriculum. Students will apply what they know about their subject matter specialty and effective teaching strategies by developing instruction materials.
EDUC-630 History & Profession of Education This course covers the general history, standards, and professionalism in education with an overview of the philosophical, legal, current trends in education theory, and multi-cultural issues in education.
EDUC-631 Psychological Foundations of Educ & Dev This course examines psychological theories of learning and development to focus on their application to the classroom. Theories of learning human information processing, constructivism, motivation, and cultural transmission are examined as well as s...
EDUC-632 Learning Environments This course will explore current research, theory, and best practices related to classroom management. Topics will include establishing effective rules and procedures, classroom management systems, managing individual student behavior, developing rel...
EDUC-633 Diverse Learners Students will examine theories of race, culture, and socio-economic status and their implications for teaching. Culturally responsive teaching methods, with emphasis on Hawaiian students and diverse groups living in Hawai’i, will be researched. Stude...
EDUC-635 Long & Short Range Planning This course is designed for students in the Teach for America program. It addresses course design, unit planning, lesson planning, and assessment. Students study and implement a curricular design framework to be incorporated within their K to 12 Teac...
EDUC-636 TFA Seminar I To fulfill credential requirements, Teach for America corps members are required to pass Seminar in Transformational Leadership and Teaching 1 and 2 during their first year in the corps. Corps’ members standing in this course depends upon regular att...
EDUC-637 TFA Seminar II To fulfill credential requirements, Teach for America corps members are required to pass Seminar in Transformational Leadership and Teaching 1 and 2 during their first year in the corps. Corps’ members standing in this course depends upon regular att...
EDUC-640 Educational Technology in the Classroom The goal of this course is to foster an understanding of educational technology and to develop competence in integrating it in the classroom. To meet this goal, the course provides applications of numerous technological strategies.
EDUC-642 Teaching Literacy Thru Content No Description Set
EDUC-643 Hawaiian Culture and Language Examines the following topics: major phases of Hawaiian history, diversity of cultures in Hawaii, and cultural/political significance of indigenous languages in the Pacific. Students will become familiar with indigenous teaching models of education a...
EDUC-649 Montessori Philosophy This course examines Montessori’s holistic approach to life and philosophy of education. In addition, observation strategies and prepared environment for positive classroom management are discussed. Requires three observations.
EDUC-650 Managing School Environments No Description Set
EDUC-652 Multicultural Education & Div No Description Set
EDUC-654 Assessing Teaching & Learning No Description Set
EDUC-660 SPED: Introduction Exceptional Children Overview of the laws governing Special Education and student categories served in special education. This includes students with learning disabilities, emotional and behaviorally challenged, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders speech and langua...
EDUC-662 SPED: Assessment, Planning & Comp Tech Quantitative and qualitative assessment of students referred to or enrolled in special education programs. Major topics include behavioral observation, psychometric properties of tests, cognitive test of ability, perceptual-motor tests, and measures...
EDUC-665 SPED: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Overview of learning, behavioral, and personality characteristics of students diagnosed with special needs. Important issues in the field are presented along with service delivery options and assessment and intervention strategies for the classroom t...
EDUC-667 SPED: K-12 Math Methods Overview and application of mathematics instructional approaches, strategies, techniques, and assessment methods for students with mild/moderate disabilities in K-12 settings.
EDUC-668 SPED: K-12 Language Arts and Methods Overview and application of language arts instructional approaches, strategies, techniques, and assessment methods for students with mild/moderate disabilities (K-12). Requires Observation and Participation. Observation and Participation fee applies.
EDUC-669 Special Education Leadership This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of IDEA 2004 and its procedural requirements. Topics include special education instructional environments/placements, inclusion challenges, differentiation and co-teaching models. Community colla...
EDUC-680 Special Topics No Description Set
EDUC-681 Supervised Field Experience Provides supervision and mentoring to new teacher candidates already serving in classrooms prior to student teaching in order to increase their effectiveness and the quality of their instruction during their initial teaching period.
EDUC-684 Teaching Seminar: Secondary Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guide...
EDUC-685 Secondary Student Teaching Provides supervised student teaching in approved secondary schools. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines and acceptance to student teach. Co-requisite: E...
EDUC-686 Teaching Seminar: Elementary Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guide...
EDUC-687 Elementary Student Teaching Provides supervised student teaching in approved elementary schools. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines and acceptance to student teach. Co-requisite:...
EDUC-688 Teaching Seminar: Special Education Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guide...
EDUC-689 Student Teaching: Special Education Supervised student teaching in an approved special education classroom. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines and acceptance to student teach. Co-requisit...
EDUC-690 Teaching Seminar: PK-3 Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 691). Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements p...
EDUC-691 Student Teaching: PK-3 Provides supervised student teaching in approved PK-3 schools. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 690. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines and acce...
EDUC-701 Educational Research & Design Provides experiences to foster systematic and thoughtful inquiry into educational research and practice. Candidates explore relevant educational research strategies, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and licensure related to their area o...
EDUC-703 Introduction to Action Research This course extends the principles and methods of research learned in the Educational Research and Design course to action research in an instructional setting. A focus will be on using research skills to foster systematic and thoughtful inquiry into...
EDUC-712 Motivation and Learning in Education Examination of key learning theorists and learning styles for application to teaching and learning. Students are given an opportunity to examine their own learning style and how this is formative in their teaching.
EDUC-714 Integrated Curriculum (Elementary) Utilizing “Understanding by Design” principles, facilitates the development of an integrated curriculum unit that applies student-centered learning, and appropriate instructional processes, assessment, and technology in a thematic unit of study that...
EDUC-716 Creative and Critical Thinking This course is a survey of the current research and best practices that facilitate student’s development of creative and critical thinking skills.
EDUC-717 Prin of Project & Design Based Learning This course focuses on project design with an emphasis on projects that take full advantage of digital learning environments. Both teacher-designed projects and student-designed projects (challenge-based learning) are covered with strategies for cont...
EDUC-718 Mobile & Online Learning Technologies This course investigates digital learning environments and how best to facilitate learning both when using mobile digital devices within a normal classroom space as well as when the classroom itself is a digital space. eBooks, FlexBooks, podcasts, in...
EDUC-719 Leadership in Learning Seminar This course examines the many forms of both formal and informal teacher leadership in learning environments, in their institutions and in their communities. It considers the various barriers to individual teacher leadership that result from the struc...
EDUC-722 Cognitive Development: Theory/Practice Designed to familiarize students with key theoretical and empirical research approaches to understanding how cognitive processes develop from infancy through adolescence. Major topics include brain, perceptual, memory, language, and conceptual develo...
EDUC-723 Language Development: Theory to Practice This course focuses on the investigation of the development of language and its relationships to school learning, cognitive development, and social development. Also stressed will be the differences between English and other languages that impact to...
EDUC-724 Social& Emotional Dev Theory to Practice This course covers the theoretical, empirical, and applied issues in children’s interpersonal, emotional, and personality development. Specific topics addressed will include attachment, personality, temperament, aggression, and motivation with consid...
EDUC-725 Science & Environmental Education This course illustrates the history of our planet and its inhabitants and interdisciplinary science studies relating zoological, botanical, geological, and cultural studies to the classroom. Additional fees applies.
EDUC-726 Children's Literature Examination of criteria for selecting and using literature at various stages of child development; in-depth study of literary genres; a focus on teaching in a literature-based program, practical uses of child and adolescent literature throughout the...
EDUC-727 Supporting Struggling Readers/Writers This course is designed to prepare educators to work with students who are experiencing difficulty in reading and writing. The course is taught with daily application in an elementary school.
EDUC-728 Developing Fluent Readers/Writer Development of graduate student’s expertise in teaching literacy. This course is taught with daily application in an elementary school followed by an on-campus class.
EDUC-732 Planning & Implementing Programs for GS Concentrations on the planning and implementing of gifted programs in both public and private school settings for pull-out and inclusive classrooms. The areas of concentration include assessing school needs, identification procedures, program plannin...
EDUC-733 SPED: Issues in Special Education Examination of major issues and challenges in the special education field; emphasis on such topics as non biased assessment, mainstreaming, non-categorical vs. categorical special education, and evaluation programs. Includes special education referra...
EDUC-734 Special Education Law Survey course that gives an exploration of the laws that govern schools, disabilities, and special education, Provides background knowledge in laws and court cases involving public and private education, student and family rights, teacher rights, tor...
EDUC-740 Current Issues in Education Covers key issues in education, focusing on the role of the teacher and the principal in studying the issues and developing strategic plans for response.
EDUC-741 Intro to Educational Administration This course is an introduction to the field of educational administration and leadership. The focus is on understanding schools as complex adaptive social systems and the administrator's role as a change leader. Developing productive relations betwee...
EDUC-742 Leadership -Educational Administrators Designed to provide guidelines for the principal as manager and leader of change through decision-making, motivation, group dynamics, and co-empowerment with the teacher.
EDUC-743 Education Law Examines dimensions of law as they impact educational institutions. Discussion will center on local and national laws and how they impact the delivery of courses, students, faculty, and staff, and the community.
EDUC-744 Managing Communication &Personnel Issues This course focuses on communicating effectively as an administrator and the vital role in managing personnel through a series of exercises and assignments.
EDUC-745 School Community Relations This course examines principles, techniques, policies, and organizations to promote and sustain vibrant positive, and dynamic school-community relations. This includes the study of marketing strategies and processes; successful models of school, fami...
EDUC-746 Financial Mgmt for School Administrators Provides a general overview for administrators regarding financial institutional planning and accountability for organizational success.
EDUC-747 Curriculum Administration This course is designed to provide education leader candidates with the skills and knowledge to effectively undertake curriculum and instructional leadership in the schools. This includes an overview of basic concepts and theories underlying curricul...
EDUC-749 Research for Educational Leadership This course introduces participants to the purposes, methods, and practices of educational research applied to contemporary issues in educational leadership and administration. The course begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of educational...
EDUC-751 Foundations of Catholic Education This survey course introduces the student to the history of Catholic education in the United States. Using primary documents the class investigates the principles that have shaped the character, quality, and direction of the church’s ministry of educ...
EDUC-753 Catholic & Private School Law The course introduces the student to the legal framework under which Catholic schools operate. Geared toward the practical needs of administrators, the course investigates such issues as student and faculty handbooks, hiring practices, special needs...
EDUC-754 Development for Catholic Schools The course introduces students to the vision, skills, and organization needed for building adequate development programs in Catholic schools. It is a hands-on course that helps administrators create programs of institutional advancement from the grou...
EDUC-756 Leadership for Catholic School Adminis This course is designed to expand administrators’ knowledge and skills in such areas as communication, personnel management, and community leadership for Catholic schools. Prerequisite: Catholic cohort only
EDUC-757 Curriculum Leadership for Catholic Sch This course is designed to expand administrators’ knowledge and skills in curriculum management, curriculum development, and assessment. Prerequisite: Catholic cohort only
EDUC-761 Montessori Child Development No Description Set
EDUC-762 Montessori Philosophy No Description Set
EDUC-763 Montessori Observ and Mgt No Description Set
EDUC-764 Cult Appropriate Practice & Mont Methods This course examines development of order, concentration, coordination and independence in children from age two-and-a half to age six. Includes appropriate models, inclusion of practical living activities, and relationship to other content areas. Mo...
EDUC-765 Development Senses & Montessori Methods This course examines development of neuromotor function and the senses in children age two-and-a-half to age eight. Content explores the influence of culture on brain development, activities for developing the senses and sensory-motor function, and t...
EDUC-766 Language Arts & Montessori Methods This course focuses on the development of language skills of children age two-and-a-half to age eight with attention to the influence of culture in language. Content includes how to develop a model for a language rich environment at the early childho...
EDUC-767 Math & Montessori Methods This course introduces the philosophy and rationale for the teaching of math to young children. General math theory concepts are demonstrated with Montessori early childhood education materials and other manipulatives. Montessori math methods are pre...
EDUC-768 Plant Based Education for Young Child This course focuses on developing a place-based curriculum for children ages three to six, which utilizes the child’s own physical and cultural environment as a framework for learning experiences in all curriculum areas.
EDUC-769 Nurturing the Spirit of the Child This course focuses on developing learning environments that cultivate the spiritual nature of the young child, encouraging children to be peaceful within themselves, caring with others and responsibly respectful toward their environment.
EDUC-770 Integrated Curriculum This course examines the broad aims on education with a focus on the inquiry approach to learning science using the Montessori sequence, Emphasis is placed on writing a science-based curriculum across the content areas and on preparing learning cente...
EDUC-771 Advanced Ldrshp & Guidance in Education This course provides experienced educational leaders with the knowledge and skill to facilitate, guide, and coach school level administrators to effect the requisite transformational and systematic changes in schools to increase student achievement.
EDUC-772 Advanced Ldrshp & Montessori Offered in a specially designed Education Leadership Cohort program only. Please contact the Education Division to inquire about future cohort options. Requires Observation.
EDUC-773 Child Development in Cultural Context Focuses on child development in cultural perspectives by evaluating the role of culture in the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children. Special attention will be on the approach and implication of cross-cultural studies of...
EDUC-780 Special Topics in Education Course of special interest are given on an occasional or trial basis in the Master of Education (MED) programs.
EDUC-781 Student Teaching Montessori ECE Provides supervised teaching in approved early childhood schools. Co-requisites: EDUC 782, EDUC 784
EDUC-782 Seminar Montessori ECE Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes MACTE Competencies and Standards-based Exit Portfolios. Co-requisites: EDUC 781, EDUC 783
EDUC-783 Student Teaching Montessori ECE Provides supervised teaching in approved early childhood schools. Co-requisites: EDUC 782, EDUC 784
EDUC-784 Seminar Montessori ECE Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes MACTE Competencies and Standards-based Exit Portfolios. Co-requisites: EDUC 781, EDUC 783
EDUC-785 Student Teaching - ECE No Description Set
EDUC-786 Seminar Montessori ECE No Description Set
EDUC-787 Montessori Performance Final This course provides an opportunity for students to review and practice Montessori pedagogy to prepare for the final performance exam and the written exam to be recommended for Montessori Society. Required course for Montessori Credential.
EDUC-790 Social Peace Justice& Educational Reform Exploration of influences on educational change at classroom, school, community, state, and national levels. Focus on critical examination of peace and justice theories, principles, and research related to educational reform.
EDUC-791 Action Research Proposal In this course practitioners will write a proposal for an action research project, conduct a small pilot project, and collect baseline data in preparation for completing an action research project. Prerequisite: EDUC 703
EDUC-793 Action Research Project & Report Practitioners will conduct the action research project proposed in the Action Research proposal course, analyze the data, and present the results in writing. Prerequisite; EDUC 701, 703 & 791
EDUC-794 Culminating Experience Capstone course that draws upon principles, methods, and content acquired throughout the Master’s experience. The purpose behind the course is to produce an original work that demonstrates one’s ability to analyze and synthesize major ideas and princ...
EDUC-795 Education Research I: Intro to Ed Resrch Survey of educational research aligned with a student’s selected topic of interest. In this first course in the M.Ed. Education Research series, students will read critically and evaluate education literature resulting in a synthesis of ideas focused...
EDUC-796 Education Research II Survey of educational research methodologies aligned with a student-selected topic of interest. In this second course in the M.Ed. Education Research series, students will (1) examine the ethical issues of conducting Human Subject research, (2) analy...
EDUC-797 Education Research III This course was designed to support the data collection and analysis of participant created education research investigations. In this third course in the M.Ed. Education Research series, students will (1) execute data collection and analysis of rese...
EDUC-798 Education Research IV In this fourth and final course of the M.Ed. Education Research series, students will complete their research investigation and present their findings. Students will also reflect on how the findings from the research and what they learned from the M....
EDUC-EDUC Creative and Critical Thinking No Description Set
EDUC600 Introduction to the MED The course prepares candidates for success in the Master’s programs at Chaminade. Includes overview of the Master’s program. Students will be exposed to reading and writing at the graduate level and to a number of information-based and technological...
EDUC608 Montessori Child Development This course examines psychological theories including Montessori’s planes of development. In addition, observation strategies and prepared environment for positive classroom management are discussed. Requires Observation.
EDUC610 Elementary Language Arts and Methods This course focuses on the philosophy and rationale for the teaching of K-6 language arts. Content knowledge and pedagogical strategies that support the optional development of oral language, reading, and writing are emphasized. The influence of...
EDUC612 Elementary Science Methods This course focuses on helping the teacher uncover big picture concepts through inquiry-based science activities, then planning dynamic science units for the elementary classroom based on these understandings. Successful candidates will acquire...
EDUC614 Elementary Math Methods Philosophy and rationale for teaching math to young children. General math theory and concepts are demonstrated through the use of math materials and other manipulatives. Requires Observation and Participation. Observation and Participation fee appli...
EDUC615 Advanced Math and Geometry Elementary level mathematics concepts are demonstrated in this course with advanced manipulations; students practice with materials, place value, decimals, percentage, ratios, fractions, critical thinking, problem-solving; and plane and solid geometr...
EDUC616 Music, Art & Creative Movement Analysis and experience with a variety of classroom activities that help children develop appreciation of vocal and instrumental music and movement on the physical, cognitive, and emotional development of children. Study of theories of discipline-bas...
EDUC618 Elementary Social Studies Method This course focuses on strategies and methods for teaching social studies in the K-6 classroom. Over the course of the semester, students will analyze the role of the teacher in the social studies classroom, study diverse methods of delivering instru...
EDUC620 Teaching in Area of Specialization Demonstrates a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the content subject area. Concepts to be covered include establishing a context for instruction and presenting strategies for reading, writing, studying, a...
EDUC621 Secondary Math Methods In this course, teacher candidates learn a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the secondary mathematics classroom. Concepts to be covered include establishing context for instruction, presenting strategies for...
EDUC622 Secondary English Methods In this course teacher candidates learn a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches appropriate in the secondary English classroom. It includes a survey of theory, practice, and trends in adolescent literacy and English language instructi...
EDUC624 Secondary Methods I: Science A survey of research-based STEM instructional practices. Students will participate as students in several of these research based practices as well as explore the research that investigates their effectiveness.
EDUC625 Secondary Methods I: Social Studies Demonstrates a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the social studies classroom. Concepts to be covered include establishing a context for instruction and presenting strategies for reading, writing, and studying...
EDUC627 Secondary Methods II This course demonstrates a variety of instructional methodologies and approaches that are workable in the content subject area. Concepts to be covered include Establishing a context for instruction; presenting strategies for reading, writing, and stu...
EDUC628 Secondary Methods III In this course students will create original curriculum. Students will apply what they know about their subject matter specialty and effective teaching strategies by developing instruction materials.
EDUC630 History & Profession of Education This course covers the general history, standards, and professionalism in education with an overview of the philosophical, legal, current trends in education theory, and multi-cultural issues in education.
EDUC631 Psychological Foundations of Educ & Dev This course examines psychological theories of learning and development to focus on their application to the classroom. Theories of learning human information processing, constructivism, motivation, and cultural transmission are examined as well as s...
EDUC632 Learning Environments This course will explore current research, theory, and best practices related to classroom management. Topics will include establishing effective rules and procedures, classroom management systems, managing individual student behavior, developin...
EDUC633 Diverse Learners Students will examine theories of race, culture, and socio-economic status and their implications for teaching. Culturally responsive teaching methods, with emphasis on Hawaiian students and diverse groups living in Hawai’i, will be researched. Stude...
EDUC635 Long/Short Range Planning This course is designed for students in the Teach for America program. It addresses course design, unit planning, lesson planning, and assessment. Students study and implement a curricular design framework to be incorporated within their K to 12 Tea...
EDUC636 TFA Seminar I To fulfil credential requirements, Teach for America corps members are required to pass Seminar in Transformational Leadership and Teaching 1 and 2 during their first year in the corps. Corps’ members standing in this course depends upon regular atte...
EDUC637 TFA Seminar II To fulfil credential requirements, Teach for America corps members are required to pass Seminar in Transformational Leadership and Teaching 1 and 2 during their first year in the corps. Corps’ members standing in this course depends upon regular atte...
EDUC640 Educational Technology in the Classroom The goal of this course is to foster an understanding of educational technology and to develop competence in integrating it in the classroom. To meet this goal, the course provides applications of numerous technological strategies.
EDUC643 Hawaiian Culture and Language Examines the following topics: major phases of Hawaiian history, diversity of cultures in Hawaii, and cultural/political significance of indigenous languages in the Pacific. Students will become familiar with indigenous teaching models of education a...
EDUC649 Montessori Philosophy This course examines Montessori’s holistic approach to life and philosophy of education. In addition, observation strategies and prepared environment for positive classroom management are discussed. Requires three observations.
EDUC660 Introduction to Exceptional Children Overview of the laws governing Special Education and student categories served in special education. This includes students with learning disabilities, emotional and behaviorally challenged, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders speech and langua...
EDUC662 SPED:Assessment of Exceptional Children Quantitative and qualitative assessment of students referred to or enrolled in special education programs. Major topics include behavioral observation, psychometric properties of tests, cognitive test of ability, perceptual-motor tests, and measures...
EDUC664 Observation and Participation The primary focus for this course is preparing teacher candidates for student teaching through completion of coursework assignments and 25 required hours of O&P in a classroom setting that aligns with the content area(s) of the program. Alongsid...
EDUC665 Sped: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Overview of learning, behavioral, and personality characteristics of students diagnosed with special needs. Important issues in the field are presented along with service delivery options and assessment and intervention strategies for the classr...
EDUC667 SPED: K-12 Math Methods Overview and application of mathematics instructional approaches, strategies, techniques, and assessment methods for students with mild/moderate disabilities in K-12 settings.
EDUC668 Sped: K-12 Language Arts and Methods Overview and application of language arts instructional approaches, strategies, techniques, and assessment methods for students with mild/moderate disabilities (K-12). Requires Observation and Participation. Observation and Participation fee app...
EDUC669 Special Education Leadership This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of IDEA 2004 and its procedural requirements. Topics include special education instructional environments/placements, inclusion challenges, differentiation and co-teaching models. Community colla...
EDUC681 Supervised Field Experience Provides supervision and mentoring to new teacher candidates already serving in classrooms prior to student teaching in order to increase their effectiveness and the quality of their instruction during their initial teaching period.
EDUC684 Teaching Seminar:Secondary Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 685). Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements...
EDUC685 Secondary Student Teaching Provides supervised student teaching in approved secondary schools. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 684). Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines an...
EDUC686 Teaching Seminar:Elementary Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 687). Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements p...
EDUC687 Elementary Student Teaching Provides supervised student teaching in approved elementary schools. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 686). Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines a...
EDUC688 Teaching Seminar:Special Education Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 689). Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements...
EDUC689 Student Teaching:Special Education Supervised student teaching in an approved special education classroom. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 688. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines...
EDUC690 Teaching Seminar: PK-3 Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes Standards-based Exit Portfolios. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 691). Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements...
EDUC691 Student Teaching: PK-3 Provides supervised student teaching in approved PK-3 schools. (Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 690. Prerequisite: Pass PRAXIS II or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines and acce...
EDUC701 Educational Research & Design Provides experiences to foster systematic and thoughtful inquiry into educational research and practice. Candidates explore relevant educational research strategies, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and licensure related to their area o...
EDUC703 Intro to Action Research This course extends the principles and methods of research learned in the Educational Research and Design course to action research in an instructional setting. A focus will be on using research skills to foster systematic and thoughtful inquiry into...
EDUC712 Learning Styles and Learning Theories Examination of key learning theorists and learning styles for application to teaching and learning. Students are given an opportunity to examine their own learning style and how this is formative in their teaching.
EDUC714 Integrated Curriculum & Tech Utilizing “Understanding by Design” principles, facilitates the development of an integrated curriculum unit that applies student-centered learning, and appropriate instructional processes, assessment, and technology in a thematic unit of study that...
EDUC717 Prin of Project & Design Based Learning This course focuses on project design with an emphasis on projects that take full advantage of digital learning environments. Both teacher-designed projects and student-designed projects (challenge-based learning) are covered with strategies for cont...
EDUC718 Mobile & Online Learning Technologies This course investigates digital learning environments and how best to facilitate learning both when using mobile digital devices within a normal classroom space as well as when the classroom itself is a digital space. eBooks, FlexBooks, podcasts, in...
EDUC719 Leadership in Learning Seminar This course examines the many forms of both formal and informal teacher leadership in learning environments, in their institutions and in their communities. It considers the various barriers to individual teacher leadership that result from the struc...
EDUC722 Cognitive Development: Theory to Practic Designed to familiarize students with key theoretical and empirical research approaches to understanding how cognitive processes develop from infancy through adolescence. Major topics include brain, perceptual, memory, language, and conceptual d...
EDUC723 Lang Development: Theory to Practice This course focuses on the investigation of the development of language and its relationships to school learning, cognitive development, and social development. Also stressed will be the differences between English and other languages that impac...
EDUC724 Social&Emotional Dev:Theory to Practice This course covers the theoretical, empirical, and applied issues in children's interpersonal, emotional, and personality development. Specific topics addressed will include attachment, personality, temperament, aggression, and motivation with c...
EDUC725 Science and Environmental Education This course illustrates the history of our planet and its inhabitants and interdisciplinary science studies relating zoological, botanical, geological, and cultural studies to the classroom. Additional fees applies.
EDUC726 Children's Literature Examination of criteria for selecting and using literature at various stages of child development; in-depth study of literary genres; a focus on teaching in a literature-based program, practical uses of child and adolescent literature throughout the...
EDUC727 Support. Struggling Readers/Wr This course is designed to prepare educators to work with students who are experiencing difficulty in reading and writing. The course is taught with daily application in an elementary school.
EDUC728 Develop. Fluent Readers/Writer Development of graduate student’s expertise in teaching literacy. This course is taught with daily application in an elementary school followed by an on-campus class.
EDUC732 Planning & Implementing Programs for Gif Concentrations on the planning and implementing of gifted programs in both public and private school settings for pull-out and inclusive classrooms. The areas of concentration include assessing school needs, identification procedures, program plannin...
EDUC733 Issues in Special Education Examination of major issues and challenges in the special education field; emphasis on such topics as nonbiased assessment, mainstreaming, non-categorical vs. categorical special education, and evaluation programs. Includes special education referral...
EDUC734 Special Educxation Law Survey course that gives an exploration of the laws that govern schools, disabilities, and special education, Provides background knowledge in laws and court cases involving public and private education, student and family rights, teacher rights, tor...
EDUC740 Current Issues in Education Covers key issues in education, focusing on the role of the teacher and the principal in studying the issues and developing strategic plans for response.
EDUC741 Intro to Educ Admininstration This course is an introduction to the field of educational administration and leadership. The focus is on understanding schools as complex adaptive social systems and the administrator's role as a change leader. Developing productive relations b...
EDUC742 Leadership for Educational Administrator Designed to provide guidelines for the principal as manager and leader of change through decision-making, motivation, group dynamics, and co-empowerment with the teacher.
EDUC743 Education Law Examines dimensions of law as they impact educational institutions. Discussion will center on local and national laws and how they impact the delivery of courses, students, faculty, and staff, and the community.
EDUC744 Managing Comm & Personnel Issues This course focuses on communicating effectively as an administrator and the vital role in managing personnel through a series of exercises and assignments.
EDUC745 School Community Relations This course examines principles, techniques, policies, and organizations to promote and sustain vibrant positive, and dynamic school-community relations. This includes the study of marketing strategies and processes; successful models of school, fami...
EDUC746 Financial Mgmt for School Administrators Provides a general overview for administrators regarding financial institutional planning and accountability for organizational success.
EDUC747 Curriculum Administration This course is designed to provide education leader candidates with the skills and knowledge to effectively undertake curriculum and instructional leadership in the schools. This includes an overview of basic concepts and theories underlying curricul...
EDUC749 Research for Educational Leadership This course introduces participants to the purposes, methods, and practices of educational research applied to contemporary issues in educational leadership and administration. The course begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of educational...
EDUC751 Foundations of Catholic Education This survey course introduces the student to the history of Catholic education in the United States. Using primary documents the class investigates the principles that have shaped the character, quality, and direction of the church’s ministry of educ...
EDUC753 Catholic & Private School Law The course introduces the student to the legal framework under which Catholic schools operate. Geared toward the practical needs of administrators, the course investigates such issues as student and faculty handbooks, hiring practices, special needs...
EDUC754 Dev for Catholic Schools The course introduces students to the vision, skills, and organization needed for building adequate development programs in Catholic schools. It is a hands-on course that helps administrators create programs of institutional advancement from the grou...
EDUC756 Ldrshp for Catholic Schools This course is designed to expand administrators’ knowledge and skills in such areas as communication, personnel management, and community leadership for Catholic schools. (This course is open to Catholic Cohort only).
EDUC757 Curriculum Leadership for Catholic Schoo This course is designed to expand administrators’ knowledge and skills in curriculum management, curriculum development, and assessment. (This course is open to Catholic Cohort only).
EDUC764 Cult Approp Practice & Montessori Method This course examines development of order, concentration, coordination and independence in children from age two-and-a half to age six. Includes appropriate models, inclusion of practical living activities, and relationship to other content areas. Mo...
EDUC765 Dev of the Senses & Montessori Method This course examines development of neuromotor function and the senses in children age two-and-a-half to age eight. Content explores the influence of culture on brain development, activities for developing the senses and sensory-motor function, and t...
EDUC766 Early Childhood Language Arts This course focuses on the development of language skills of children age two-and-a-half to age eight with attention to the influence of culture in language. Content includes how to develop a model for a language rich environment at the early childho...
EDUC767 Early Childhood Math Methods This course introduces the philosophy and rationale for the teaching of math to young children. General math theory concepts are demonstrated with Montessori early childhood education materials and other manipulatives. Montessori math methods are pre...
EDUC768 Mon:placed-Based Ed for the Yc This course focuses on developing a place-based curriculum for children ages three to six, which utilizes the child’s own physical and cultural environment as a framework for learning experiences in all curriculum areas.
EDUC769 Mon: Nurt. the Spirit of Child This course focuses on developing learning environments that cultivate the spiritual nature of the young child, encouraging children to be peaceful within themselves, caring with others and responsibly respectful toward their environment.
EDUC770 Integrated Curriculum This course examines the broad aims on education with a focus on the inquiry approach to learning science using the Montessori sequence, Emphasis is placed on writing a science-based curriculum across the content areas and on preparing learning cente...
EDUC771 Adv Ldrshp & Guideance in ED This course provides experienced educational leaders with the knowledge and skill to facilitate, guide, and coach school level administrators to effect the requisite transformational and systematic changes in schools to increase student achievement.
EDUC772 Advanced Leadership & Guidance in Early Childhood Education Offered in a specially designed Education Leadership Cohort program only. Please contact the Education Division to inquire about future cohort options. Requires Observation.
EDUC773 Child Develop. in Cultural Con Focuses on child development in cultural perspectives by evaluating the role of culture in the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children. Special attention will be on the approach and implication of cross-cultural studies of...
EDUC780 Special Topics Course of special interest are given on an occasional or trial basis in the Master of Education (MED) programs.
EDUC781 Student Teaching - ECE Provides supervised teaching in approved early childhood schools. Must be taken in conjunction with EDUC 782/784. Required course for Montessori Credential.
EDUC782 Seminar Montessori ECE Student support seminar is required with all student teaching courses. Student completes MACTE Competencies and Standards-based Exit Portfolios, Must be taken in conjunction with EDCU 781/783. Required course for Montessori Credential.
EDUC783 Student Teaching - ECE No Description Set
EDUC784 Seminar Montessori ECE No Description Set
EDUC787 Performance Final This course provides an opportunity for students to review and practice Montessori pedagogy to prepare for the final performance exam and the written exam to be recommended for Montessori Society. Required course for Montessori Credential.
EDUC790 Peace, Justice & Ed Reform Exploration of influences on educational change at classroom, school, community, state, and national levels. Focus on critical examination of peace and justice theories, principles, and research related to educational reform.
EDUC791 Action Research Proposal In this course practitioners will write a proposal for an action research project, conduct a small pilot project, and collect baseline data in preparation for completing an action research project. Prerequisite: EDUC 703.
EDUC793 Action Research Project & Report Practitioners will conduct the action research project proposed in the Action Research proposal course, analyze the data, and present the results in writing. Prerequisite; EDUC 701, 703 & 791.
EDUC794 Culminating Experience Capstone course that draws upon principles, methods, and content acquired throughout the Master’s experience. The purpose behind the course is to produce an original work that demonstrates one’s ability to analyze and synthesize major ideas and princ...
EDUC795 Educ Research I No Description Set
EDUC796 Educ Research II No Description Set
EDUC797 Educ Research III No Description Set
EDUC798 Educ Research IV No Description Set